Chapter 914 Missing Persons
Chapter 914 Missing Persons
Xiao Su'er finally saw the surveillance video. After all, the person in charge was also worried that she would really die from pain. All the family members gathered around the monitoring room to see that in the middle of the night, in the dead of night, it was the person in charge who brought a few temporary workers and took all His body was transported out of the funeral home through the back door.

The family members surrounded the person in charge angrily and beat him up. Xiao Su'er couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. When the top leader of the funeral home came, he couldn't hold the family members accountable for the beating. After all, they were employees here. No, I can only dismiss him from his post and offer an apology to his family members.

In the end, I lost a large sum of money, which of course was paid by the person in charge.

Both Xiao Su'er and Xiao Yuhan knew where the money came from, and they didn't say much, they could only warn him that if these people come to him again in the future, they must contact them.

But in this way, the whole clue was broken, and they had no idea what to do next.

"Sister, what are we going to do next!"

After leaving the funeral home, the two of them sat in the car, not knowing what to do next.

"I don't know, the corpses of these patients have all disappeared, how do I find them next?" Xiao Su'er leaned against the car window and began to mutter to herself, "The corpses are gone, the corpses..."

Ok?She sat up abruptly, turned her head to look at Xiao Yuhan, "We have overlooked a very important thing, it's just that the body is gone, but don't we still have some patients with RH blood, are they still alive? As long as Just go find them, if those people want to do experiments, they will never let any of the subjects go.”

"Yes, it makes sense!" Xiao Yuhan also slapped his knees to react, and directly contracted the matter, "Sister, give me their contact information, and I will contact you."

"Okay." Xiao Su'er took out her mobile phone and was about to dial the contact information of her family members, but she didn't expect that a hot search that popped up immediately made her feel like falling into an ice cave, and she said weakly: "No need to contact, these people One step ahead of us, all the panda blood patients who are still alive have disappeared."

Photos and information of all the missing persons were posted on Hot Search. If they hadn't been to Xiao Suer's clinic and registered the information, Xiao Suer would not have thought that they all have panda blood type in common.

These patients have disappeared collectively, and they have not seen some of the photos above.

"There is no other way. Even if we are missing, we have to investigate. Sister, let's split up! Are some of these patients not your patients? Go to the patient's home and communicate with his family members to see where he has been these days , I will pick a few people who are not your patients and investigate carefully."

Although Xiao Yuhan was a little discouraged, he still did not give up.

"That's all. Back then, I thought that everything would be solved if I caught Katharina. I didn't expect him to have such a group of loyal subordinates. I also underestimated her."

Back at Ang's Manor, Xiao Shuo had brought Xiao Wang back. Seeing her sullen look, Xiao Wang ran over to hug her, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel so unhappy?"

"It's okay. Mom is in some trouble. I plan to solve it for a long time. Maybe I don't have so much time to accompany you. Do you have to be obedient and know?"

"I see. Mom, go and solve your own affairs. I will take care of myself." Xiao Wang patted his chest, as if he had grown up.

"Be good, next weekend, mom will take you to pay respects to grandma's grave. When you were pregnant, you went overseas, and you haven't even brought you to meet grandma yet."

Xiao Su'er felt a little sad in her heart, some of the wounds had scabbed over, but now they were pulled apart again, and blood was dripping in her heart, and she had to face the pain once again.

I don't know how her mother endured it back then, she was still a pregnant woman.

"Okay, let's go to grandma's grave next week. I haven't seen grandma yet." Xiao Wang nodded obediently. Every time he looked at him, Xiao Su'er felt that all the hard work disappeared in an instant.

Grandma looks very similar to mother, but more beautiful than mother.

"Then grandma must be a great beauty, and grandpa must have been outstanding when he was young, so that he would be liked by grandma." Xiao Wang's mouth was as sweet as honey.

"Well, Mengbao is really smart, let's go, let's go to bed." Xiao Su'er carried him upstairs.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In a villa area on the east side of the city, a man in a black suit was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. There was red wine and wine glasses on the table next to him. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Master, are you sending them overseas overnight, or do you have other plans?"

A man who looked like a housekeeper stood by and asked him for instructions.

"Don't delay any longer, send them overseas immediately." The man's voice was full of impatience and anger. After the past few years, no matter how good his patience was, his patience would have been worn out long ago.

"This time it will definitely succeed. There are men, women and children. After so many years of perseverance, the young master will definitely see the dawn of victory."

(End of this chapter)

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