Chapter 931 Jealous

Chapter 931 Jealous

Could it be that in her heart she is not important at all, has no place at all?Wouldn't she be jealous seeing other people getting so close to her?
Bo Qingang was so stuffy in her heart that she didn't want to talk to He Lin in front of her at all, she ran away while holding Xiao Wang in her arms, "Let's go! Xiao Wang, let's go over there to draw the lottery."

There are a lot of activities in the kindergarten, not only competitions, but also various lucky draws. You can play all afternoon without repeating the same. Since Xiao Su'er doesn't want to see him, then he should stay away from her, it's better than him It's good for other women to push it on themselves.

Bo Qingang took Xiao Wang to the side, leaving Xiao Su'er alone. She wanted to stand up and follow the two of them, but seeing He Lin following him step by step, she sat back in her original seat, and she couldn't affect his luck. , Bo Qingang will never lack women by his side, but how many names are there who are so bold and dare to pester him?
Maybe this He Lin and him are really destined, and the two of them are pretty good together. It just so happens that He Lin already has a daughter, and if he marries her, he will immediately become a father!There is no need to worry about other things at all.

The more Xiao Su'er thought about it, the more angry she became, she completely ignored the sour taste slowly rising in her heart, which drowned her whole body.

She was sulking here, while Bo Qing'ang was tireless over there, and was cold-faced towards He Lin from the beginning to the end, but He Lin came with her daughter and squatted between Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Wang. Beside, the two children are really in a good relationship.

Her daughter also looks cute and cute, and Bo Qingang can't be angry with his classmate's mother in front of Xiao Wang, so he can only hold his breath and look indifferent.

"Young Master Bo, you see there is a parent-child competition over there, two people with three legs, how about we compete? See if you and your son have a tacit understanding or my daughter and I have a tacit understanding?"

He Lin reached out and wanted to pull Bo Qing'ang's sleeve, but Bo Qing'ang avoided her and said in a low voice, "We are boys and cannot bully girls. You can find another parent with a daughter to accompany you to compare."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a two-legged three-legged race. It's not very difficult. It's mainly a test of tacit understanding. You see, it doesn't even reach 100 meters. There are also other parents who are boys and girls. It's okay, let's go." Let's go together, Xiao Wang, do you want to go?"

Seeing that Bo Qing'ang was unmoved, He Lin turned around and looked at Xiao Wangxian courteously. Xiao Wangxian originally wanted to refuse, but he obviously saw that Xiao Su'er's eyes had changed when she looked at this side.

Instantly knew that she was in a very bad mood now, and she had to go along with the flow to make her realize that he still had a father in his heart. Thinking of this, Xiao Wang nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's go to the competition."

He just wanted Xiao Su'er to face up to his feelings and make her jealous, so that Mom and Dad could reconcile according to the situation.

Xiao Wang pulled Bo Qingang to the starting point of the three-legged competition between the two. Bo Qingang squatted down and tied his left foot and Xiao Wang's right foot with a red thread. He Lin beside him also tied her with a thread. and her daughter's feet, and whispered a few words beside her daughter.

"Okay, get ready to start." The teacher ordered from the side, and He Lin walked forward with her daughter. The tacit understanding between father and son was obviously weak, and the two of them were almost at the end in a blink of an eye.

He Lin turned her eyes and walked quickly to the finish line, but she pretended to be tripped by her daughter, and fell directly to the finish line, with her hands rubbing and peeling off instantly when she put her hands on the ground.

She sat on the ground and looked at Bo Qingang pitifully, "Young Master Bo, you see I'm injured, can you send me to their school's infirmary for a bandage? Let me go to work to support her."

She wants to create a strong and independent female image in front of Bo Qingang. After all, she has given birth to a child at this age, so she must be inferior to those young girls, so she can only find another way, since Bo Shao herself is already If you have a child, you will definitely consider your own child when looking for a partner, and you will find him a virtuous stepmother, right?
Bo Qing looked at her condescendingly, unable to hide the boredom in her eyes, even wanted to kick her away, but she held back, and always maintained the demeanor she should have in front of the child.

"Mom, are you okay? Xiao Wang, can you let your father take my mother to the infirmary?" He Lin's daughter didn't understand what kind of tricks her mother was playing. Qing Ang also followed her words and asked Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang was also a little embarrassed when he heard her words. He is smarter than ordinary children, but it doesn't mean that all children are smart. He can tell at a glance that this aunt is seducing his father, but his classmates can't tell , he couldn't say directly, he could only look at Xiao Su'er in embarrassment.

Xiao Su'er saw Xiao Wang's eyes begging for help not far away, after thinking about it, she walked to his side and lowered her head and asked, "What's wrong, Mengbao?"

"Mom, Auntie fell and got hurt during the competition just now. Otherwise, you should send her to the infirmary. It's really not good for Dad to send her."

Xiao Wang thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, and asked Xiao Su'er to send He Lin to the infirmary, perfectly solving her injury problem without making Bo Qingang angry.

Bo Qing'ang glanced at He Lin, she was still sitting on the ground, but when she saw Xiao Su'er approaching, she immediately stood up from the ground, quickly shook her head and refused, "No, how can I let a girl feel so heavy? Send me to the infirmary? Miss Xiao looks so young and so thin, she must not be able to support me, Young Master Bo! You should send me there. "

He Lin took it for granted that Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Su'er were divorced, that's why Xiao Su'er ignored him, even if a woman approached him, she would not be angry.

In this case, she must learn to take the initiative and use this opportunity to let Bo Qingang see herself. By then, not only will she be able to make a fortune, but her daughter will no longer have to suffer with her in the future.

It was precisely because of this thought in her heart that she dared to blatantly hook up with Bo Qingang in front of Xiao Su'er.

When Xiao Su'er heard what she said, she kept her mouth shut and didn't answer her. After all, she wasn't asking herself. When Bo Qingang saw her coming, He Lin asked him so bluntly. He simply turned his head and looked at Xiao Su'er. "What do you think? Would you like me to take her to the infirmary?"

When Xiao Su'er heard him ask this question, although she was angry, she couldn't express it directly, and could only answer coldly, "This is your business, what's none of my business?"

"I'm asking if you agree, and I'll send her to the infirmary." Bo Qingang continued to ask again.

(End of this chapter)

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