Chapter 937 Mean
Chapter 937 Mean
"According to this, these herbs are no longer usable? What a pity!" Bai Qingyue looked at the herbs in the bag with regret.

Xiao Yuhan glanced at the bag, "There are only so many herbs, what are you afraid of? Throw them away!"

"It's not like that, I brought it here to show you, and there are two big bags." Bai Qingyue felt even more regretful thinking about the two bags of herbs that were still in the classroom, such good herbs haven't been delivered yet. It was damp in the past, but you can't take bad medicinal materials, that's too much!It won't work if you have problems after eating it later, so just throw it away.

Thinking of this, she turned around and was about to leave, Xiao Yuhan grabbed her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to throw these medicines away! If they don't figure it out and send them together, what if something happens to them?"

Xiao Yuhan looked at her worried look, and smiled slightly, "How about it! I also grow some herbs at home, you come home with me to get them, and make up for the vacancy in these two bags."

Since the last time the two of them went to investigate together, he began to pay attention to Bai Qingyue's movements in the school, and found that she had really misunderstood before. She is warm and cheerful, although sometimes she has a bit of a big lady temper, but she will not bully her classmates indiscriminately .

Especially the charitable association in the school has indeed played a very positive role. Many students donated their own things, and many donated money and clothes.

The last time he saw Bai Qingyue, pointing to two very old clothes and criticizing the donators: "Although it is to help others, it is true that you can donate clothes you don't want, but you two are like rags, too Look down on others! Do you think that you are superior to others by donating clothes? If this is the case, then I don't want your things!"

With just these two sentences, he has greatly changed his view of Bai Qingyue. Many people do charity to flaunt themselves, and even feel that as long as they donate clothes to children in impoverished mountainous areas, they are their benefactors. He feels that he is very special. It is a mistake for such a person to do charity, but Bai Qingyue is different, she really wants to help them.

Such a kind-hearted person should not be bullied on campus, maybe there is really a misunderstanding between her and Rong Linger.

Bai Qingyue was instantly happy when she heard what he said, "Does Professor Xiao want to donate some medicine too? But last time your sister also donated a lot. I gave her 20 yuan to help her buy medicine. She bought a lot, and later Only then did I realize that she gave more money than I gave her."

"My sister and I are both studying medicine. It is also necessary to make some contributions to the impoverished mountainous areas. Come home with me."

As Xiao Yuhan said that, he took Bai Qingyue downstairs. When the two reached the stairs, they saw Rong Ling'er carrying the freshly baked biscuits and going to look for him, but at the stairs they saw him and The prepared smile on Bai Qingyue's face collapsed in an instant, and she looked at Xiao Yuhan and asked, "Professor Xiao, where are you going?"

"I'll take Bai Qingyue to my house to get something."

Xiao Yuhan didn't think too much, and told her directly, but Rong Ling'er's face changed drastically after hearing what he said, and she looked at Bai Qingyue with some precautions, "What are you doing at Professor Xiao's house?"

"Go get something, didn't he tell you just now?" Bai Qingyue still didn't have a good impression of her, but it was not as tit-for-tat as before.

Rong Ling'er took the biscuit forward and handed it to Xiao Yuhan, as if deliberately speaking to Bai Qingyue, and said in the most gentle tone, "Professor Xiao, last time you said that you really like the biscuit I made , This time I made it specially for you again, what do you want to take Bai Qingyue to your house to get? How about I go with you. "

When Bai Qingyue heard what she said, she secretly rolled her eyes. Did Rong Linger directly identify her as Xiao Yuhan's girlfriend?I don't even look at whether people agree or not. How can there be such a narcissistic person? It's ridiculous!

Rong Ling'er saw her white eyes, and had already imagined Bai Qingyue's current mental activities in her heart. She gritted her teeth, just wanting to compete with Bai Qingyue, to see whether Xiao Yuhan would stand who over there.

She looked at Xiao Yuhan expectantly, but she didn't expect that Xiao Yuhan didn't care at all, and waved her hand, "I don't want to eat your biscuit now, it's too sweet, so don't make it in the future! I Just take Bai Qingyue to my house to get some things, if you have nothing to do, don't use it."

Xiao Yuhan put down these words, took Bai Qingyue and went downstairs beside Rong Ling'er, and ignored her at all, Rong Ling'er was furious in an instant, watching the two people's backs disappear at the corner of the stairs, angry He had to throw the biscuit in his hand into the trash can, clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, "Bai Qingyue, wait for me!"

Although Xiao Yuhan treated her like this before, but because of Bai Qingyue's presence, she regarded Bai Qingyue as an enemy.

Anyone who wants to rob Xiao Yuhan from her must be targeted by her. This Bai Qingyue can't stay. She thought that she and Xiao Yuhan had succeeded to the point where they couldn't get along. Unexpectedly, she was able to hook up so well Xiao Yuhan's change of opinion towards her was not because she was a great person, because when she saw a boy with better conditions and more handsome, he jumped on her!

The more Rong Linger thought about it, the more angry she became, and she kicked the trash can uncontrollably. The aunt who cleaned the school happened to come up and saw her kicking the trash can, and kicked all the garbage that was already in it to the ground. , and said a little unhappy: "Student, what are you doing kicking the trash can? You see that you kick it everywhere, and I have to clean it again."

"What are you doing? That's what you do. Clean up, just clean up, don't talk so much!" Rong Ling'er was already holding back her anger, but now she directs all her anger on the cleaning aunt.

Hearing that she was so fierce, the aunt could only lower her head and mutter, "The little girls nowadays are really more tempered than the other."

Although she was already very quiet, but now there were her and Rong Ling'er in the corridor, Rong Ling'er could hear her words clearly.

"What's wrong? You were the one who talked about me first, and I can't talk about you anymore? Don't think I'm easy to bully!" Rong Linger pointed at Aunt Cleaning and yelled arrogantly. Aunt Cleaning was so scared by her that she could only close her eyes He pursed his mouth, lowered his head to clean up, and never dared to speak again.

"Hmph!" Rong Ling'er snorted coldly, turned around and walked down the stairs, feeling much more at ease in her heart, and finally saw a more pitiful person than her.

Doesn't she live at the bottom of the society? At least she still attends classes at Imperial University, which is very powerful in mainland China, and was once a star. No matter what, she is better than others.

Every time she sees someone who is more miserable than her and lives a sadder life than her, she feels very happy!
(End of this chapter)

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