Chapter 903 Rh Negative Blood
Chapter 903 Rh Negative Blood
"You..." Xiao Su'er saw his head getting closer and closer to her, and when she was about to reach out to push him away, Chi Siang stopped her head, and said softly, just one finger away from her, "But I don't want to give it to other people, and I won't erase it. If you don't want me, donate it to charity in your name. How about letting them auction it?"

It was clearly a very common sentence, and it was enough to say it normally, but Xiao Su'er was really angry when she made such a series of movements, and pushed him away forcefully.

"Whatever you want, this is your business, don't do this anymore, you will really bore me."

After Xiao Su'er said this, she turned around and entered the Ang's Manor, her pace was more than twice as fast as usual.

Chi Siang watched her leave quickly, thinking about what she said just now that she would get bored with him, he was not afraid at all, instead he smiled and said: "Su'er, even if it's bored, it's because you feel tired of me. Only then did I realize that at least I have a small place in your heart, and it's not that I'm not completely inferior to Bao Qingang."

He went back to the car and poured out all the jewelry in the bag, and opened them one by one. There were rings and bracelets, each of which had the word Lin Su'er engraved on it.

At that time she still had this name, at that time she was still in Bo Qingang's arms, now Lin Suer no longer exists, only Xiao Suer is left, there is no Lin Suer belonging to Bo Qingang in the world, and he doesn't like it either This name, so she doesn't want these things just right!

Chi Siang threw everything out of the car at once, and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road without any mistakes.

Five days later.

Xiao Yuhan is also helping Xiao Su'er to study this unprovoked illness, mobilizing all the professors of their medical school in the school. The medical school of Imperial University has Chinese medicine majors, and all the professors of Chinese medicine and Western medicine are mobilized by him , work together to solve this emergency.

"Professor Xiao, I want to tell you something. These days you told me about the disease, I found similarities between these patients, and I also found some patterns."

A professor from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine came to Xiao Yuhan's office and told him with a report that although Dr. Song felt that the patients would be resistant and did not approve of 24-hour monitoring, Xiao Su'er and Xiao Yuhan would still treat all these patients with care. Monitoring was carried out, and all monitoring reports were sent to Imperial University for these professors to think about and discuss.

"Tell me what the rules are, my sister is almost dying of depression." Xiao Yuhan heard that there was finally progress, and got up anxiously to ask questions.

"Have you carefully studied the physical examination reports of these patients? I found that many patients have Rh-negative blood, which is what we call panda blood. These patients are obviously getting more and more serious. Others are not of this blood type. The patient has already recovered from his illness, and there will be no more pain."

The professor handed the report to Xiao Yuhan, who had already made a comparison, Xiao Yuhan took the report and carefully looked at the pain trends of those patients, so that's it!Before, they had been thinking that the source of the disease had ignored the blood type.

He was thinking of calling Xiao Su'er to tell about the pattern he discovered, but Xiao Su'er's call came in unexpectedly.

"Brother, it's not good. Do you know that many patients died. We didn't find out the cause of the disease, but there are patients who died of illness. Where are you now? Why don't you come with me to take a look."

When Xiao Su'er spoke, her voice was obviously a little flustered. Early this morning, she had already received calls from five family members, saying that a patient who visited their clinic a few days ago had passed away. This was something she never expected.

She thought that this disease of unknown origin would suddenly disappear, so she didn't have to think about it so much, but she didn't expect that it would be news of their death instead of the news of their recovery.

This news was really shocking, neither Xiao Su'er nor Dr. Song thought of it at all.

The professor next to him also heard Xiao Su'er's voice from the receiver, turned his eyes to Xiao Yuhan and said, "Quickly ask your sister, are those who died all RH negative blood?"

Xiao Yuhan didn't need to convey it again, Xiao Su'er had already heard his question through the phone, checked the medical records, and found that the patients who died were all panda blood types.

"That's right, it's panda blood. It seems that this matter is not as simple as I thought. Let me come to your school to communicate with you."

Xiao Su'er closed the medical records, picked up her bag and walked out the door. This panda blood always reminded her of some past events, and she couldn't help but want to find out what was going on. It seems that these are the things she has to worry about now Patients with rare blood types are gone, others can be let go for now, they will always recover.

Xiao Yuhan also took the report and nodded thoughtfully. He also remembered the experiment five years ago. He and Xiao Su'er both had rare blood types, which they inherited from their mother.

"Professor Xiao, I don't have class this afternoon, and there are some other things, you can discuss it with your sister first, if you find anything, tell me tomorrow, we can continue to communicate, I'm leaving first."

The professor of Chinese medicine put the report in his office and turned to leave. Xiao Yuhan took the report alone and studied whether these patients had other similarities besides the same blood type.

"Dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open from the outside. Rong Linger ran in with a smile, "Is Professor Xiao free? Give me some acupuncture today. I feel that after you gave me acupuncture the first two times, not only my sleep, but also my appetite has improved a lot.”

"Okay, then I won't read it either, I'll give you acupuncture, and change your thinking by the way." Xiao Yuhan didn't shirk, put down the report and took out the acupuncture bag.

Rong Ling'er dragged out the folding bed in the corner of the office, lay down on it skillfully, and took off her coat shyly.

"I've already given you a course of acupuncture treatment. If your sleep and diet return to normal, you don't need acupuncture anymore. After all, this is a treatment method, not a maintenance method." Xiao Yuhan inserted the needle into the her acupuncture points, while talking.

"It's indeed much better, but sometimes I still suffer from insomnia. I guess I need a course of treatment. It's too much trouble for Professor Xiao. I can treat you to dinner or take you out to play. As a reward, you can collect money if you want of."

Rong Ling'er refused to suspend the treatment. Now she can only use this legitimate reason to come to Xiao Yuhan frequently. If she doesn't even have this reason, the two of them will only drift apart in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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