Chapter 935 The dizzying pupil

Chapter 935 The dizzying pupil

Holding Bo Qingang in her arms, Xiao Su'er slowly moved to the bedside where she was resting in the infirmary, wanting to let Bo Qingang lie down, but she didn't expect that just as she arrived at the bedside, she suddenly felt that the person in her arms lifted her up. Turning over on the bed, she met Bao Qingang's piercing eyes as soon as she turned her head, and was pressed down on the bed by him, unable to move.

Bo Qingang had a scheming smile on his face, looking at Xiao Su'er below him with complacency in his eyes, Xiao Su'er realized in an instant that he was just pretending, what kind of cold poison, what was getting more and more serious, all of them were lie!

The cold poison had been completely resolved five years ago, and he wouldn't blush when he told a lie, so the child probably inherited it from him.

The more Xiao Su'er thought about it, the more angry she became, and she put her hand on Bo Qing'ang's chest, "Get out of the way! You big liar, I'm still worried about you. If you want to be shameless, how can you lie when you are such an adult?"

"I only lied to you, and if I didn't lie to you, would you be willing to stay?" Bo Qing'ang reached out and hooked Xiao Su'er's waist, making her get closer to him, and the two became instantly Inseparable.

Xiao Su'er became a little annoyed and pushed him away forcefully, but her strength was like a drop in the bucket in Bo Qingang's place, and it didn't have any effect at all.

"What are you going to do? Let go, if you do this again..."

"What do you want if I do this again? Do you want to lose my temper? You can lose your temper however you want, just don't hide from me, don't ignore me, as long as you say you can forgive me, I'm willing to go Do it! Five years, there are not many five years in life."

Bo Qing'ang hugged her even more tightly, with her head resting against her head, and her mouth close to her ear, Xiao Su'er could feel that all the heat from her exhalation entered her cochlea.

In an instant, half of her body felt numb, her whole body froze there, and she did not move anymore. It is true that there are not many five years in life, but some things cannot be erased by time alone.

"Can you reverse time? Can you go back to five years ago? If not, what you say now is useless." Xiao Su'er tried her best to stabilize her emotions, staring at the roof of the infirmary dully, It is because life is irreversible, so now they can only be familiar strangers.

"Why didn't it work? Now with you, me, and Xiao Wang, we are a complete family of three. As long as you are willing to open your heart, we will be the happiest family in the whole world."

Bo Qing'ang propped himself up a little, and put the tip of his nose against Xiao Su'er's. The eyes of the two almost fell out of their sockets and were close together. From such a distance, every pore on the other's face could be seen clearly.

The two are so close now that they can feel each other's body temperature through their clothes. Could it be that they still can't warm her heart?Bo Qing'ang almost wanted to pull out his heart to let Xiao Su'er see clearly that there was only one person in his heart, which had never changed, and it was impossible to accommodate other people from the beginning to now and even in the future.

Xiao Su'er looked at Bo Qing'ang's eyes, it seemed like a deep pool, his face was reflected in the pool, it seemed that it was the first time for Xiao Su'er to look at Bo Qing'ang's eyes from this angle, there seemed to be nothing but her in those eyes thing.

It was also the first time she knew that Bo Qingang's eyes were so simple and beautiful, even more charming than the eyes of some beauties.

I couldn't help being stunned, just staring at those eyes, as if there were thousands of galaxies in them.

Bo Qing'ang stared at Xiao Su'er's somewhat dull eyes, she is very obedient and docile now, like a cat basking in the sun in winter, soft and ready to be bullied.

He tentatively lowered his head slowly, and the lips of the two were touching, Xiao Su'er didn't respond at all, she was already intoxicated in his pupils.

What the two of them didn't know was that Xiao Wang, who was in the monitoring room at this time, saw all the interaction between the two of them, and almost jumped up with excitement.

He knew it was useful, as long as two people were locked in a room, and when no one was around, the hidden emotions in his heart would be aroused, wouldn't it be successful now?It seems that there is nothing wrong with the tutorials on the Internet, and the netizens on the Internet can not only tell some jokes!It can still be of some use!

But this alone is not enough, he wants the two of them to completely clear up their past grievances, live together in the same house and become a family, but this situation should be a bit difficult now, and they need deeper contact and a thorough opening of their hearts, then What should I do?

Xiao Wang's eyes rolled around, and he tapped his fingers on the table in the monitoring room. This was the aftereffect of typing too much on the keyboard. When he was thinking, he always liked to tap his fingers on the table quickly.

This could bring him inspiration, and he immediately thought of a wonderful plan.

Looking down at Xiao Su'er who had already reacted on the monitor, she laughed happily and muttered softly, "Mom, don't blame me!"

Xiao Su'er belatedly woke up from Bo Qingang's gaze, and immediately pushed him away after feeling the touch on her lips.

Bo Qingang was caught off guard and pushed aside by her, Xiao Su'er stood up and pointed to Bo Qingang on the bed, "You are really enough, stay away from me in the future! I will never let Mengbao go to the piano room to practice piano again , I will buy a piano, ask the teacher to teach you two at home, and I won’t see each other every week.”

Bo Qing'ang was stunned on the bed, the contrast between before and after was too great, he thought that Xiao Su'er accepted his kiss by accepting him, why did he suddenly react so violently and push him away.

"Su'er, why did you..."

"I was in a daze just now, and I forgot to push you away. I tell you that it is impossible for the two of us. Some things are already printed there, just like tattoos tattooed on the body. will leave a mark."

Xiao Su'er quickly ran out of the infirmary. When she was immersed in Bo Qingang's pupils just now, she thought a lot, but no matter how she thought about it, she would always go back to that moment of fear and loneliness in the end, lying on the operating table, Worried that those people would abort her child.

Bo Qingang said that with the two of them and Xiao Wang now, it is the happiest family of three, why hasn't she thought about it?She was in a trance when she dreamed back at midnight. If Bo Qingang was by her side now, how happy she and Xiao Wang would be, but she just couldn't ignore what happened back then.

It turned out that those things had been engraved in her heart, and she couldn't forget them even if she wanted to.

"Su'er, listen to me, back then..." Bo Qingang jumped up and chased after him to explain what happened back then. He had already investigated clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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