Chapter 923 The Weekend Promise

Chapter 923 The Weekend Promise

"Why did you wake up so early, and why is your mouth still greasy? Have you eaten?" Xiao Su'er reached out to wipe the corner of her child's mouth, looked up and saw Bai Qingyue sitting at the dining table.

"How are you, is your head still hurting?" She took Xiao Wang's hand and walked to the dining table, she was a little surprised when she saw the bowl of noodles, "Did you cook the noodles for him?"

"Yes, I cooked it. I guess it was because I exercised too much last night. I felt a little hungry early today and looked for food everywhere. He just came over. I didn't know you already had a child. He is so cute. Yeah, I cooked a bowl of noodles for him to eat."

When Bai Qingyue was talking, her eyes could not be separated from Xiao Wang, there were stars in her eyes, and she felt that such a child was an angel sent from heaven.

"Really? Thank you very much!" Xiao Su'er turned to look at Xiao Wang, "Did you thank my sister, did you call someone?"

"Called, I said my sister is so beautiful, Mom! Is my sister uncle's girlfriend? She is wearing your pajamas, and I recognized her as you this morning."

Xiao Wang hugged Xiao Su'er's leg, "Mom, try the noodles cooked by my sister, the taste is quite different from yours."

"Really? Are the noodles cooked by my sister delicious, or the noodles cooked by my mother?"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Su'er stepped forward, picked up the chopsticks, and took a bite without paying attention. Anyway, it was the noodles Xiao Wang ate, and there was no need for them to see each other. Xiao Wang was not much better, he almost vomited it out, his face flushed after holding it in for a long time, and he coughed directly, "cough cough cough..."

"Mom, are you okay? Spit it out!" Xiao Wang took the trash can.

After Xiao Su'er vomited all the noodles into the trash can, she turned her head to look at Bai Qingyue, and said with some embarrassment: "Qingyue! This is your first time cooking noodles, right? Let me make breakfast for you, you What do you want to eat? If you want fried eggs or noodles, I'll make it for you."

No matter how stupid Bai Qingyue was, she could tell that his complexion was wrong, and when she took another look at Xiao Wang, she found that Xiao Wang was evasive and didn't dare to look at her, so she finally came to her senses, pointed to the bowl of noodles and said, "What's wrong? Is it hard to eat? Why do you both have weird expressions, just now this little bean ate a big mouthful."

She also took the noodle bowl and was about to eat it, Xiao Suer immediately pressed her hand, "Forget it, the first time you cooked the noodles is actually very good, you don't need to eat any more, I'll make it for you you eat."

"What's the matter?" Bai Qingyue wanted to taste it when she saw that she was obstructing her like this. She pulled the noodle bowl and tasted it, and spit it out without even daring to chew it.

"I looked at this white face. It didn't have any taste, so I put a lot of salt and monosodium glutamate, but I didn't expect it to be so unpalatable. It's dead. I feel that my salt for a month is not as much as this mouthful. I'm sorry. Xiao Douding, he swallowed a mouthful of noodles just now, are you okay? Do you want to spit it out? My sister is sorry, I will buy you a lot of delicious compensation."

Bai Qingyue knelt down and hugged Xiao Wang, feeling that Xiao Wang was really doing her a favor by swallowing the noodles just now.

So when Xiao Yuhan got up and went to the first floor to have breakfast, he saw this scene: Bai Qingyue hugged Xiao Wang with a distressed expression on her face.

"What's going on here?" He walked up to the two of them in confusion.

"It's nothing, my sister made a very special bowl of noodles. Uncle, since you are my sister's boyfriend, you shouldn't dislike her, so eat this bowl of noodles!" His uncle pushed the noodle bowl in front of Xiao Yuhan,
Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuhan immediately denied it, "What nonsense, she is not my girlfriend, she is a student of our school and your mother also knows her, she is just an ordinary friend of mine."

"Huh? Sister, aren't you uncle's girlfriend?" Xiao Wang turned to look at Bai Qingyue.

Seeing Xiao Yuhan's anxious denial, Bai Qingyue felt a little depressed, but what he said was right, she could only nod in agreement with him, "Yes, I'm not your uncle's. girlfriend."

"What a pity, my sister is so beautiful, if only she could be my aunt." Xiao Wang held Bai Qingyue's clothes pitifully, but his eyes were on Xiao Yuhan, winking at him all the time.

Bai Qingyue was a little embarrassed by what he said, she lowered her head and said, "Su'er, your son is really good at talking, he has been praising me all morning, how did you teach such a lovely son."

"He's just too good at talking." Xiao Su'er was naturally happy to hear someone praise her son.

Xiao Yuhan knew what Xiao Wang meant by winking at him, even a small child knew to let him chase girls, but he still turned a blind eye to Xiao Wang's eyes, and walked to the kitchen on his own.

"I'm hungry! Sister, the medicine you gave me yesterday is quite useful. I woke up this morning without any pain from my wound, and I feel much better. Now I need to eat something to recover. As for the bowl Noodles! It doesn’t taste good at first glance, so I won’t eat it.”

What he said was simple and direct, unlike Xiao Wang and Xiao Su'er who were tactful even though they were unpalatable, Bai Qingyue blushed instantly when he said this.

She looked down at the bowl of noodles that made people lose their appetite and muttered, "Isn't this my first time cooking noodles? It doesn't taste like this, right?"

Xiao Su'er listened to everything she said, and comforted her, "My younger brother just can't speak, just ignore him, just listen to my son more, don't you like him? He will often come to my house to play in the future, He also hopes to have a beautiful sister to accompany him, he likes beautiful women the most, and this little guy is still a member of the Appearance Association at such a young age."

"Everyone likes to look at beautiful things, and besides, my sister is so beautiful, and I feel good when I look at it." Xiao Wang smiled at Bai Qingyue so that his teeth could not see his eyes.

Bai Qingyue's gloomy mood just now turned into a clear sky, and she stretched out her head to pat Xiao Wang's head, "You are so cute, do you have any plans for this weekend? My sister invites you to play, okay?"

"He has to go to the piano room to practice the piano on weekends, you can take him out to play after he finishes practicing the piano." Xiao Su'er answered in place of Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang also nodded beside him, he is absolutely determined to practice the piano, After all, only there can see his father.

"Then I'll pick you up after you finish your piano practice!" Bai Qingyue and Xiao Wang immediately made an agreement to hang out together on the weekend.

"Okay, then uncle can come too." Xiao Wang immediately turned his head and extended an invitation to Xiao Yuhan.

"I don't like going to amusement parks. Besides, didn't you say that you like to see beautiful sisters, and I don't like it." Xiao Yuhan didn't give him any face.

(End of this chapter)

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