Chapter 906 Charity Fund
Chapter 906 Charity Fund
But this time, this disease is different from all previous diseases. On the contrary, the elderly recover faster, while the young and middle-aged people seem to have weakened resistance. The people who died of this disease are all young and middle-aged people with panda blood type .

"Sister, it's the first time I've discovered such a serious disease, and I automatically rule out the patient's age and blood type. Don't you think it's strange? I always feel that something is wrong. We should investigate it carefully."

Xiao Yuhan looked at Xiao Su'er and made a suggestion, "Or else, let's look for young people with the panda blood type in this city, gather those who meet these two characteristics, and observe them every day to know Why, if they can be infected with this disease, they must have the same trajectory."

"It doesn't work for you. Who would allow you to observe yourself like a patient when you are not sick or suffering? This is a bit restricting personal freedom, and they will not agree." Xiao Su'er immediately rejected his proposal. idea.

"Then what should we do? We can't just sit and wait like this! On the list you provided, there are still many young people who meet the two criteria. What if they all die in two days?"

Xiao Yuhan couldn't help being a little worried. He always felt that this matter was not that simple, not to mention that he and Xiao Su'er were both panda blood type. Xiao Su'er stayed in the clinic every day and had to contact a large number of patients like this. What if I get sick?It just so happened that her age also matched, and he was worried that something would happen to Xiao Su'er one day.

"Now including the five patients I know, a total of more than ten patients have died. So many people have died in less than half a month. To be honest, the statistics are still very scary. What you said is very Reasonably, they must have certain trajectories of actions that can be perfectly superimposed together to get the same disease."

"It must be infected with the same virus. Let's investigate one by one. I'm here to contact the family members of the patients in our clinic. You try to contact other people. You are a professor at Imperial University. You have this name in Here, everyone is not so wary of your people, so you should investigate better."

Xiao Su'er immediately made the next plan, and Xiao Yuhan also agreed with what she said, which was much better than him gathering all the patients together.

The two of them studied in the office for a long time before finalizing all their plans. After two hours, Xiao Su'er raised her hand and glanced at the time on her watch and stood up, "Okay, I've been delayed here for too long today. It’s time to go back to the clinic, you should go to class too, and we’ll continue our research when we get home.”

"Then sister, let me take you back for a walk."

"No need, you're right here! I drove here by myself." Xiao Su'er shook the car key in her hand, turned and walked out of the office door.

After she walked out of the teaching building, she walked directly towards the school parking lot, but she didn't expect to meet an old friend on the way.

Bai Qingyue held two pieces of paper in her hand, looked at the content on the paper, and frowned, as if she was very distressed.

She hadn't seen Xiao Su'er yet, and Xiao Su'er was thinking about whether to go over and say hello to her, and she was hesitating when Bai Qingyue raised her head and looked in her direction.

When the two met for the last time five years ago, it can be said that it was a little awkward. After all, she once liked herself who was disguised as a man, and thought that the first time they met five years later, there would be some conflicts and estrangements between the two, but Unexpectedly, when Bai Qingyue saw her eyes light up, she ran towards her with a smile.

"It's great to see you here, and I still want to go to you." When Bai Qingyue spoke, her eyes turned into crooked moons, as if she was very happy.

Her appearance made Xiao Suer puzzled again. Rong Linger just now thought she would be very happy to see her, but she looked trembling, and now Bai Qingyue thought she would be a little angry when she saw her. I didn't expect to be so happy. What happened in this world?
In the past five years, people's attitude towards her has changed drastically, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"Is there something important that you are looking for me?" Xiao Su'er tried to calm down and asked.

"Yes, there are important things. You are not interested in charity. Why don't you do charity with me? I need your help with something. I have found many people, but most of the people I know are Western doctors. Those Chinese medicine practitioners are either old fashioned or not skilled enough.”

"I've thought about it for a long time, but grandma suggested that I come to you. After all, you are my god-aunt. Please help me."

Bai Qingyue was afraid that Xiao Su'er would not help, so she even used her grandmother's name.

Listening to her, Xiao Su'er also thought of how the old lady of the Bai family took care of her five years ago, and indeed felt the long-lost family affection from her, and listening to Bai Qingyue's words, she still wants to do good deeds, so there is no reason to refuse.

"Then tell me, what kind of public welfare activity is it, and you, Miss Bai's family, can't handle it."

"It's just that I set up a charity fund some time ago. At the beginning, I donated books to schools in poor mountainous areas. Our schools have already begun to be established. But after I went there last week, I found that not only education is very backward there , Even the medical conditions are very backward. There are many left-behind elderly people and children with particularly weak physical resistance, and there is no place to treat them when they are sick."

"Most of the elderly have serious senile diseases, so I want to donate some medicines. But you also know that there are so many requirements for this western medicine, which is not suitable and which is not suitable, and many western medicines have too many It's taboo, after a long-term supply, I'm afraid my pocket money is not enough, and I have to get sponsorship, so I want to get a batch of traditional Chinese medicine to go there first."

"Traditional Chinese medicine loses money and strengthens the original, and it can also help them strengthen their resistance. The most important thing is that there are not so many taboos. It is very good to eat as a conditioning medicinal diet. I just want to find a better Chinese medicine doctor who can help me buy medicinal materials. But those Chinese medicine practitioners I found were only thinking of making money, and the quality was not good at all.”

"Or it's some old antiques. They don't understand this kind of charity project. I'm afraid it will take a long time. I can't wait. I just wanted to find a reliable Chinese medicine doctor, and I thought of you. Please help me. "

After Bai Qingyue finished asking for help, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Xiao Su'er with anticipation on her face. Xiao Su'er was a little surprised when she heard her words. This young lady actually set up a charity fund to help people in impoverished mountainous areas. People are impressed!
(End of this chapter)

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