Chapter 930
Chapter 930
All the parents and students came to the playground with the teacher, and many checkpoints have been set up. Of course, the parent-child sports meeting in kindergarten cannot be compared with the sports meeting in junior high school. Most of them are some relatively simple items such as sticking noses , Ants moving beans, relay race sports.

"Next, we will carry out the first project, the parent-child relay race. Parents only need one parent to complete the race with their children."

The teacher announced the start of the competition. Xiao Su'er was about to step forward, but Bo Qing'ang stopped her, "Let me do the running and jumping events. You wait by the side, and Xiao Wang and I will bring you back a championship." Come."

"You..." Xiao Su'er wanted to reach out to stop him, but felt that his words seemed to touch a certain string in her heart, watching him and Xiao Wang bring him back a championship?Father and son work together to cut gold?This is the first sentence that popped up in Xiao Su'er's mind.

Thinking of this, she sat back in her seat and waited for the competition between Xiao Wang and Bo Qingang together with other parents.

Although it was just a kindergarten parent-child activity, Bo Qingang was also the most outstanding one. No matter what the project was, he cooperated with Xiao Wang tacitly, and the speed was very fast, winning one project after another.

Xiao Su'er was in a daze seeing the two of them so in harmony. She had brought Xiao Wang overseas all these years, and had never had any contact with Bo Qingang. Even if they meet and chat with each other, they can get together for an hour or two at most, how can it be enough to cultivate such a strong tacit understanding?

Or is blood thicker than water?Blood relationship is really the most mysterious and inseparable relationship!
She sat on the seat and watched Bo Qingang and Xiao Wang moving with smiles on their faces, and the corners of their mouths subconsciously raised an arc. In fact, this kind of picture is quite eye-catching. It turned out that he was also looking forward to seeing Xiao Wang and his father happy. screen.

Some things are irreplaceable, even if you give him enough maternal love, it cannot completely replace fatherly love.

Xiao Su'er's eyes followed Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Wang's all the time, but she saw a woman in fashionable clothes and high heels walking up to Bo Qing'ang with water and handing it to him.

"You are so good. You are number one in every event. It seems that you are the absolute champions of this parent-child sports meeting. Drink some water."

The woman stared at Bo Qingang with definite eyes, the look in her eyes was already obvious, she had seen this kind of gaze too much, Bo Qingang knew what she meant, did not take his water, but carried Xiao Wang to Xiao Su'er's side.

"Mom, look at Dad, he is so good. He is the first in so many projects. Our classmates are very envious of me, and they are all giving me thumbs up."

Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Su'er happily, now he is no different from a four-year-old child, he would feel proud and happy because other children praised his parents.

"Really? That's good. When the time comes, I will win a trophy for my mother and put it at home." Xiao Su'er hugged Xiao Wang and handed her the water bottle, but she didn't care about Bao Qingang at all.

Xiao Wang held the water glass and drank a couple of sips of water, seeing Bo Qingang standing aside, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he immediately handed him the water glass, "Dad, you can drink some too."

Bo Qingang took the water glass and took two sips of water, Xiao Wang pouted immediately, and looked at Xiao Su'er with some displeasure, "Mom, why don't you bring more water, it's not enough for me, Dad is also thirsty. "

"I didn't even know he was coming today. Did you tell me? How would I know to bring him water?" Xiao Su'er spoke in a bad tone, and she knew she was in a bad mood right now.

Xiao Wang pursed his mouth, wondering what happened to Xiao Su'er all of a sudden, he was already healed after he came out of the classroom just now, wasn't he?Why are you angry again?

Bo Qing'ang felt a little unhappy when he heard Xiao Su'er's words. He knew that Xiao Su'er would be unhappy, but he didn't expect that even to his son, she would not hide her dislike for him.

Because of Xiao Su'er's words, the three fell into an inexplicable awkward atmosphere instantly.

"Hello, are you Xiao Wang's mother? I am the mother of her classmate, and my name is He Lin!"

In the embarrassing atmosphere of the three of them, the woman who brought water to Bo Qing'ang just floated over quietly, and introduced herself to Xiao Su'er with a peachy face.

As the saying goes, don’t hit a smiling person with your hand, Xiao Su’er can’t go too far, even if she is in a bad mood, she can only answer her with a smile, “Hello!”

"Xiao Wang is so happy. Mom and Dad accompanied me to the sports meeting. Unlike our daughter, only my mother came. His father didn't care about her much after the divorce."

He Lin looked enviously at Xiao Su'er and sighed, "You are so lucky to have such a good husband."

"You misunderstood, I have nothing to do with him, and now he is not my husband." Hearing her words, Xiao Su'er immediately disregarded her relationship with Bo Qingang angrily.

She really couldn't figure it out, although Bo Shao's name is not to be ignored in the Chinese mainland, but now it is a parent-child sports meeting, and he and Xiao Wang participated in these games together, which already shows that he is a family man, Why do some women still come over one after another, and even take the initiative to bring him water.

Even if she is a single mother, Xiao Su'er still feels uncomfortable in her heart, she just wants to separate the relationship in front of Bo Qingang.

He Lin's eyes lit up when she heard Xiao Su'er say that, she took Xiao Su'er's hand and looked at Bo Qing'ang warily and asked in a low voice, "So that means you don't care even if he is dating other women now? "

"Of course I don't mind." Xiao Su'er still responded coldly.

He Lin almost jumped up happily when she heard his words, she took Xiao Su'er's hand and kept thanking her, "Thank you, thank you, I understand."

"No need." Xiao Su'er frowned tightly, pulled her hand from his hand with an unhappy expression, and deliberately sat a little further away from him.

But He Lin had already got the answer she wanted, so she didn't care about her reaction at all, but went directly to Bo Qing'ang's side and began to introduce enthusiastically.

"Young Master Bo! My name is He Lin, and my daughter is that little girl! She and Xiao Wang have a good relationship in the kindergarten. They often tell me when they go home that there is a very smart classmate in their class. It seems that Xiao Wang should be Inherit your IQ, look cute and smart."

She wanted to win over the relationship between the two through the children of the two families, but she never expected that Bo Qing'ang would turn a deaf ear to what she said, and would ignore her at all.

Bo Qing'ang had heard Xiao Su'er's words just now, but she didn't expect her to say so bluntly in front of outsiders that she didn't care about her association with other women.

(End of this chapter)

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