Chapter 926 Charity Society
Chapter 926 Charity Society
Xiao Su'er felt a little headache looking at the mobile phone that was still receiving messages non-stop, and even had the idea of ​​blocking Chi Siang directly, but she felt that it was not possible.

When he picked up the phone and was about to remind Chi Siang not to send again, he actually stopped sending WeChat on his own initiative.

The last message I received was: These are all the words I wanted to say to you in the past five years, and I finished them all today, and those roses are also for every birthday of yours in the five years, and all festivals should be I will make up all the flowers I sent you today, I hope you don't bother me.

Such a sentence made Xiao Su'er instantly at a loss for what to say, it was so sad to see, did he write down every festival and birthday in the past five years?This kind of love makes people suffocate but makes people feel distressed, never forgetting, and persisting without echo!

Xiao Su'er turned off her phone and planned not to see Chi Siang for a while, to let him calm down. Maybe it's just that he didn't catch up with her back then, so he was always unwilling. In fact, there is no love at all.

the other side.

Bai Qingyue set up a few tables on the playground of Imperial University, and wrote a few words about recruiting new recruits for charity societies.

After this period of time, she has found that most of the clothes thrown away by college students every year are mostly new and have not been worn a few times. She plans to set up a society to organize some people to do charity, collect the clothes thrown away by these college students every year and sell them in the market Whether it is donating to children in poor mountainous areas, in short, do what they can to do some charity.

Although not all the classmates in the university are as good as her family, but there are many people and strength, and building a club can attract more classmates to do good deeds together.

Several of her little sisters are also warm-hearted people. All of them have been growing up in recent years, and they are no longer in the ignorant stage like in previous years. When Bai Qingyue said to be a charity fund, they immediately took Out of their own private money.

Now that Bai Qingyue was going to set up a club, they also came to help one after another. A few beautiful girls stood there and immediately attracted a group of male students from Imperial University to sign up.

Bai Qingyue stood in front of the recruiting table of the club, pointed to the group of boys who signed up because of their beauty, and said righteously: "We are here for charity, if you are only here to flirt with beautiful women, then don't come in here." , it will affect our charity work.”

"Who said that we will affect your public welfare? We can also help, isn't it just doing charity? Donate things, move things, donate money, you say we can do it all, just do charity for beautiful women, and you should be in a good mood A little."

"That's right, let us join in, we are more powerful than others."

These boys were playful and smiling, even in the face of such a serious Bai Qingyue, they still said these words with a smile.

"Okay! Qingyue let them join in. Join the club for the beauties, right? Then you have to double as much as the beauties do!"

One of Bai Qingyue's little sisters held her back, and immediately thought of a way to torment this group of male classmates with malicious intentions.

"Okay, if you promise to do as much as we girls do, I'll let you join in." Bai Qingyue immediately got to his point, and said to the group of boys with a smile.

"No problem, you group of delicate and expensive young ladies can do it, why can't we bastards do it, come on! Let me fill out the registration form to join the club!"

These boys agreed almost without hesitation, took the registration form aside and began to fill in the information.

Xiao Yuhan and Rong Linger, who came out of the teaching building, happened to walk to the playground. Rong Linger had been pestering Xiao Yuhan for a day, asking him how he was. Ever since she knew he was injured, she had been asking what happened, but Xiao Yu Han didn't even tell her, he just said that he was accidentally injured, but her intuition was not that simple.

She knows that if the relationship between the two is to be closer, there must be some secret in common. Now Xiao Yuhan is unwilling to tell others why he was injured. If she can know, the relationship between the two can be said to be a step further , she has been pestering Xiao Su'er, insisting on finding out the reason for his injury.

"Professor Xiao, how could you hit your back if you were accidentally injured? Normally, if you get injured on your elbows and knees, it makes sense, but if you accidentally hurt your back, it doesn't make sense."

Rong Ling'er pretended to be pitiful when she spoke, "Do you feel that you don't trust me enough and don't want to tell me? I just care about you."

"It's not about trust or distrust, I just don't want to talk about my injury, you..."

Xiao Yuhan was talking to her, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Bai Qingyue who was wearing a white skirt and was registering her desired name. His words stopped abruptly, but changed the subject, "Look over there There seem to be quite a lot of people, let's go and see what they are doing."

"Professor Xiao, I don't want to go over there with Bai Qingyue..." Rong Linger looked in the direction he pointed and saw Bai Qingyue, she immediately shook her head.

But Xiao Yuhan had already walked forward on his own, and she could only run after stomping her feet.

As they got closer, the two of them heard the discussion of their classmates at the same time.

"What happened to Bai Qingyue recently? It seems that she is very keen on charity. I heard that she has set up a charity fund outside the school and has sent a lot of supplies to poor mountainous areas."

"Who knows? Rich people like to do charity. It's probably because they have too much money and have no place to spend it, so they want to accumulate some virtue."

"As you said, Bai Qingyue didn't do anything evil. She is very righteous and easy to get along with in school, okay?"

"Then you have said that she is very good, and it is not surprising to do some charity. It is reasonable to set up a charity fund outside the school and a charity club inside the school."

Rong Ling'er frowned slightly when she heard the students' discussion, and saw Xiao Yuhan nodding in satisfaction as she looked at Bai Qingyue, she was not at all unhappy when she mentioned Bai Qingyue as before.

Bai Qingyue looked up and saw Xiao Yuhan coming, smiled at him, and ran to his side, "Professor Xiao, how are you? Do you want to join my club too?"

"All clubs in the university are for students to join, and teachers are not in the mood to join in the fun."

"But Professor Xiao, you are not much older than us. I can make an exception and let you join in. You are a professor! You are paid every year, and doing charity is much better than these students." Bai Qingyue raised her eyebrows, looked at He handed over an application form, "How about it? The professor will think about it and apply."

"With you as the eldest lady of the Bai family, my salary is still enough? It doesn't matter!"

The two started talking and laughing like no one else was there, and Rong Linger looked at it inexplicably, completely unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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