Chapter 894 The Strange Patient
Chapter 894 The Strange Patient
The middle-aged man saw that Xiao Su'er had stopped feeling his pulse, but seeing his silent expression, his heart seemed to fall into the ice cellar in an instant, and he began to think wildly and asked in fear.

"Don't be nervous, you're fine! You don't have cancer." Xiao Su'er bit her lip and didn't know what to say. Tell him directly, is he not sick at all?It is conceivable that his reaction must be exactly the same as that of those patients a few days ago. He will definitely go crazy and even question her professionalism.

These days it always happens that a group of unknown patients come and tell them that they are not sick after taking their pulse, they will make a lot of noise here, as if they have no symptoms for a moment, rolling around in this clinic.

In the end, Xiao Su'er had no choice but to say that if she didn't believe it, she could go directly to the Western Hospital for testing with professional equipment, and they left cursingly, saying that when the time came to find out who was sick, they must come to close the clinic, but after going for the checkup, they were pitiful He came back and said that Western medicine could not detect any diseases, and begged them to prescribe some herbal medicine, even if it could not cure the disease, it could still strengthen the body.

After going through this kind of thing for a long time, Xiao Su'er was exhausted and didn't want to deal with it anymore.

"Everyone, you don't need to take your pulse anymore. If you feel pain in a certain part of your body for no reason, and you have never had any other diseases before, you don't need to take your pulse. I can tell you seriously that you are not sick, and this pain is for no reason. , If you don’t believe me, go to a regular hospital for an examination! We have encountered too many patients like you these days.”

Dr. Song looked at Xiao Su'er's embarrassment from the side, and directly said what he had summed up these days to these patients.

The patients looked at each other after hearing what he said, and they didn't know how to answer. Many patients knew the name of this clinic. A young doctor who is even more powerful than Hua Tuo.

"Dr. Xiao, you are an Internet celebrity doctor. We believe you. Are you really like what this old doctor said? We are not sick?"

The patients looked at Xiao Su'er expectantly. It was the first time they wished so much that they were actually sick. Otherwise, the pain for no reason would be terrible, and there was no way to cure it. Well, there will be no more pain.

"Dr. Song is right. These days we have encountered too many patients who are in the same situation as you. They are not sick, but they just have headaches or stomach pains for no reason. If there is no disease, let me tell you. You prescribe a few painkillers, and try to prescribe some that will not have any sequelae."

"But you also know that if you use too much painkiller, you will develop tolerance. When you get sick and then use painkiller, it may not have such a good effect, so you should bear it if you can. "

Xiao Su'er comforted these patients as calmly as possible, but the patients became dissatisfied when they heard her words.

"What does it mean to endure as much as you can? This is going to hurt people to death. We can't work and go to work when we are in such pain, and we have to support our families. What will we do in the future? Don't we want to live?"

"That's right. Aren't you a very powerful old-fashioned clinic? You are still the Internet celebrity doctor that everyone says. Netizens say that you are very good. You have already started a live broadcast on the Internet a few years ago, and you have also participated in the championship of the competition. Why? You can't even cure this little ailment, are you lying?"

Sure enough, the same symptoms happened a few days ago again, I felt pain all over my body for no reason, and I said I was not sick, how could people accept it!
"Calm down, everyone. We just don't want to lie to you, so we will tell the truth about your situation. If we want to deceive people, I will just make a joke. Don't you know that it is easy to cheat money? But doing so, yes What good do we have?"

Xiao Su'er stood up because of this group of restless patients, she felt that this unexplained illness was the Waterloo of her medical career, and it was a test from heaven.

When the patients heard what she said, they felt that it was reasonable, and she was right!If it's a liar, don't take this opportunity to make a big fortune. If it hurts like this, they will be willing to pay no matter how much they want.

"The doctor, how do you treat this? It's fine for a day or two. If you can bear it, you can bear it. If it takes a long time, there is no medicine to cure it. The pain is so painful."

"Everyone, I can only temporarily relieve your pain with painkillers. For the rest, I really have no other choice. I dare not give you medicines casually. If nothing happens, what should I do?" After Xiao Su'er finished speaking, she stood He got up and went to the medicine box to grab several pairs of painkillers and distributed them to the patients present.

The patients took the painkillers with complicated expressions, but they still had no choice but to thank them, turn around and leave after paying the money.

"Doctor Xiao, what do you think is going on here? Could it be a large-scale infectious disease? What if there are more and more people?" The receptionist ran to Xiao Suer's side and asked anxiously, she was also in the clinic It's been a long time, although it's just the front desk, but I also know how serious the consequences will be if it is an infectious disease.

"It can't be an infectious disease, don't worry! I'm going back today to make some quick pain-relief pills, which won't have any side effects on patients and minimize drug resistance. If these patients come again in the future, they will be directly distributed." Just give them pills, this time the condition is really tricky, I have to study it further."

Xiao Su'er tapped her fingers on the table with a dignified expression, took the medical record notebook beside her and drew three characters "positive" on it. Fifteen patients came today, plus those who came in the previous three days, the number has already exceeded a hundred .

If this number is more or less, it must be paid attention to. If it continues like this, it may cause panic among the whole people.

"Doctor Song, do you think there are any similarities between people suffering from this disease?" Xiao Su'er turned her head and asked.

"I have been paying attention to this situation for the past two days. Most of the people who came on the first day were girls, and they were young girls in their early twenties. I thought it might be concentrated among women of that age group, but after observing these two days Come down and find out that’s not the case.”

"Both men, women, young and old are tall, short, fat, and thin, and the location of the pain is different. There is no way to find the pattern." Dr. Song's expression is serious, and he has been annoyed by this disease for the past two days.

"Where did the first patient live, is there any record?" Xiao Su'er thought for a while, then walked to the front desk and asked.

"Yes! They are all registered, including today's." The receptionist dug out the registration book and handed it to Xiao Su'er. It has been three days since the first patient came to see a doctor. He hasn't come back these three days, so he should be getting better Well, with this in mind, Xiao Su'er is going to come to the doctor for a follow-up visit.

(End of this chapter)

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