Chapter 902 Affectionate Confession
Chapter 902 Affectionate Confession
Such words were heard in Xiao Su'er's heart, and it was absolutely impossible to say that she didn't have the slightest feeling. She is also human, and has the emotions and desires that ordinary people should have.

To be honest, she felt a little touched, even if the words were just spoken lightly without actually doing them, no one would know whether he was lying, whether they were fabricated at random in order to catch up with Xiao Su'er or from the heart, But he was able to say this, which still moved Xiao Su'er a little.

But if she was moved, she couldn't possibly agree, because she didn't like Chi Siang.

"Chi Siang, even if you say that, I still don't think there should be any change in our relationship. It's the best choice to continue to be friends. I don't accept your pursuit, and you don't want to spend any more time on me. , you go and look at the outstanding girls around you, they are more suitable for you than me, if you want to fall in love, you don’t need to chase after, naturally there will be a lot of girls who like you.”

Xiao Su'er didn't leave any leeway, and rejected him directly, and would not leave him any hope, this is the only way to be responsible to herself and him.

"You don't accept me now, I can understand, after all, we just met again, but it doesn't matter, I can continue to pursue you, one day I can impress you with my sincerity, you don't need to like me, but you can't stop me It is my right to pursue you, as a single woman, it is reasonable and legal for me to pursue you."

Chi Siang seemed to have made all the preparations, no matter what Xiao Su'er said, he could reply within a second, and his words seemed reasonable, Xiao Su'er couldn't find anything to refute at all.

She is a single girl, and she does not need to bear moral condemnation for pursuing her. There is nothing wrong with what he said.

"But why are you wasting time on me? I said that I won't be with you. The time you wasted on me will not be rewarded in the future. It's unnecessary. Don't you think we two Are friends better?"

Xiao Su'er didn't understand him, she didn't even know when Chi Siang liked her, why did she have to be so persistent?The two of them have been separated for five years, and they are no longer the kids in high school. Both of them have changed a bit. Even when he was young and ignorant, he had a good impression of him. These five years are enough to change his mind.

"Do you need to ask for rewards for everything? If you can't see the rewards, you can't do it. Those parents will not have children, because they are not sure whether the children they give birth will honor themselves in the future. My respect to you My feelings are also the same, I like you, I have liked you since five years ago, and I have been holding back and not saying it because I was worried."

"If you confess that you don't stay with me, we can't even be friends. It's because I'm so timid. How long have I missed you? Bo Qing'ang will confess directly, and you will be with him. If I had been with him first What about your confession, will the result be different, I haven't dated any girls in the past five years, and I've been waiting for you to come back."

"Now it's time, I decided not to be the same as five years ago, I will bravely say my love for you, even if you don't accept me now, I can wait, the first five years have passed, the second and third I can wait for any of them."

When Chi Siang spoke, there were frank emotions in his eyes. Ever since he met Xiao Su'er goodbye, he always looked into her eyes when he spoke, never flickering.

And these words shocked Xiao Su'er even more, did Chi Siang like her for so long?Since she was not with Bo Qingang five years ago, it started?

Waiting for her for five full years?What kind of perseverance can make him wait for so long, a person who has no news at all, a relationship that will not get a response, is it worth his persistence for so long?

Xiao Su'er fell into silence, because she really didn't know how to respond to such a relationship, such an affectionate confession, and said heartlessly, "Even if you wait for a lifetime, can't I be with you?" ’ But that’s just too hurtful, even though it’s the way it is.

After Chi Siang finished speaking, he took a deep breath and took the shochu next to him, poured a glass for Lin Su'er, "Drink it, forget what I just said, just don't stop me from pursuing you, I won't give up."

Xiao Su'er drank the shochu in the cup, lowered her head to eat what was in the bowl and said nothing more, and asked what love is in the world. For thousands of years, no one has been able to give a complete definition of true love. She once thought that Bo Qingang is the true love of this life, and the two will never be separated.

But the facts tell her that even two people who love each other may become strangers, and she is not willing to devote herself to the relationship anymore.

After the two of them finished eating, Chi Si'ang drove Xiao Su'er home. She didn't want to talk all the way, and played music with her earphones, separating the two of them.

Arriving outside the gate of Ang's Manor, Xiao Su'er got out of the car and wanted to leave quickly, but Chi Si'ang stopped her, "Su'er, wait a minute!"

Xiao Su'er paused in her steps, but she still didn't turn her head. She really didn't know how to face him in the future. After the window paper between the two was pierced, all she got was relative silence.

"You can continue to treat me as a classmate and as a friend, so you won't block me just because I want to pursue you, right?" Chi Siang seemed a little helpless when he spoke from behind.

Xiao Su'er turned her head to look at him, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"This is your birthday every year. I go to the counter to make a unique one for you. Each one is different. I have prepared all the birthday gifts for the past five years. Just accept it as if we have never been apart."

Xiao Su'er looked at the pile of jewelry bags, frowned, and immediately refused: "I don't want it!"

"But I have already bought it with your name engraved on it. If you don't accept it, I can't give it to others. They are destined to be yours. Just treat it as a gift from me as a friend. Accept it. "

"Since you can customize it, I know there are jewelry craftsmen who can erase the name on it. I won't accept anything. These things are too expensive."

"But..." Chi Siang walked towards Xiao Su'er while talking, and she subconsciously backed away until she reached the door and leaned against the wall, but Chi Siang still didn't stop, but walked away In front of her, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a wall dong came, directly pushing her against the wall, and his head slowly approached her.

(End of this chapter)

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