Chapter 909

Chapter 909

"Don't run away, I'm telling you very seriously, you are getting old, and if you don't find a girlfriend, you will die alone. Don't think that Dad doesn't worry if he doesn't tell him. In fact, he is very afraid that you will die forever. I lived alone." Seeing him running away, Xiao Su'er immediately caught up with him and kept thinking about him.

"Sister, can you stop chanting here like a Tang monk? I'm only 25 years old this year, and I'm still very young. How could I die alone? Can you and Dad stop worrying about it? If you continue to do this, I will I called my grandfather for help."

Xiao Yuhan covered his ears. In the whole family, only Mr. Ang was open to his lifelong affairs. Everyone else started nagging him non-stop since he was 23 years old, asking him to find a girlfriend. Even the butler is the same.

"It's useless for you to ask grandpa for help. At most, he will say that he is not in a hurry and let you listen to my opinion. My opinion is to let you quickly find someone to get out of the order!"

Xiao Su'er pulled Xiao Yuhan's ear and shouted at him, Xiao Yuhan sat on the sofa and moved a step to the left, and she followed closely.

"Sister, according to me, you should find a boyfriend quickly, my sister is so good-looking, it's a pity not to find a boyfriend, and don't you think it's right to find a boyfriend to help you. "Xiao Yuhan changed the subject.

But this time Xiao Su'er didn't respond, Xiao Wang, who was sitting next to him and playing with the computer, suddenly jumped up, "No, mom can't find a boyfriend, I don't agree."

Just kidding, what he always thought was that his father and mother would get back together, and he could have a complete family. If Xiao Suer went to find a boyfriend, it would be absolutely impossible for him to find Bo Qingang. At that time, he would only be able to take care of one People who are not related by blood are called Dad.

This is not good at all, and the most important thing is that he can see that in his mother's heart, what he misses most is his father.

Xiao Yuhan looked at Xiao Wang's such a big reaction, but it was a bit strange. He also discussed this issue with Xiao Wang before, of course when he was overseas, Xiao Wang still said very seriously at that time, if his mother wanted to go Finding a boyfriend, he is also acceptable, as long as mother is happy, but today is so excited, what happened?

"What's the matter with you, Mengbao? Why did you react so strongly? Didn't you take it easy before?" Xiao Yuhan couldn't help feeling a little strange, and hugged Xiao Wang in his arms.

"Anyway, mom can't find someone else. Now mom doesn't have anyone she likes. If she finds someone else to make ends meet, her life will be very bad in the future. Don't you watch TV dramas?"

Xiao Wang still spoke in a serious manner, and even brought out all the TV series, Xiao Su'er rubbed his head beside him, "What do you watch every day, do you still watch this kind of TV series, watching dramas about conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and tragic family ethics?" ? You are not allowed to watch at a young age, be careful and I will lock your computer in the future."

Xiao Wang is really too smart, and now he has started to browse randomly on the Internet. He wants to get involved in all kinds of knowledge, but he is too young for these things, and he doesn't need them at all. to know.

"I won't watch it in the future, but my mother must promise me not to find a boyfriend." Xiao Wang took Xiao Su'er's hand very seriously, as if to make her swear.

Xiao Su'er knew that Bo Qing'ang would go to his place where he played the piano to find him in the past few weeks, which is why she didn't buy a piano for Xiao Wang to practice at home, because she wanted to give him a chance to spend more time with her father.

Now it seems that the two of them get along very well. He refuses to meet new boys and have new feelings. Is this good or bad?

It is impossible for her and Bo Qing'ang to be together again. Although she really has no idea of ​​starting a new relationship, but Xiao Wang's resistance, does that mean that he wants to get back together with Bo Qing'ang? okay?But this is impossible, and I don't know if this will make him unhappy in the future.

Xiao Su'er thought so, and decided to have a good talk with Xiao Wang, carried her back to the room, put Xiao Wang on the bed, and looked at him seriously.

"Mengbao, tell the truth, do you really not want your mother to find another boyfriend?"

"I don't want to! Mom, do you want to be with that Uncle Chi who came to the house last time? No, really not!"

Xiao Wang's tone was very firm, he was afraid that Xiao Su'er would be with him, so he aggravated his tone.

"I won't be with that Uncle Chi, because I don't like him either, but I want to know why you reacted so strongly, is it because of Bo Qingang? I said he was your father because I didn't want to hide it You, but it doesn't mean that there is still a possibility for me and him, if you have such an idea, you should let it go as soon as possible."

Xiao Su'er has always educated Xiao Wang with an equal attitude, and never treated him as an ignorant child, and would always reason with him, because she knew that Xiao Wang could understand.

Sure enough, after Xiao Wang heard what Sales said, he asked nervously: "Mom, do you know the truth about the conflict between Dad and you back then? Are you sure what you saw is the truth? There is no secret at all?"

Hidden secrets?Xiao Su'er listened to Xiao Wang's questioning, but she didn't dare to categorically say that what she saw must be the truth. After all, now she felt that Rong Ling'er was not as simple as she saw on the surface, but what happened back then was really true. Secret?

The gossip news she saw had pictures and the truth, and she really went to the hotel that the reporter mentioned to intercept Bo Qingang. Bo Qingang said in front of her that she would kill the child, see It really doesn't seem to have any secrets.

"You're still young, I know you really want daddy to come back to you, but it's impossible, do you want to abandon mommy and go to her side? Mommy won't stop you if you want to."

After Xiao Su'er said that, her whole heart was suspended, she was really afraid that Xiao Wang would directly say that she was going to accompany her father, but Xiao Wang still did not disappoint her, and shook her head firmly.

"No, if I don't go to my father, I will stay with you, mother, but my mother must also promise me that I must not find someone else as a boyfriend within a year. After one year, if my mother wants to find someone else, then I agree."

He set a time. If he couldn't investigate any issues related to the events of the year during this year, it means that this matter is not as complicated as he thought, and he can only accept his fate.

"One year? Then what do you want to do in this year? Find a way to get Bo Qing'ang back to me? Let me tell you, you can't do this, or your mother will be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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