Chapter 895 Old Classmates

Chapter 895 Old Classmates

Xiao Su'er wrote down the address when she was ready, and went straight to the patient's home when she left the clinic. She must investigate clearly. What happened this time is really strange. If it continues at this speed, I'm afraid everyone in the whole city will be killed. This kind of strange disease, it will be very difficult to control at that time.

She stepped out of the clinic with her high heels on, when she heard a familiar voice behind her, but the voice seemed to be mixed with too much emotion, and it seemed much more mellow, and she couldn't tell it apart for a while.

"Su'er..." A male voice called her name without any hesitation, and there was a lot of emotion in the voice. Xiao Su'er stopped in her footsteps, turned around slowly, and saw an old friend whom she hadn't seen for several years. He is so handsome, time has only polished him to become more mature.

I haven't seen each other in recent years, and I can still feel his warm smile when we meet again, but now he is wearing a suit, and he looks much calmer than when he was wearing sportswear before.

"Chi Siang, long time no see." Xiao Su'er looked at him, raised the corner of her mouth and called his name.

"Long time no see. I've seen your news on the Internet for several days. I think my old friend will come back, so I definitely want to visit you. I brought you a bouquet of flowers today to celebrate your return to Huaxia. Mainland." Chi Siang walked up to her with a bunch of elegant white roses in his arms, and handed the roses to her.

"How can such a good moral not be accepted?" Xiao Su'er hugged the flower generously, and said, "Thank you, but I have something to do today and I may not be able to get together with you today. Let's get together another day. Leave me a note." Your contact information is fine."

"Aren't you already off work? I see that you have come out of the clinic. Why do you have other things? You won't provide home visits, will you?"

"I don't want to come to see a doctor, but there are too many strange patients in the past two days. I want to go to them for a review. I am worried that this is an infectious disease that I have never encountered before. If it is because of my negligence, It’s not good to cause a larger-scale infection, I can’t find out the problem, maybe other people can find out, I’ll go check it out and tell them about the situation.”

Xiao Su'er said as she took out her cell phone and looked at him, "Leave me your number."

Chi Siang took her mobile phone, entered his number on it, and then handed it to her. When Xiao Su'er lowered his head to save his phone, his eyes never left her.

The two of them haven't seen each other for so many years, it's impossible for them to still be the same as when they were at the same table in high school, there is always a little estrangement, but he just wants to see her more.

"Okay, I'll save your phone number. I'll invite you to dinner this weekend. Old classmates always want to greet each other when they meet, but I really don't have time now, so I'll go first."

After Xiao Su'er finished speaking quickly, she turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, she found footsteps behind her. She turned her head and saw that Chi Si'ang was still following her.

"Why are you following me? I told you, I still have things to do." Xiao Su'er was a little helpless.

"Aren't you going for a follow-up visit? I'll go with you. Although I can't help you in terms of medical skills, I can be your driver and drive you there."

Chi Siang kept staring into her eyes, without blinking when he was talking, Xiao Su'er suddenly remembered something in college, she looked away, and couldn't refuse, nodded and said: "Okay then, come with me Go, I just want to ask on the Chinese medicine forum if anyone has received the same patient, so you can drive for me!"

As Xiao Su'er said, she stuffed the car keys into his hand, turned around and walked towards the underground parking garage.

She took out her mobile phone, sat in the co-pilot, and opened the forum page. Xiao Su'er was a little curious when she returned to the Chinese mainland. Is the Chinese medicine forum still there? After trying to find the website and log in, she found that it was still there, and it was discussed on it in the past two years more and more people.

Seeing her return, many old Chinese doctors I knew back then asked her a lot of questions on the forum, and she managed to get along with everyone again.

In this situation this time, she can only understand the part of the patients who come to the clinic to see a doctor, and she doesn't know about other areas. She has to find out how many people in this city have this situation.

"Everyone, my clinic has received a lot of patients who couldn't find the cause in the past two days. May I ask if you have encountered the same situation? Has any senior found the cause? Please let me know."

Xiao Su'er quickly typed this paragraph on the screen and posted it on the forum. She thought that someone would come to ask about the specific situation, or it would take a while for someone to answer, but she didn't expect that just after he sent it, a bunch of people immediately followed her Comment later.

"Master Susu, have you encountered this situation? We also have it here, but my hospital is a hospital that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine, but neither Western medicine equipment nor Chinese medicine can detect it. I was just about to ask you. "

"I also encountered this situation here, and the number of people is not low. It has reached two hundred people in just two days."

"What's going on? Is there any expert who can help us explain it? I feel so scared."

Looking at these people's replies, Xiao Su'er knew that she couldn't find the answer here, she put down her phone, raised her head, but found that it was still in the underground parking garage, Chi Siang sat in the driver's seat and didn't move, she turned her head Asked: "What's wrong with you, why don't you drive? Can't you drive?"

Chi Siang turned his head to look at her, and slowly leaned towards her. Seeing that his whole body was about to be pressed against Xiao Su'er, she quickly supported her with her hands, and said in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Chi Siang stretched out his long hand, and Xiao Su'er was about to take out the golden needle, but found that he just took the seat belt next to it and inserted it into the socket, "How dare I drive without a seat belt?"

He said this to Xiao Su'er, and then slowly got up. When he spoke, because the distance was too close, Xiao Su'er could feel his breath, which made her feel very uncomfortable. As long as she said a word, she would tie the safety net herself. Bring it, why do you want to do this?

She had an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, but she didn't say it out. After fastening the seat belt, Chi Siang really started the car and drove out of the underground garage, driving in the direction she said.

There was nothing to say all the way, Xiao Su'er was still on the forum, talking about this incident with some old doctors who had many years of medical experience.

It was only after half of the journey that Chi Siang spoke: "How have you been these past few years?"

"Huh? Life is good, how about you? We haven't seen each other for so many years, are you a successful person now? What industry are you in?" Xiao Su'er raised her head and looked at Chi Siang, who was wearing a high-end brand.

(End of this chapter)

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