Chapter 908 Carrying Herbs
Chapter 908 Carrying Herbs
After Xiao Suer returned home, the first thing she did was to hide in the bedroom, lie on the bed and enter the medicine spirit jade space. The space is no longer just the medicine spirit wood as before. All kinds of medicinal materials, and the seedlings grow vigorously.

After she arrived overseas, she always wanted to take care of herself and Xiao Wang's body. She spent all day in the medicine spirit jade space before discovering another function of this space, that is, it can expand the territory infinitely. It is amazing to say that there is a special dimension that cannot be calculated by the ground area of ​​the real world.

Originally thought that the area of ​​the medicine spirit jade space was very small, but after she planted all the medicinal materials, the next morning, she found that there would be an extra large space in the space. After many times in a row, it has been expanded by her. , just like another small country.

She took down the sickle and hoe she put aside, and began to dig the herbs planted inside. The spiritual power of the medicine spirit jade space is strong, and the herbs here are much more effective than ordinary herbs, and many of them are from Ghost Doctor Valley. Herbal medicine is not available in China mainland.

The efficacy of the medicine is so good that the Chinese medicine practitioners here have never seen it before. Donate these herbs to poor mountainous areas, and the elderly will definitely recover faster after eating them.

After several hours of digging, she finally stopped and transported all the herbs from the medicine spirit jade space to the yard of Ang's villa when she saw several piles of herbs that were almost taller than her. .

Xiao Yuhan was a little strange looking at the herbs that suddenly appeared, "Sister, how did you do it, I didn't remember so many things when you came back just now, who sent them here?"

"It's not important. The important thing is that these things will be able to play their role immediately. I will transport it to the poor mountainous area to give to the elderly there, but it is not enough. The professor of the Chinese Medicine Department of your school is not going to give it to the students. Are you taking an experimental class? Where did you buy those medicinal materials?"

"Do you have the phone number of the supplier? Give me one! I want to buy a batch of medicinal materials. I want a supplier with a conscience. Don't shoddy ones. I don't want the ones that are shoddy."

Xiao Su'er didn't tell them about the existence of Yaolingyu space until now, of course, she couldn't explain who sent it, so she had to change the topic.

Hearing this, Xiao Yuhan immediately asked curiously: "Sister, you just came back and are going to do charity? Which mountain area are these medicinal materials going to be sent to?"

"Bai Qingyue found me. She set up a charity fund, and she wants to go to the mountains to deliver medicinal materials to the elderly. By the way, she still has something to tell you."

Xiao Su'er took off her gloves and turned to look at Xiao Yuhan beside her. As expected, when Bai Qingyue was mentioned, his whole face darkened, and he asked coldly, "What does she want to tell me? She and I have another I'm not familiar with you, there's nothing you need to tell me."

"I really have something to tell you. The last time she talked about Rong Linger was because Rong Linger discredited her in front of the professor..."

"Why did she say such things to you? She came here to mess around before. I don't like this Bai Qingyue at all, sister, have you forgotten how she treated you too much before? Why are you having an affair with her now? We dated, and even helped her to do charity, although I think doing charity is a very good behavior, but we can go by ourselves, why should we go with Bai Qingyue?"

Listening to his words, Xiao Su'er felt that his prejudice against Bai Qingyue was really too great, she frowned slightly, looked at him and said with emotion: "My brother, you have said that doing charity is very good , then why divide people? We all want to do good things together."

"And you have too much prejudice against Bai Qingyue. Even if she is really right, you feel that she is already wrong from your subjective consciousness, and you don't listen to her explanation at all."

"I just have a prejudice against her. A little girl is self-willed all day long. Rong Linger said that she is like a princess in their class. Everyone must obey her, otherwise she will bully others. Such a girl How can a child be liked? So sister, don't explain to her anymore, I don't like her, I saw her bullying her classmates that day. "

Xiao Yuhan just didn't want to listen to her explanation, but Xiao Su'er heard another message from his words.

"What did you say? Rong Linger told you that Bai Qingyue often bullied other students in her class, only Rong Linger told you? Did other students say the same thing?"

How could this Rong Linger speak ill of others behind her back? Although Bai Qingyue has a bit of a temper, she is not as exaggerated as she said. It seems that she really has a problem.

"I don't know the other students in their class, but Rong Linger won't lie to me. I saw Bai Qingyue arguing with her at the door of my office last time."

Xiao Yuhan believed in Rong Linger's appearance very much. In his eyes, Rong Linger was better than Bai Qingyue. Xiao Su'er didn't say much, but asked him with a smile: "Brother, are you Do you like that Rong Linger a little bit?"

Xiao Su'er can't even remember how many times she asked her this question. After all, Xiao Yuhan mentioned Rong Ling'er too many times recently. Before that, he didn't know that the kind and pure girl he was talking about was Rong Ling'er , Now knowing that it is someone I know, I can't help but feel curious, and want to ask him clearly.

This younger brother of hers has never been in a relationship before, and has rejected so many girls' advances in love. If he likes Rong Ling'er, it is normal.

It's just that this Rong Ling'er is indeed a lot strange compared to five years ago. If my younger brother really likes her, he still needs to figure out what's going on.

Xiao Yuhan frowned when she heard her question, "Sister, why are you asking this again, I told you, I just think this girl is pretty nice and kind, but it doesn't involve liking her, "

"What is this saying? If you think this girl is very nice, it means that you have a crush on her. It's not wrong for you to like her. You can indeed consider getting along with a girl. You don't want to be alone. Forever? I know you don't like girls with a little temper like Bai Qingyue, but Rong Linger is very suitable for you, she doesn't seem to have any temper towards you. "

"Sister, I don't want to tell you anymore, you can get your medicinal materials here." Xiao Yuhan saw Xiao Su'er began to persuade him to find a girlfriend again, turned around and ran into the house with a headache, not wanting to talk to her again.

(End of this chapter)

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