Chapter 922 Special Face
Chapter 922 Special Face
When Xiao Wang saw Bai Qingyue's face, he also realized that he was calling wrong, immediately let go of her hand and took two steps back, put on what he thought was the most gentlemanly smile, and apologized to Bai Qingyue, "I'm sorry sister, I mistook you for my mother, because this pajamas seems to belong to my mother. Although she only wore it once, I still remember it."

After Xiao Wang said that, Bai Qingyue also reacted immediately, pointed to the pajamas and said: "This pajamas belong to your mother? Your mother is..."

"My mother's name is Xiao Su'er. Sister, aren't you my mother's friend? You should be my uncle's friend." Xiao Wangyan's big eyes flickered, thinking that this sister doesn't even know who her mother is, which means that she doesn't know her. Since she is the girl brought back by my uncle, she must not be misunderstood, and must not destroy my uncle's luck.

Thinking of this, he immediately explained righteously, "Sister, the clothes you are wearing belong to my mother. She and uncle are close siblings, not any other relationship. Don't get me wrong. Don't lose your temper with uncle." Oh."

Bai Qingyue wanted to laugh when she heard his cute words, but after thinking about it, even children knew that they would explain to Xiao Yuhan. Could it be that he often brought girls back?This child has already practiced perfectly, so he knows not to talk nonsense?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little stuffy in her heart, but she still squatted down and looked at Xiao Wang with a smile on her face.

"Then tell my sister, does your uncle often bring girls back? If you are telling the truth, my sister will take you to the amusement park later, and take you to eat delicious food. You can't just because he is your uncle Just to defend him and lie, the child who lies will have a long nose."

When Bai Qingyue was speaking, she deliberately pointed Xiao Wang's nose with her finger, and dealt with Xiao Wang the same way she would deal with ordinary children, thinking that he liked it, but Xiao Wang was not interested in those delicious amusement parks at all. , but he still answered Bai Qingyue's question honestly.

"No, it's because my uncle doesn't usually bring girls back, so I recognized you as my mother just now. He took a girl back with great difficulty. I'm worried that because of my misunderstanding, there will be a relationship between the two of you." Aren’t I guilty of a big misunderstanding?”

"Mom has been worried that my uncle will die alone all his life, so we can't scare away the girl he brought back with great difficulty."

When Xiao Wang spoke, he tried to enlarge his big innocent eyes, pretended to be ignorant, tilted his head, and tried to show the state that a real four-year-old child should have.

After listening to him, Bai Qingyue's mouth became more and more curved, almost reaching behind her ears. This child is really smart.

This is Xiao Su'er's child!She didn't even know that Xiao Su'er was married. Xiao Su'er was a few years older than her. According to her age, she had indeed reached the legal age for marriage. There would be no problem if she got married, but she just didn't realize it.

"Does your uncle know that you are so obedient?" Bai Qingyue smiled and touched her head. This little white bean is really cute.

"Uncle loves me the most. Sister, when did you meet uncle?"

"Your uncle and I..." Bai Qingyue wanted to explain clearly that the relationship between her and Xiao Yuhan was not the kind of relationship that this little doll understood, but she bit her lips and said nothing, just smiled and said: "I am your uncle student."

"So that's how it is! Teacher-student love is so popular now. Sister, you are so beautiful. I think you are good enough for my uncle. It would be great if you came to be my aunt."

Xiao Wang discovered his potential to be a matchmaker on his own. His mother was so worried that his uncle would die alone. Now that he finally has a girlfriend, she can't let her run away. If he can match up as soon as possible, his mother can save money.

"You are so cute. I like you so much. My sister is a little hungry in the morning. She came to the kitchen to look for something to eat. Are you hungry? Otherwise, I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you." Bai Qingyue couldn't help it She hugged Xiao Wang gently and rubbed his limp face.

"Okay, my mother usually cooks for me. The food my mother cooks is delicious, but my sister is so beautiful, so the food must be delicious too." Xiao Wang obediently ran to the dining table and sat down. , Waiting for Bai Qingyue to make him something, it can be said that he has said all the words of praise that he knows, Bai Qingyue cooks noodles for him enthusiastically.

A bowl of boiled noodles with chopped green onions instantly became much more delicious. She put the noodles in front of Xiao Wang, and she didn’t even cook her own. She wanted to watch him eat first. She didn’t like Xiao Wang very much before. Children, I think children are synonymous with being noisy, but I didn't expect Xiao Su'er's children to be so cute, she likes them so much.

Xiao Wang frowned looking at the bowl of noodles, there was a little bit of oil floating on it, but there was no other seasoning, just sprinkled with chopped green onion, otherwise this sister is a person like a cooking god. A bowl of noodles in clear soup can cook flowers, or she is the kind of person who is said to be beautiful on the Internet, but is a disaster when she cooks.

He still tried his best to raise his harmless and well-behaved smile, pretending to be intoxicated, took a deep breath, and then praised, flattering to the extreme, "Sister's cooked noodles are delicious, so I'll start eating. "

Xiao Wang picked up the chopsticks and took a big mouthful of noodles, but the moment he tasted the taste, he wanted to spit it out, but Bai Qingyue looked at him with a smile on the side, and he was too embarrassed to spit out the noodles and put it in his mouth. Liyan didn't spit or vomit, the expression on his whole face was a little strange, from white with red to white with green.

"How is it delicious?" Bai Qingyue asked expectantly at the side. This was the first time she cooked noodles since she grew up, and she felt that she had succeeded. At least she didn't deform the noodles. I am very satisfied, but just now I felt that it would be impolite to serve it out after a taste, so I just served it out, but judging by the appearance of this child, it should be quite delicious.

Xiao Wang endured the pain and swallowed the noodles in his mouth, turned his head to look at Bai Qingyue and said, "Sister, don't you often cook noodles?"

"Yes, this is my sister's first time cooking noodles. You must be hungry when you enter the kitchen just now, so I will cook it for you first. How about it?"

Xiao Wang felt wrong when he heard Bai Qingyue's answer, no wonder, he was a test subject, it was his first time cooking noodles...

"Taste..." Xiao Wang didn't want to lie, but if he didn't lie, it would definitely hurt the heart of the sister in front of him. Seeing Bai Qingyue looking forward to it, he was too embarrassed to say it.

When he was having a headache, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He turned his head and saw Xiao Su'er who got up early to make breakfast, and immediately ran forward, "Mom, get up!"

(End of this chapter)

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