Chapter 933
Chapter 933
He Lin who was in the corner didn't notice that Xiao Su'er had opened the curtain at all, she was still sharpening her head, wanting Bo Qingang to notice her.

Fingers stretched to the side of Bo Qingang's chin and touched his chin, her eyes were like silk, and her voice was soft enough to drip water, "Young Master Bo, look at him! Do you not like the clothes he is wearing today, or don't you?" Do you like the lipstick I use? You don't even look at me."

He Lin almost used the tone that a girl in her teens would use, as if she was acting like a baby, which made people get goosebumps.

Bo Qingang raised her head and saw Xiao Su'er standing by the door. She just stood there quietly, neither stepped forward nor backed up, and didn't even say a word, but clenched her hands tightly into fists and put them on the floor. Beside her, Bo Qingang knew that she was jealous at a glance, and suppressed the idea of ​​pushing He Lin away, but instead answered her question.

"Your clothes and lipstick look nice."

Such a fluffy sentence, Bo Qingang just said it casually, but in He Lin's ears, it seemed to give her encouragement, she approached Bo Qingang with a smile on her face, and her whole upper body was almost lying on his body .

"Young Master Bo thinks their lipstick looks good. Mine has a scent. Do you want to try it?" He Lin approached tentatively as she spoke, wanting to kiss Bo Qingang. Qing Ang might push her away, but he didn't expect him to make any move at all, which gave He Lin great encouragement.

She immediately moved to Bo Qingang's mouth, and her bright red lips were about to kiss Bo Qingang's lips.

Bo Qingang seemed to be doing it on purpose, not moving at all without refusing, just sitting on the sofa like a puppet and letting He Lin do whatever she wanted, and He Lin's lips would stick to her lips with a centimeter left.


An unknown object suddenly hit, and He Lin was hit so that she fell backwards. After she sat down, she realized that it was a pillow, but it was hit with such force just now, it was like a brick hitting her face.

She felt dizzy from being smashed all over her body, picked up the pillow and looked at Xiao Su'er, and asked loudly, "Who is it? Why are you so devoid of public morals? Did you kill me by hitting the pillow?"

"I smashed it, and I deliberately smashed it to let you know how to write the word self-respect."

Xiao Su'er didn't know why, but there was a burst of anger, as if she was going to burn her whole body, just now when she saw He Lin so close and Bo Qingang didn't respond, she felt that she lost the ability to think instantly , can only follow your own body to respond.

The pillow closest to her was the pillow. She subconsciously picked it up and threw it at it. When she realized it, the pillow had already flown out, but she did it anyway, and she didn't regret it. This woman really doesn't know self-respect. How should I write the two words? What kind of example can I set for my daughter by throwing myself into the arms of a man I met for the first time?

"Didn't you divorce him? After the divorce, you still have to take care of your ex-husband's affairs. Don't go too far. Your family lives by the sea! You want to take care of everything."

He Lin immediately yelled at Xiao Su'er in dissatisfaction when she heard Xiao Su'er's righteous words teach her a lesson.


"Shut up, you have no place to speak here!"

Bo Qingang accused her coldly, and He Lin was stunned. The little excitement just now because of Bo Qingang's refusal to refuse, was instantly like a bucket of cold water being poured down her head. She couldn't believe it. Looking at Bo Qingang, "Young Master Bo, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you are not qualified to talk about her, let alone teach her a lesson here. Who do you think you are? Get out!"

Bo Qingang finally felt a little emotional now, but it wasn't the excited emotion that He Lin thought, but just looked at her and let her go.

He Lin was even more angry when she heard his self-blame, raised her index finger and swung back and forth between Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Su'er, and finally yelled uncontrollably.

"You two are sick, right? Especially you! Shameless? They are both divorced and still occupy him. Since the two of them are so affectionate, why did they divorce in the first place? Is divorce fun? I guess it's you rich people Are you going to give each other cuckolds outside? Now you feel that you have had enough fun and want to go back to the other party? You..."


Before He Lin finished speaking, Bo Qingang's slap mercilessly slapped her on the face, making her stunned. When she turned her head again, many people dressed in black rushed into the infirmary. bodyguards.

These bodyguards followed Bo Qingang all day long, but they just kept obediently by his side and didn't talk much, and usually they wouldn't attract too much attention, as if they had been hiding outside the infirmary just now.

Now that she received Bo Qingang's signal, she immediately rushed into the infirmary, holding He Lin from left to right and planning to drag her away. He Lin yelled unwillingly, "Young Master Bo, what do you mean? How can I do that?" Are you dissatisfied? You said it! Are you just for this divorced woman? You have already played it, so do you still care about her? "

He Lin was already dizzy with anger, and she couldn't choose what to say, but her words hit Bo Qingang's muzzle, and Bo Qingang pointed at her furiously and yelled, "Take her down to me immediately, This kind of woman with a dirty mouth, don't let her appear in front of me again."

"Yes!" Several bodyguards answered swiftly, dragging He Lin out of the infirmary.

Xiao Su'er watched her being dragged out of the infirmary, the door was closed and closed, and finally the infirmary returned to calm. She could feel Bo Qingang's eyes looking at her all the time, and this kind of hot eyes could not be ignored.

When Bo Qing'ang flew over from the pillow just now, she knew that Xiao Su'er still had him in her heart. Although she kept insisting that the two of them could no longer have any relationship, the series of actions just now had betrayed her. No matter how much you deny it, it's useless, you already have him in your heart.

With a faint smile on his lips, he walked up to Xiao Su'er, "Tell me, were you jealous just now?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't be jealous, what does it matter to me?" Xiao Su'er subconsciously denied him, as if she didn't need to think about such words, when facing Bo Qing'ang, what she subconsciously was to deny, refuse, resist !
"Really? Then why did you stop her from kissing me just now? Why did you hit her with a pillow? Aren't you jealous?" Bo Qing'ang asked after her, just to make Xiao Su'er admit that she is jealous now .

Xiao Su'er heard his question, bit her lips tightly, not knowing how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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