Chapter 928

Chapter 928

"Mom, where can I go? Just give me a call whenever you want, I will always have my phone on." Xiao Wang didn't understand why Xiao Su'er was frightened like this, but he still comforted her sensiblely. she.

"I know! I know you won't run around, but my mother had a dream just now. I dreamed that you were gone, so my mother was very scared."

Xiao Su'er hugged her tightly, still dominated by the fear in the dream.

"Mom, don't be afraid, I can guarantee that I will never run around, I will be obedient."

Xiao Wang hugged Xiao Su'er and patted her on the back lightly, as if the roles of the two were reversed, he was the parent, and Xiao Su'er was the child.

"Huh..." Xiao Su'er panted heavily and gradually calmed down and looked at Xiao Wang, "I'm sorry, Mom, I disturbed you, so that you couldn't sleep well, and woke you up in the middle of the night, go! Go to sleep. "

Xiao Su'er hugged Xiao Wang to the bed, she sat beside her and gently patted Xiao Wang's quilt, and sang a lullaby to lull him to sleep. She is not sleepy at all now, she just wants to look at her child, the dream in the dream That feeling was too real, and she didn't know why she had such a dream, she only knew that she couldn't really experience the scene in the dream, otherwise she would definitely collapse.

This is the child she bought in exchange for her life!Back then when she was pregnant with Xiao Wang, she was in a bad mood, because of Bo Qingang's affairs she went overseas sloppily, and because of the sequelae left by the explosion, she couldn't eat well during the whole pregnancy, and she was always trying to find ways to take care of her body , but a pregnant woman can't take medicine, she can only use food tonic.

But everyone knew that no matter how high the nutritional value of those foods was, they could not replace medicines to take care of the body. His body was very weak, and he almost had an accident when he gave birth. She was also bleeding profusely in her weak body.

Although Xiao Shuo is superb in medical skills, he still can't accompany his daughter when she gave birth, and can only wander around anxiously outside the delivery room, commanding remotely.

But for things like childbirth, no matter how skilled the medical skills are, it is useless. To a large extent, it still depends on the physical fitness of the parturient.

Xiao Shuo didn't know what kind of willpower she used to survive. She only knew that the moment she saw Xiao Shuo, she felt that all the suffering was worth it.

So in her mind, everything is not important, Xiao Wang is the most important, the two of them are mother and child connected by an umbilical cord with blood thicker than water, as long as she can take good care of herself and her child That's enough, she doesn't care about anything else.

Xiao Su'er watched Xiao Wang slowly fall asleep again by Xiao Wang's side, the sound of steady breathing came, she felt that this was the most beautiful sound in the world, the sound of her son sleeping peacefully next to her made her feel good peace of mind.

Turning her head to look out the window, the bright moon was hanging in the sky, she could know that it was already late at night, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, she just wanted to look at her child soberly.

When Xiao Shuo got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom on the first floor, he passed Xiao Wang's bedroom. Seeing the light coming from inside, he quietly opened the door curiously, thinking that he would see his grandson sitting in front of the computer and knocking. The keyboard, after all, he has seen such a scene many times in a row, but he didn't expect to see his daughter sitting beside the bed.

"Su'er, why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?" Xiao Shuo walked into the room and looked at her strangely.

"Dad!" Xiao Su'er stood up and looked at him, "I had a dream just now, and I felt a little scared, so I came to look at Mengbao, why are you still awake?"

"I got up at night, but when I saw Mengbao's room lights were still on, I said I came over to take a look, but I saw you unexpectedly, what dream did I have?"

Xiao Shuo could tell at a glance that Xiao Su'er was overly frightened, her face was pale, and her head was sweating, something was wrong!

"It's nothing! Maybe it's because I'm too tired recently, so I started dreaming. I'm much better now, and I'm going to go back to sleep. You should go back to sleep too."

Xiao Su'er pushed Xiao Shuo out of Xiao Wang's room, Xiao Shuo turned to look at him, "By the way, your mother's death will be forbidden in two days, let's go to her grave to pay homage! You just brought Mengbao back I guess I haven't visited your mother's grave either."

When they found Katharina’s old lair, they found a lot of her experiment diaries, and knew the time of Ang Qingqiu’s death. When they were overseas, they would continue the traditional habit here and make a big table to eat. Yes, burn paper money to worship.

I finally returned to the Chinese mainland this year. Of course, I had to go to the grave to worship. At that time, Mr. Ang had thought of moving Ang Qingqiu’s grave overseas. After all, she grew up overseas, and her family was overseas. .

But Xiao Su'er directly refused, she knew that her mother would not want to go back overseas, this is the place where he and Xiao Shuo met and fell in love, she would definitely want to stay here.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Su'er came back, she wanted to go back to the place where she had her mother.

"I haven't taken him there before, so let's take him there in just two days." Xiao Su'er turned her head and glanced into the bedroom, Xiao Wang was still sleeping soundly.

"Then go to sleep quickly, and stop thinking about it." Xiao Shuo patted her on the back.

"I see, Dad." Xiao Su'er went back to the room, lying on the bed still a little restless, always felt that the dream was real as if she had experienced it herself, and she often had dreams, but never had a dream that was so real. the point.

She couldn't figure it out, and finally could only shake her head violently, "It's just a dream, Xiao Su'er! Do you still think it's real?"

Xiao Wang sent him to the kindergarten every day, and picked him up after work. The kindergarten teacher would always watch over him, especially after what happened last time, the kindergarten teacher was eager to watch Xiao Wang 24 hours a day. , absolutely nothing will happen!

She persuaded herself, pulled the quilt over her head, and forced herself to stop thinking about it.

the next day.

When Xiao Su'er looked at Xiao Wang while eating breakfast, she would think of the dream from last night, and she couldn't help staring at him.

"Sister, what are you doing? You've been staring at Mengbao, this is your own son, don't you recognize him?" Xiao Yuhan looked at her with strange eyes.

"What nonsense, how could you not recognize him, my son is so cute, can't I take a second look?" Xiao Su'er looked away.

"By the way! Mom, is our kindergarten going to hold a sports meeting or a parent-child sports meeting? You said that you want your parents to participate, so you have to remember to come." Xiao Wang held up a piece of bread and looked at Xiao Su'er.

"When is the sports meeting?"

"Mom, do you have time for the sports meeting this afternoon?"

"Afternoon? Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Xiao Su'er thought about it carefully, it seems that there is no patient who has an appointment, so it is no problem to ask for leave.

(End of this chapter)

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