Chapter 907 Seeing is not necessarily believing

Chapter 907 Seeing is not necessarily believing

"No problem, this is a good thing, isn't it just to help you buy medicinal materials? I can help! And I can also find some herbs that work well for you, and some herbs that I grow myself. If you need them, I can also give you a little."

Xiao Su'er has been planting herbs in the Yaolingyu Space for these years, and she has already cultivated it into a large herbal medicine base. There are all kinds of herbs, and the harvest is good every year.

If such a good harvest were to be done in real life, at least several acres of land would be needed to complete it, but no one knew that Xiao Su'er had a secret base, which could produce a large amount of herbal medicine every year without taking up any resources.

It is precisely because of this that she cured all the illnesses on Old Man Ang's body these years, and used a lot of herbs to make various medicinal meals for him to regulate his body. Now Old Man Ang's body does not look like Old people of his age, many young people can't compare.

"Then thank you very much. I'll transfer the money to you immediately. The elderly in the mountainous area have rheumatism, hypoglycemia, and hypotension. Anyway, they are some geriatric diseases. They can't stop taking medicine, but they can't. You can buy the disease that can be cured once and for all!"

"I can only give you 50 yuan for the time being. You can buy as much as you can. I will give you the next batch of money after I finish the sponsorship."

Bai Qingyue hurriedly took out her mobile phone and prepared to transfer money to Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er pressed her hand, "Don't be so anxious, I also want to do my best to do charity, this is a good thing, this time I will take the money Come out, I will contact you after I buy it."

"You want to pay? No, no! Even if you want to do your best, you can't let you pay all the money! I know you are not short of money now, but this is my heart, how about it, I will transfer half of the money to you, first transfer 20, the more you buy, the better!"

But Bai Qingyue stubbornly asked for Xiao Su'er's card number, and immediately transferred 20 to her, which made Xiao Su'er change immediately. This young lady doesn't bully her classmates like Xiao Yuhan said. She knows how to do charity. The old man has nothing to do with her, she cares so much, let alone Rong Linger.

"Got it, then I'll go buy medicine immediately, give me three days." Xiao Su'er looked at the text message sent by the bank on her mobile phone, and gestured three fingers.

"Is it only three days? Are you sure it can be done? I'm looking for other people, but they all said it will take a month and a half, so I came to you." Bai Qingyue couldn't help but feel very happy when she heard this number. surprise.

"Others may take so long, but I don't need it, just three days, and I'll let you know then I'll leave first."

Xiao Su'er put away her phone and was about to leave, but after thinking about it, she turned and looked at Bai Qingyue, "Can I ask you something?"

"Okay, you promised to help me, and I will definitely help you too. You can ask anything you want." Seeing that the matter was resolved, Bai Qingyue felt very relieved, and read the novel with a smile on her face.

In the past five years, she has long since forgotten the matter of Xiao Su's children pretending to be men to deceive her, and she no longer has the attachment to Bo Qing'ang. There are many boys around her who pursue her, whether it is because of She is good-looking, and it is because of her family background in the Bai family, after all, she has no shortage of suitors, so she no longer holds grudges against Xiao Su'er.

"I want to ask if there is any conflict between you and Rong Ling'er? I heard from my younger brother that you were bullying your classmates at school, but I don't think you are like this kind of person."

Xiao Su'er was not tactful, but asked directly. Anyway, Rong Ling'er is not in front of her now, and she wants to hear what's going on.

When Bai Qingyue heard her words, she immediately rolled her eyes, her smile was gone, and she said angrily: "Did Rong Linger tell you? Or that Xiao Yuhan, why is he so annoying? As expected Straight men, they are always being played around by these green tea whores and white lotus."

"That Rong Ling'er is not what she looks like on the surface. She looks so harmless to humans and animals, okay? I think she has acted in a few movies and TV shows in the entertainment industry and she really regards herself as the heroine of her life. She is crazy!"

She couldn't stop complaining, as if she was holding a lot of grievances in her heart. After listening to her, Xiao Su'er realized that things didn't seem to be what Xiao Yuhan saw.

"What happened between the two of you?"

"What else can it be? That Rong Ling'er, she came to the professor and said that I copied her thesis, and that I was domineering in the class. If she didn't copy the paper for me, I would beat her, so she was afraid. The professor still He really thought I was a bully, and even gave me a scolding, and asked me to write the paper again."

When Bai Qingyue spoke, she was afraid that Xiao Su'er would not believe it, so she raised three fingers and pointed to the sky and said solemnly: "But the conscience of heaven and earth, I swear that I really didn't copy her thesis, let alone talk about being overbearing. I don't stay in school at all other time except for class."

"Although I paid the dormitory fee, I don't live in the school, and I haven't spoken to her a few words. I don't know where I offended her."

After Bai Qingyue finished complaining, the whole thing seemed to be reversed, it wasn't like what Xiao Yuhan told her at all, Xiao Su'er didn't know why, but she still believed what Bai Qingyue said.

"Then why do you say you are bullying on campus?"

"Someone smeared you for no reason, can you not be angry? I asked a few girls to warn her, but Xiao Yuhan happened to see it and said I was bullying on campus."

After Bai Qingyue explained everything, she let out a long sigh of relief, "Huh... these words, I originally wanted to tell Xiao Yuhan, but every time he sees me, he always raises his eyebrows, as if I owe you money." He is like a few million, so I don't bother to tell him, you are his sister, you can explain this matter clearly to him for me, so that he will not misunderstand me anymore, I am really not what he thinks Kind of people."

"Okay, I got it." Xiao Su'er nodded, she had some calculations in her heart, she didn't know why she was more inclined to trust Bai Qingyue, although Bai Qingyue was a little willful, but she wouldn't bully her classmates for no reason, On the contrary, Rong Ling'er made her feel a little strange.

But Rong Ling'er is not like Bai Lianhua, she will deliberately speak ill of her classmates!Xiao Su'er was caught in doubts, she still remembered the unconfident girl five years ago who avoided the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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