Chapter 913
Chapter 913
"What? Do you want to beat someone? Come on! Beat me! If you beat me today, I won't have to entangle you with this matter anymore, and you will be counted as intentionally hurting people and dragged into prison. It's gone." The person in charge was not afraid at all, but rather hoped that others would beat him, and lowered his head and pointed at his own forehead.

Xiao Su'er couldn't help but want to give him two kicks with that squishy look.

This person seems to be in collusion with those people, and he insists on not solving this matter with a stern face. It seems that there must be a problem with the monitoring.

The family members were enraged by his flirtatious tone, and were about to beat him, Xiao Su'er stopped them, "Everyone, don't get excited, if you really hurt him, the investigation will be even more unclear. Seeing him like this is definitely tricky."

"If you don't beat him, the investigation will not be clear. Let us beat him to vent our anger. The law does not blame the public. I don't believe that there will be so many of us. Everyone will be arrested and locked up. It was originally their funeral home. Responsibility, but still not admitting it, should have been hit."

The family members were so excited that they couldn't calm down at all, so they wanted to beat him first to vent their anger.

"Calm down first, I'll take care of this matter." Xiao Su'er winked at Xiao Yuhan, Xiao Yuhan immediately nodded, and then pulled the person in charge aside.

"Tell me, what's going on? Don't pretend in front of me. Losing a corpse in a funeral home is a very serious accident. If the family members investigate it, you will lose your job. But seeing you don't care at all, it should be someone Promise, you will help you settle this matter! Who is it?"

Xiao Yuhan originally had some doubts about Xiao Su'er's idea, but seeing the attitude of the person in charge, he almost immediately confirmed that it was exactly what Xiao Su'er thought, and the strength of this person who is continuing to do experiments now cannot be underestimated. Look, it is possible to make the person in charge so confident.

The person in charge didn't expect Xiao Yuhan to understand so well, and he was flustered for a moment, but he still tried his best to calm down and look at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who will help me settle this matter? I just have no patience with these family members. I have been messing around here all day and told them that the body cannot be found. Our funeral home will compensate them. But if we still insist on finding out, where can I find someone for them? If they die, they will die! Throw it in the crematorium and burn it, or just burn it."

Xiao Yuhan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he grabbed his collar, intending to threaten violently, "I warn you to explain clearly to me, or I will let you know what's good or bad later."

"Why do you still want to hit me? Do you think I'm afraid that you'll hit me? If you want to hit me, hit me. Remember to pay me back if you hit me."

Xiao Yuhan really had no way to deal with this kind of shameless person. Just as he was about to punch him, Xiao Su'er ran over, and a golden needle directly stuck into the acupuncture point of the person in charge.

"You, you..." The person in charge stretched out his finger and pointed at Xiao Su'er. He wanted to say something but couldn't say anything. He just felt pain all over his body, and instantly crouched on the side with his face twisted.

"Tell the family members not to beat him, you still want to beat him, what's the use of beating him? Or is it that the university professor has no brain at all?" Xiao Su'er stared at Xiao Yuhan with a bit of complaint.

"This man is so thick-skinned, he won't listen to what he says, and he looks fearless. What use is there for me? I can only beat him to death, and I won't believe him if he doesn't say anything. At worst, we will buy it with money. His life." Xiao Yu was so cold that he wanted to step forward again with his fists.

"Okay, it's almost done!" Xiao Su'er squatted down with a smile on her face, and looked at the person in charge who was twisted into a ball, "I'll give you one last chance to explain where the corpses were transported by you, otherwise I will Guaranteed that you will feel more pain after a while, as painful as thousands of ants are biting you."

"I don't know, I... ah!" The person in charge still wanted to refuse to admit it, but Xiao Su'er took out another golden needle and stuck it into another acupoint of his, and the pain instantly pierced his bones and scratched his heart, and the pain was all over the floor roll over.

Xiao Su'er stood up and looked down at him who rolled around on the ground a few times out of breath, "How about it, are you willing to speak now? If you refuse to speak, I will make you hurt even more. Anyway, you are going to sue me , I pulled out the golden needle, and you returned to normal, even if the doctor couldn't find out, you have no way to sue me, you can only endure these pains for nothing."

"I just want you to tell me, where did you transport the corpse? You don't care about other things, and we won't betray you. This deal is a good deal, think about it."

The person in charge was so painful that his lips turned white and his head was covered with sweat. He wanted to hold back but couldn’t bear it. He looked at Xiao Su’er begging for mercy and said, “I really don’t know, just let me go. I don’t know about those dead bodies. Where did it go?"

"Really? I don't know where it went. I'll trust you for now. Who transported these corpses away? How did you negotiate with them?" Xiao Su'er walked in front of him and took out another A golden needle was held in the palm of his hand, and he looked carefully at it in front of his eyes.

Then, in a gloomy tone, he continued: "Do you know that if you add another golden needle, you will definitely die of pain."

"Let me go, let me go! I'm just an employee here. Those people are more vicious than you. If I don't cooperate with them, they will hurt my family. I can only promise them, and They are willing to compensate the family members with a lot of money, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.”

The person in charge was so painful that the veins on his forehead burst out. Xiao Su'er felt that he was not lying, so she knelt down and took off the two gold needles on his body, "Then how did you negotiate? You have seen their faces Is it? What does it look like?"

"I haven't seen their faces. They communicated with me directly on the phone. At first I thought it was a scam syndicate. Then my family was injured. They said that if I didn't agree, it would be more serious. From the beginning to the end We all communicate by mobile phone and have never met a real person.”

The person in charge held his chest and stood up, looking at Xiao Su'er with some trepidation, "Who are you? What do you want to do? I really can't help it. Now even if you make me lose my job and kill me, I can only That's all."

Xiao Su'er and Xiao Yuhan looked at each other, and they both saw some helplessness in each other's eyes. It seems that these people came prepared, but they didn't even show their faces, and they couldn't find them if they wanted to. I just bought a phone card temporarily, and then canceled it after the communication. It is not a useful information at all, and it is useless even if I want to come here.

(End of this chapter)

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