Chapter 912 The Body Is Missing
Chapter 912 The Body Is Missing
Xiao Su'er couldn't understand it. Even if these patients were to be used for experiments, it must be done while they were alive. After all, Katharina's experimental idea is to make people suffer from the pain of dying while they are alive. It will trigger the opportunity to traverse, successfully traverse.

For those who have died, it is just a corpse, even if they are tortured, it is just whipping the corpse. Do you still expect them to cheat the corpse and take her through it?
"Sister, do you remember that when we were leaving five years ago, we went to investigate Katharina's body, and her body was transferred."

"You mean... let's go, let's go and investigate!" Xiao Su'er took Xiao Yuhan's hand and walked out, her heart couldn't calm down like a drum beating, it can't be so exaggerated, Katharina's accomplice is are you crazy?
But after thinking about it carefully, she couldn't figure it out. Katharina did this experiment for the person she loved, and wanted to save him. How about doing this experiment?
Even if she paid a high price for this group of people to help him do things, then after her death, these people should have dispersed like birds and beasts, and would have helped her so hard without giving up for five years. This is not realistic, right?

She didn't believe that Katharina's charisma could be so powerful, and let these people help her do things wholeheartedly after her death.

Along the way, Xiao Su'er was calling and contacting the family members of the deceased, but she didn't expect that as soon as the phone was connected, she heard a heart-piercing cry from a family member, "Do evil, Doctor Xiao, come quickly, the funeral home is too It's too much, the corpse is here, he actually lost the corpse, he can't even look at a dead person, what's the use of them?"

"We came here to seek justice, but they still ignored us. They must have seen that we ordinary people are powerless. Doctor Xiao, please come and help me. You are an Internet celebrity, no matter what, you are better than us. Hello ordinary people."

Xiao Su'er's heart sank instantly when she heard the crying of her family members. This has almost verified her and Xiao Yuhan's conjecture. Someone has already secretly transported all the corpses out. It must be for experiments, but the dead Can I do experiments too?

Is it...

Xiao Su'er turned her head to look at Xiao Yuhan who was in the driver's seat, "Brother, I have a bold guess, maybe these people are not suffering from a rare disease like we thought, or they may be poisoned."

"What about poisoning? Why do you think so?" Xiao Yuhan drove the car with concentration, still a little strange where did Xiao Suer's idea come from?

"Think about it, maybe they have developed a poison that can produce a very strong toxicity with people whose blood type is RH negative, causing the illusion of suspended animation, and no one in an ordinary family will perform an autopsy, so it is impossible to detect whether it is Fake death or real death, the family members will send the corpses to the funeral home, and they are working with the funeral home to transport the corpses overseas for experiments.”

Xiao Su'er's mind turned quickly, and immediately connected all these series of things, and reached the final conclusion, which sounded reasonable.

Listening to Xiao Su'er's words, Xiao Yuhan couldn't find any flaws, and only this kind of statement was true.

"But sister, whoever is so powerful can develop this kind of poison, and can also divide the blood type to determine the efficacy of the medicine." Although Xiao Yuhan felt that what Xiao Su'er said was very reasonable, but he always felt that there should be no one with such a powerful poison. It can be developed, after all, Xiao Su'er has reached the pinnacle of medical skills in his mind, and he has never heard Xiao Su'er mention that there is such a poison.

"There are people beyond human beings, and there is sky beyond heaven and earth. Katharina is so powerful. After she passed away, someone would help her with all her heart. It's not surprising to find one or two experts who can develop poison."

Xiao Su'er is a little curious, who is the person who has such a poison, this kind of poison is just a temporary idea that she just thought about this matter, no one has actually developed it, but if someone can develop it, it will automatically distinguish The poison of the blood type shows that this person's medical skills have also reached a certain level.

She was thinking about this matter in her mind, Xiao Yuhan had already driven the car to the door of the funeral parlor, the two of them got out of the car and rushed in, only to find that the funeral parlor was in a mess, and several corpses were missing at the same time, all For those who died of illness these days, many family members gathered around the funeral home to make trouble.

"Does your funeral home have humanity? We paid for it, so much money a day to park the corpse here, but in the end, you can't even look at the corpse."

"That's right. This is not a corpse. You see five corpses have been stolen. Who do you think would steal the corpse? I think there must be something wrong with your funeral parlor. They cut off the flesh from the corpse. Let’s make human flesh buns, some people did this a few years ago.”

"It's absolutely true. Say, you have used the corpse to do something illegal. Believe it or not, we will call the police now."

The family members were in a mess, but the funeral home seemed a little indifferent. Looking at them, they explained: "Isn't it just a few corpses? Why are you so excited? We just provide a place for you to stop here and let you do things. That's all, I didn't say that I will help you look at the corpse, so many family members are here and you can't look at it, how can we see it?"

"What are you talking about? This corpse will stay with you for a day, and it will be dragged to the crematorium to be cremated tomorrow night, but you can't even look at the corpse, and now you are saying such a shirk, it seems true Call the police."

The family members took out their mobile phones angrily and prepared to report the crime collectively. Xiao Su'er ran forward at this time, "Families, don't get excited, why don't you let him pull out the surveillance video to see what's going on?"

"Dr. Xiao, you are here. We told him to adjust the surveillance video just now, but he refused. He said that places like funeral parlors are unsafe to monitor." The family members recognized Xiao Su'er.

"I know that there are security surveillance inside your funeral parlor, but there are surveillance at the main entrance and the back door, why don't you take it out? Even if someone wants to steal the corpse, they have to go through the door. It is impossible to climb over the wall and call out the surveillance!" Xiao Su'er walked up to the person in charge and looked at him with a cold expression.

"Why? Just tune it if you say so? Don't come here to make trouble for no reason. It's just a corpse. If you lose it, just throw it away. Wouldn't it be better if you take a few clothes and make a clothes grave?" It seemed that the dead people in front of him didn't deserve to be respected at all.

"What are you talking about? I will beat you to death today!" The family members were even more angry when they heard his words, and they pulled the stool next to them and wanted to throw them at him.

(End of this chapter)

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