Chapter 927 Nightmare
Chapter 927 Nightmare
What happened?When Xiao Yuhan mentioned Bai Qingyue before, he always raised his eyebrows, and it was impossible to take the initiative to talk to Bai Qingyue, but now the two of them actually started joking.

Feeling threatened, Rong Ling'er immediately walked to the side of the two of them, smiled and said to Bai Qingyue: "Qingyue, what club are you doing? Is it a charity club? Can I join? I like helping others."

When Bai Qingyue saw her coming, she frowned subconsciously and was about to refuse, but Xiao Yuhan gave Rong Linger the registration form she had just given, "If you want to register, then you can register, I am a professor, come here It’s not good to sign up for a club.”

"You..." Bai Qingyue wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, it's all about doing charity, and everyone should work together. There's no need to talk about her personal grievances with Rong Linger, and Xiao Yuhan doesn't know the truth. Can't blame him.

Thinking of this, she didn't stop her, but said to Rong Linger: "If you want to sign up, just sign up, and we will just call you when we do charity in the future."

"Okay, then are we reconciled? There will be no conflicts between us in the future, will there be no estrangement?" Rong Linger always looked considerate in front of Xiao Yuhan, and now she turned towards Bai Qingyue asked if the two could reconcile, because she wanted to portray in front of him that she had always wanted to be good friends with Bai Qingyue.

Bai Qingyue couldn't help being annoyed when she heard her talking to her in such a pretentious tone, but seeing Xiao Yuhan in front of her, she also tried her best to suppress her dislike, "We are all classmates, so just don't care about each other in the future. "

"Okay, shall we be good friends from now on?" Rong Ling'er immediately took her hand, blinked at Bai Qingyue, and looked expectant.

Bai Qingyue wanted to shake off her hand almost immediately, but she still tried her best to be polite, pulled her hand away from her, and said with a smile: "I am friends with all my classmates, But if it’s a good friend, you won’t believe me if I tell you now that I treat you as a good friend, you’d better fill out the registration form first.”

She stuffed the pen to Rong Linger and went to the other side to continue the registration. Rong Linger took the pen and the registration form, looked at Xiao Yuhan pitifully, "Professor Xiao, it seems that Bai Qingyue still doesn't like me very much, I think As good friends with her, she doesn't even want to talk to me."

"That's not what she meant. She's telling the truth. Didn't the two of you have conflicts before? Now you will definitely not get used to being friends suddenly. You should sign up first. After you two get along more, she will naturally Consider you a good friend."

It was very rare for Xiao Yuhan to speak for Bai Qingyue. After hearing his words, Rong Ling'er felt even more threatened, no!Bai Qingyue must have used some tricks in private, maybe she went to hook up with Professor Xiao when she was not around.

She is really scheming, so money is not enough, she still has to hook up with this and that, isn't she satisfied with so much money?
Rong Ling'er held the pen tightly together, wishing she could break the pen directly, she must win over Xiao Yuhan and make Bai Qingyue a bad person in his mind.


"Ah!" Xiao Su'er heard Xiao Wang's heart-piercing cry from the phone, and she yelled into the phone: "Mengbao, where have you been? Why can't Mommy be found in the whole house?" you?"

"Stop screaming! Your son is in my hands. If you want him to live well, remember to redeem him with money. Don't worry, I won't tear up the ticket. I'm just trying to make money."

A strange man's voice came from the phone, the voice was very mellow, it was a voice that Xiao Su'er had never heard before.

"Did you kidnap my son? You don't want to live, do you? I warn you, don't touch him."

Xiao Su'er was scared, and also worried about incoherent threats on the phone, "If you dare to hurt my son, I guarantee that the whole world will not tolerate you, and I decide that I will tear you apart."

"Be clear, your son is in my hands now, didn't you hear him scream just now? Do you want to listen again..."

There was a pause of two seconds on the phone, and another heart-piercing cry came, "Ah! Mom! Mom!"

"Don't touch him, don't hurt him, I'll give you whatever you want!" Xiao Su'er panicked instantly, she didn't dare to say any more threats and could only beg for mercy.

"Don't you know what I want? I just want money. You bring the money and come here to redeem him, and I can guarantee his safety. If I don't see the money, you know the consequences!"

After saying this on the other side of the phone, Xiao Su'er hung up the phone without giving Xiao Su'er any time to react, and she yelled at the phone helplessly, "Don't touch my son, don't touch him, or I'll kill you !"

But it was destined that there would be no more voices on the phone, so she anxiously dialed the number again, but no one answered, only endless echoes.

Xiao Su'er was anxious like ants on a hot pot, but she had no choice but to prepare the ransom demanded by the other party, and anxiously took all the money and rushed to the designated place.

But the other party demanded that the ransom must be in cash, and she didn't want the bank to find out her whereabouts. Xiao Su'er took a huge suitcase and filled it with all the cash. After carrying the suitcase, she could barely walk and fell down the stairs.

"Ah!" She screamed and wanted to grab something next to her, she stretched out her hand to grab the bed sheet, sat up from the bed, looked at the familiar room around her and panted profusely with sweat, it turned out to be a dream!

But she didn't care to pant and immediately turned over and got out of bed, and ran towards Xiao Wang's room, calling while running, "Mengbao, Mengbao, are you there?"

Xiao Wang was lying on the bed and was sleeping soundly, when he suddenly heard Xiao Su'er's cry, the terrified cry woke him up immediately, he jumped up from the bed and opened the door of the room, and saw Xiao Su'er rushing into the room After seeing him, she hugged him tightly in her arms, making him a little out of breath.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? I'm so uncomfortable."

When Xiao Su'er heard his words, she lightened her pressure a little, but she still didn't let go of him, muttering to herself, "Fortunately! Fortunately, you are fine."

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why are you sweating all over?" Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Su'er sweating profusely, and picked up his sleeve to help her wipe away the sweat.

Xiao Su'er looked down at such a sensible child in her arms and felt much more at ease, but the tension in the dream just now was still lingering. She reminded Xiao Wang repeatedly, "Cute baby! Do you know that you can't run around in the future? You must do it anytime, anywhere. Let mother find you, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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