Chapter 920 I will be responsible

Chapter 920 I will be responsible

But after eating the fruit for a long time, Xiao Su'er was almost impatient to wait, and she didn't find anything strange. Her eyesight remained the same, her spiritual eyes didn't strengthen, and her hearing didn't seem to become more sensitive. As for the sense of smell and taste, etc. Neither has any change.

Xiao Su'er felt a little strange, could it be that this fruit is a prettier fruit, and is it for display?Otherwise, how could he grow up like that!
If it was really for display, wouldn't she be eating it for nothing?Xiao Su'er thought so, and stopped thinking. She waited for half an hour and it didn't work. Maybe it was really for display.

After drying her hair, she was about to go to bed when her cell phone rang. Accompanied by the ringing of the cell phone, there was also the deafening sound of the gate of the manor. She heard it from so far away. Maybe someone wanted to tear down the door of her house.

As Xiao Su'er walked out, she looked at the incoming call on her mobile phone. It was Bai Qingyue's call. She picked it up. The moment she connected, the knock on the door disappeared.

"Xiao Su'er, come quickly! Xiao Yuhan was injured and bled a lot. I don't know what to do. Come quickly and see if he's okay. I'm so scared. If there's something wrong with him, we'll get to him right away." Take him to the hospital."

Bai Qingyue's panicked voice came from the phone, Xiao Su'er immediately hung up the phone, ran towards the door, walked through the garden to the gate, and looked at Bai Qingyue's small body carrying a bag that was much taller than her. Xiao Yuhan's whole body was almost crushed, but he still held on to the door with all his might.

Her whole face was flushed red, corresponding to Xiao Yuhan's half red body, blood dripped from his wrist.

Xiao Su'er immediately took over Xiao Yuhan, her physical strength was much better than Bai Qingyue's, she could support Xiao Yuhan completely, Bai Qingyue and her carried Xiao Yuhan into the living room Walk.

After putting Xiao Yuhan down, Xiao Su'er immediately took out a gold needle and stuck it into his acupuncture point, fed another medicine into his mouth, and then began to treat his wound, quickly cleaning the needle and bandaging it, at her home There are all kinds of medical supplies, which can be compared to the professional level in the hospital.

Seeing Xiao Yuhan's wound being stitched up, she instantly breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the sofa as if dehydrated, and murmured, "Fortunately, you're fine..."

It was the first time that she was so scared, and it was also the first time that a boy was so desperate to protect her in his arms, protecting her from harm.

The person who protected her last time was Xiao Su'er who disguised herself as a man, but the situation at that time was far less critical than it is today, and Xiao Yuhan still remembered to comfort her when she was dying, don't blame herself, she was really kind to her .

At this moment, she had already written off all the things that Xiao Yuhan had done to her before, and she had only one thought: Xiao Yuhan get well soon, otherwise she would definitely die of guilt.

After recovering, she felt a pain in the back of her head. Just now, a big bump swelled up on the ground, and she couldn't care less about it. Now, even touching the big bump lightly, it hurts. I don't know if it will She would have a concussion, but she didn't say anything, just sat obediently and watched Xiao Su'er bandage.

Although Xiao Su'er felt distressed seeing her younger brother suffer such a serious injury, she also knew that the wound must be dealt with first. After the treatment, she turned to look at Bai Qingyue and asked, "What's wrong with you two? What happened?"

"Today we want to investigate the missing persons in the past two days..." Bai Qingyue told Xiao Su'er everything that happened today, and after she finished speaking, her eye circles became red again, she stood up and bowed deeply to Xiao Su'er , "I'm sorry, it's my fault! I hurt him. If it wasn't for protecting me, he would be fine. He is so good."

Xiao Su'er watched her solemnly bow three times, and helped her up a little embarrassedly, "Don't blame yourself so much, isn't it normal for him to be a boy to protect you? But you just said that after you went there , the people there are waiting for you as if they have planned it long ago?"

Xiao Su'er found this very strange. She and Xiao Yuhan had indeed agreed to investigate separately, but why did the clubman know where he was going in advance, and said that he could get credit for catching him? It seems that the club's boss is The mastermind behind the scenes caught Xiao Yuhan and wanted him to do human experiments!
"Yes, I can't understand what they said about the experiment. The situation was too critical at that time, and I didn't have time to take care of it, so I ran away in a hurry." When she was speaking, she still felt the pain in the back of her head, and covered it with her hand. The back of his head grinned and spoke.

"What's wrong with you? Are you injured?" Xiao Su'er found out that something was wrong with her, and walked to her side.

"I fell down just now and hit my head on the ground. Now it feels so painful that I dare not touch it."

"Let me take a look for you, and take your hands away." Xiao Su'er gently touched her head, checked her head and sighed after looking at her, "Oh, fortunately you just said it, you hit it a little hard! Wait a minute and I'll get you some medicine."

Xiao Su'er said as she entered a room, which she specially vacated as a pharmacy, where she would usually study medical skills or practice medicine.

She took out a bunch of medicines, and handed an ice pack to Bai Qingyue, "Quickly apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and relieve pain, and these medicines, this one is for blood circulation and blood stasis, this one is for itching, this one is for anti-inflammation, you Remember to eat."

"You hit a bit badly. If you go back and take these medicines, and you still feel double images in front of your eyes or the pain can't be stopped at all, just remember to call me and I'll go to your house to show you." Xiao Su'er said All the medicines were written down and how to take them before they were handed over to Bai Qingyue.

Bai Qingyue felt a little embarrassed holding this pile of medicines. Xiao Su'er brought a lot of medicines from their house to save her from injuries. She recalled five years ago when she was ignorant and competed with Xiao Su'er, and said those who humiliated her If you think about it, you blush.

"I'm sorry, I was ignorant and confronted you before, but now that I think about it, it's really wrong. Let's get along well in the future, okay, let's do charity together." Bai Qingyue blushed and apologized to Xiao Su'er.

Seeing her shy appearance, Xiao Su'er couldn't help laughing, Bai Qingyue is really cuter than five years ago.

"I never blamed you. You are just a cute little girl. You were ignorant before, but now you are. My brother's injury is fine, so you don't have to worry."

"Well, but if there is any problem with his injury, you must remember to contact me, I will not escape, I will be responsible to the end!" Bai Qingyue said very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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