Chapter 921
Chapter 921
Seeing her serious look, Xiao Su'er always thought it was a little funny, but she didn't know where the joke was, so she could only watch her raise her eyebrows amusedly, "What? You want to be responsible for my brother? How can you be responsible? what?"

Bai Qingyue is not stupid, with Xiao Su'er's expression and provocative tone, you can tell her what this sentence means by thinking about it with her toes, she immediately blushed and shook her head, "No, no, you are here What are you thinking? I mean he was injured because of me, and I will be responsible for him, how did you change your mind?"

"Okay, okay, I'm teasing you, why don't you sleep in our house today, I feel that your head is a bit serious, and I will send you to class tomorrow morning, and my brother looks like he should be there tomorrow. Going to class, the two of you can go together."

Xiao Su'er glanced at Xiao Yuhan who was crawling on the sofa, and stretched out her hand to gently push him to wake him up, but Bai Qingyue immediately grabbed her hand in a panic, "What are you doing? He's injured, let him sleep Come on, what class do you have tomorrow?"

"It's okay, his injury will heal after a while. Although the wound is a bit deep, fortunately it didn't hurt the internal organs. It doesn't affect his daily lectures. Even if you stop him, he will quietly run out by himself, so he can't stay idle. .”

Xiao Su'er is not worried about his wound at all now. When she came in just now, she thought he was bleeding so much and thought it was a serious injury, but now that she has treated the wound with her own hands, she is no longer worried. Xiao Yuhan also ate her The medicine planted in the medicine spirit jade space can heal the wound many times faster.

It is estimated that after one night, the injury will heal by half. As long as the internal organs are not injured, it is not serious.

Xiao Yuhan crawled on the sofa, feeling someone pushing him, opened his eyes gently, and immediately felt the pain coming from behind, he stretched out his hands to support his waist and sat up, Bai Qingyue immediately wanted to help him, But even though she was grinning, she still sat up, as if she was not affected.

Bai Qingyue felt that she was shocked, and looked at Xiao Su'er in disbelief, "Are you so powerful? I just gave him some medicine, and his injury seems to be healed?"

"That's why I said that my sister is very powerful. She doesn't need to go to the hospital. It's the most reliable way to come home." Xiao Yuhan stood up as he spoke, shaking off his blood-soaked clothes, "Okay, I'll Let's change clothes, take a shower and go to sleep."

"What are you taking a bath for? Don't take a shower, just go to sleep, just wipe your body with a wet towel, this wound should not touch the water." Xiao Su'er immediately patted his shoulder lightly, feeling a little headache, this Xiao Yu Han, I am still a professor of medical school, don't you know that the wound should not touch water?

"Okay, then I'll go." Xiao Yuhan agreed and went up the stairs, but halfway there, he turned back to look at Bai Qingyue, his voice softened a little, "Are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine! How could something happen to me, you blocked the knife for me." Hearing his gentle voice, Bai Qingyue's face turned slightly red again, and she stammered unconsciously.

"Then go to bed early, don't go back today, stay at my house, and I'll drive you to school tomorrow. It happens that you and my sister are about the same size, but you might look a little old in her clothes."

"What do you mean? Don't look at you being injured now. I dare not teach you a lesson, so you did it on purpose." Xiao Su'er originally didn't want to interrupt the conversation between the two, but when she heard this sentence, she immediately glared at her younger brother.

Although she already has a son, 25 years old is not old at all. Bai Qingyue is indeed a young and good-looking little fairy, but she doesn't grow old just by wearing her clothes.

Xiao Yuhan made two grimaces at Xiao Su'er, turned around and went upstairs, after only a short while, his wound seemed to be fine, and his walking was not affected at all.

Bai Qingyue turned her head to look at Xiao Su'er, "You two have a good relationship, and your medical skills are better than Professor Xiao's."

"His wound healed quickly, shouldn't you be happy? I'll take you to the guest room, I'll change your pillow today, it's better for the wound on the back of your head, and you try not to make big moves these days, dance Do you know the movement of shaking your head like ah?"

Xiao Su'er took Bai Qingyue to the guest room, and brought her a set of pajamas that she thought was the most girlish, with lace. This set of pajamas was given by Xiao Yuhan on her birthday. After she wore it once I never wore it again, and now it's just right to give it to Bai Qingyue.

"This guest room happens to have its own bathroom. You can take a shower in it, and you don't have to come out at night. If you still feel headache at night, you can come to the room on the second floor to see me. I'm on the left side of the second floor The first room."

Xiao Su'er was still a little worried, watching Bai Qingyue explained everything carefully, Bai Qingyue hugged her pajamas and nodded, "I see, thank you."

She watched Xiao Su'er leave the guest room, sitting on the bed with her lace pajamas in her arms, and felt a strange feeling in her heart. Just now Xiao Yuhan woke up and spoke to her so gently, she always felt a little dazed.

Today is really the most exciting day he has had in the past few years. There is really a thrilling and adventurous feeling, and he finally escaped from the sky, and it was still in the situation of a hero saving the beauty.

This time the person who saved her was really a hero, unlike the last time when Xiao Su'er pretended to be her. Bai Qingyue hugged her pajamas and bowed her head and smiled. She always felt that this was also a special experience, and she was lucky after worrying.

After returning to the room, Xiao Su'er lay on the bed, closed her eyes and wanted to feel the fruit just now, is it really useless?
But she still didn't feel anything, it was really a decoration, she put on the quilt and fell asleep.

the next day.

Xiao Wang was different from other children, he never liked to sleep late, he got up early and walked down the first floor on his short legs.

He saw a figure in pink lace pajamas in the kitchen on the first floor and thought it was Xiao Su'er who got up early to cook him breakfast, and ran over with a smile, hugged her from behind and shouted, "Mom!"

When Bai Qingyue was hugged by someone, she was shocked, and she was stunned when she heard him calling her mother. She never thought that there was a child in this family. Who was he calling?

Neither Xiao Su'er nor Xiao Yuhan should be married, so why is there a child at home?And he didn't even see his face, and he called her mom when he hugged her, so familiar?
Bai Qingyue turned around in embarrassment, looked down and saw a white and soft little Douding, blinking his big eyes and looking at her, her whole heart melted instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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