Chapter 936
Chapter 936
But he didn't expect that when he chased to the door, he found that Xiao Su'er had already run away, wearing high heels and running so fast, how much did he want to avoid him?It's like hiding from a scourge!
Reluctantly lowered her head and sighed, she thought Xiao Su'er had already accepted him, if she knew that she should have used this time to explain to her clearly what happened back then, another great opportunity wasted, and I don't know what will happen next time when.

This time it was his son's hard work that was able to hold Xiao Su'er, but next time he will not be so lucky.

Bo Qingang sighed: "Oh, I really fell on Xiao Suer's body."

In the past five years, how many people thought of ways to send some women to his side, even Ouyang Luo couldn't hold on in the second year, and told him that maybe Xiao Su'er was really dead, and let him go again Find a.

In order to help him get out, Ouyang Luo even searched for a few people who were extremely similar in body and appearance to Xiao Su'er, but he didn't know whether they were really similar or he forced them to have plastic surgery. of.

But those women standing in front of Bo Qingang still made him not interested at all, not at all, even though they were already so similar, they still lacked charm.

Especially when they flattered and collapsed on him, he was even more annoyed, wishing he could punch them to death.

In the past five years, he has deeply realized one thing. In his life, he will never see other women except Xiao Su'er, and he has reached the point where she is his only choice. If Xiao Su'er is not by his side, then he would rather be single for the rest of his life. .

On the other side, after leaving the infirmary, Xiao Su'er ran all the way. When she arrived at the playground where the sports meeting was held just now, she leaned on the wall and began to breathe and rest.

Just now, she lost herself for a while, and she almost surrendered her sweet words to Bo Qingang. Fortunately, she kept the last bit of reason, and she suddenly wanted to give herself two slaps to wake herself up.

At this time, Xiao Wang also cautiously came to Xiao Su'er's side, tugged at the corner of her clothes with his hand, and called softly, "Mom, you are out."

Xiao Su'er heard Xiao Wang's probing voice, she was angry and funny, and looked at him helplessly, "What are you doing? Why are you lying to me? You obviously don't have a stomachache, and if you want a tablet, I'll take you to the infirmary. You just Was it on purpose?" She pinched her son's nose and shook it angrily.

"Mom, you won't blame me, right? Just now I saw that auntie had bad intentions, and you saw it too. She must be trying to seduce Dad. Even if you don't have feelings for Dad anymore, you should go and help him Ah! Being entangled by such an aunt will not lead to any good results."

Xiao Wang had already figured out how he would answer if his mother questioned him, and smiled at her and told her the explanation he had prepared a long time ago.

"He won't be entangled by others. Such a woman throwing herself on him is asking for death. Now it's all right! Instead of seducing him, he was dragged out by him. I don't know if I was dragged away by those bodyguards now." Where is it, you probably won’t be able to see your classmate when you come to class tomorrow.”

Xiao Su'er thought about it carefully, since she met Bo Qing'ang, the fate of those women who tried to seduce him seemed to be not very good, one was more ruthless than the other, and one was cut off by him just by touching the corner of his clothes Sending it with both hands, and being a slave overseas, the consequences are really miserable!
Although she was with her later, she has been taking care of Bo Qingang, telling him not to be so ruthless, but now I don't know if he still remembers his instructions, or has changed his attitude, then He Lin can imagine the consequences Either way it won't be too good.

"Is Dad so powerful? But that classmate of mine did nothing wrong. She is just a child. She is only three years old and younger than me. If something happened to her mother, don't blame her! Mom, hurry up and talk to Dad. Tell me, don't get my classmate involved."

After Xiao Wang heard her words, he became anxious for a moment, grabbed the corner of Xiao Su'er's clothes and swayed it from side to side, acting like a baby.

Seeing his worried look, Xiao Su'er became interested, squatted down and looked at Xiao Wang and whispered, "Tell mom why you are so anxious? Do you know that you are only four years old now, and your classmate It's a girl."

Hearing this, Xiao Wang immediately understood what she meant?Pretending to look at her angrily, "Mom, you are already an adult, and you call me a child, how can you say such deep meaning to me? It will be misunderstood. I just think that my classmate More innocent!"

Seeing his seriousness, Xiao Su'er rubbed his head, "I know, I'm just kidding you, he's not so insane, he won't attack a child, at most, let her mother take care of her." Let her transfer to another school, anyway, you probably won't see her in the future."

In her heart, Bao Qing'ang has always had that little bit of softness, no matter what, she will not attack a child, but it is really sad for that little girl to have such a mother, and she can be allowed to study in such an aristocratic school , The monthly salary should not be low, why do you still think about relying on men?
"Okay then, mom, let's go home. We've finished the competitions in the sports meeting. I'm not interested in the lottery." Xiao Wang took Xiao Su'er's hand.

"Let's go." Xiao Su'er held Xiao Wang's little hand, because of her height she couldn't stand upright and walk at all, but it didn't matter, she would rather bend her body a little and hold her son's hand.

the other side.

Bai Qingyue was inspecting the medicines that were about to be sent to the mountains at Imperial University. There were a lot of Chinese medicines donated by the students of the University’s Department of Chinese Medicine, but she found that they were damp. She wondered if sending them there would affect the efficacy of the medicines. .

After thinking about it left and right, I felt that it would be too troublesome to find Xiao Su'er, so I went straight to Xiao Yuhan and blocked him at the door of his office.

"Professor Xiao, I'm really worried that you've already left work. Seeing as you look like, you're leaving, right? Can you spare me a little time and do me a favor? You see, these medicinal materials are damp like this. If I send them over, those poor people will People in the mountainous area, if they just hold it in the sun, can they continue to eat it?" Bai Qingyue anxiously took out a bag of damp medicine from her bag.

Xiao Yuhan was already carrying the computer and getting ready to get off work, but he was blocked by Bai Qingyue, but he was willing to help with this kind of thing, but after sniffing the medicinal material by his nose, he took another piece of medicinal material in his hand Feel it inside.

"No, I can't eat it anymore. It's too damp, and the moisture has already penetrated into the medicinal materials. It's useless even to dry it. You should not send it. Otherwise, eating it will not only not help the condition, but will also make it worse."

(End of this chapter)

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