Chapter 934
Chapter 934
Seeing her action, Bo Qingang knew that Xiao Su'er was conflicted in her heart now. She was never a person who liked to escape, and the style of daring to act belonged to her. Now she must be very entangled. She knew that she was jealous. But she just didn't want to admit it, she couldn't face herself like this.

But the more Xiao Su'er was like this, the more proud he was, because this was enough to prove that Xiao Su'er had him in his heart.

Bo Qing'ang walked up to her, and was so close that he could smell the faint herbal fragrance from Xiao Su'er's body, so he stopped and asked again, "Why do you think you did this?"

"As I said just now, I just don't like women who are so self-respecting. She has a daughter. Will she educate her daughter like this in the future? Isn't this harmful to the child?" Xiao Su'er quickly found one, and in her Reasons that look good to the eye.

But Bo Qingang felt a little funny when he heard this reason, "Really? When did you become so nosy? You have to take care of how others educate your daughter. You were not like this before." of."

In the past, Xiao Su'er never meddled in other people's affairs, even if it was a fight against injustice, she really couldn't stand the situation, and she would not bother with someone whose family affairs had nothing to do with her at all.

"That was in the past! Can the me now be compared with the me in the past? You only know the me in the past, not the me now." Xiao Su'er just refused to admit it, but Bo Qing'ang saw her awkward look , I instantly felt that she was too cute, even cuter than five years ago.

Five years ago, Xiao Su'er dared to love, hate, act and act, she would speak out what was on her mind, even on the day the two of them confirmed their relationship, she thought of it and asked it out in front of everyone, unlike Now he is obviously jealous in his heart, but he still refuses to admit it.

Bo Qing'ang looked at Xiao Su'er, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious, she approached her step by step, Xiao Su'er subconsciously retreated when she saw Bao Qing'ang approaching, the space in the infirmary was not big, she retreated to the wall within a few steps place.

Xiao Su'er looked at Bao Qing'ang who was standing in front of her with some embarrassment, before she had time to ask him to go away, Bo Qing'ang stretched out her hand and directly pressed against the wall next to Xiao Su'er's face, wrapped her in her arms, and looked down. Watching her speak slowly, "Su'er, whether it was before or now, you are the same as you have never changed."

"I've changed, let me tell you! Don't use your previous thinking to look at me now, let alone think that I will be jealous for you. Who do you think you are?"

"Really? Then why did you come to the infirmary? Isn't it because you are afraid that she will plot against me? Thank you for driving her away with a pillow, otherwise I would be really dangerous."

Bo Qingang said provocative words in a serious manner, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What nonsense are you narcissist talking about? I came here because Mengbao said he had a stomachache and I..."

Xiao Su'er looked at the door as she said that, but she didn't find Xiao Wang's figure. She immediately became anxious, pushed Bo Qingang away and went out, but she didn't find Xiao Wang's figure. Only she and Bo Qing were left in the infirmary. Ang two people.

"Where did this kid go? Didn't he just say he had a stomachache? It seems he lied to me again." Sometimes Xiao Su'er really feels helpless towards her smart son. It's not good if his IQ is too high. My own mother is also merciless when she comes.

She now knows that Xiao Wang didn't have a stomachache just now, just to create a chance for herself and Bo Qingang to be alone, this child!Ugh……

"My son knows that the two of us should get along well. Su'er, are you sure you plan to ignore me for the rest of your life?" Bo Qingang ran to Xiao Su'er's side, closed the door of the infirmary, and turned to look at Xiao Su'er. Xiao Su'er, in a good mood, is going to talk about his longing for the past five years.

"Go away, I'm going out! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here. I'm going to find my son. I don't know where he went."

Xiao Su'er pushed Bo Qingang away and wanted to rush out, but Bo Qingang continued to stop her, "Is that why you don't want to stay with me? Nothing will happen to my son, you know she is so smart, this It's in their school again."

"Do you think I'm you? I don't care about my son at all. You didn't bring him up, so you have no feelings for him." Xiao Su'er didn't want to be alone with Bo Qing'ang in this kind of environment, it would be too easy for her to think of the past.

"Who said that I have no relationship with my son? I'm just fulfilling my son's wish. His greatest wish is to reconcile the two of us and give him a healthy family. Don't you think about his suggestion? "

Bo Qing'ang put her hand on her shoulder, Xiao Su'er frowned and hid to the side, turned around and caught Bao Qing'ang in an instant, twisting his hand behind her, "What are you doing? Don't move!"

Over the years, Xiao Su'er has also learned a lot of skills overseas, not only medical skills, but also boxing skills have become much better. Most people can't beat her, but a person like Bo Qing'ang who has received professional military training must be able to subdue her easily. Yes, but Bo Qingang couldn't bear to touch her.

Xiao Su'er was a little annoyed, she really wanted to shake off Bo Qingang and turn around to leave, but she saw him frowning tightly and squatting down in pain.

She was so frightened that she immediately let go of his hand, ran to him and knelt down and asked, "What's wrong with you? I didn't hurt you just now, did I? How could your physical fitness be hurt by me?"

Bo Qingang covered his chest, bit his lips tightly, and almost squeezed out the words from his teeth, "It's not because you hurt me, it's because of the cold poison."

"What? Wasn't the cold poison unraveled five years ago?"

Xiao Su'er clearly remembered that her first time was to undo the cold poison for Bo Qingang, and it happened, didn't she already undo it at that time?Why has it been five years, and he is still suffering from the cold poison?

"I didn't untie it, maybe because you were always by my side five years ago, which could have a restraining effect. After you disappeared in the past five years, it has become more and more serious. I feel that my willpower is almost unable to hold on. "

Bo Qing'ang began to speak intermittently because of the pain. She reached out her hand to pull Xiao Su'er, but she was a little hesitant, and finally supported herself directly on the ground. What happened to her personally made her sad, and she just wanted to relieve her pain quickly.

She pulled Bo Qing'ang into her arms vigorously, and kept comforting him, "It's okay, I'm here and I'll give you relief, I'm your medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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