Chapter 939

Chapter 939

"No, they, no..." The old man still hesitated and didn't say a complete sentence. Xiao Su'er thought she was scared of being beaten, and wanted to continue to comfort her, asking her to tell who was so shameless. Even old people are beaten.

But just as she was about to speak, the cell phone next to her rang. Xiao Su'er didn't want to answer the phone when she was at work, or she was disrespectful to her patients, so she was about to take it and hang up the phone, but found it belonged to Xiao Shuo. Xiao Shuo usually Don't call her when she's at work unless it's something really urgent.

She thought to herself, could it be that Katharina's accomplices have been investigated, then this matter is very important, after thinking about it, she hung up the phone and sent a message to Xiao Shuo: Dad, I am in the process of seeing patients. For something important, just send a text message and say it.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a few seconds by something at home, let's continue now."

After putting down the phone, Xiao Su'er smiled and turned back to continue treating the old man lying on the acupuncture bed, trying to get her to tell what happened to her wound.

Xiao Shuo's text message came back quickly. Xiao Su'er originally wanted to put it aside and read it later, but she didn't expect another call. It must be something urgent, so she could only look at the old man on the bed. Smiling apologetically, he picked up the phone.

But the text message from the mobile phone made her panic and her hands began to tremble in an instant: Mengbao is gone!I can't find him anywhere!

Xiao Su'er was overwhelmed with fright, today was Saturday, Xiao Wang's kindergarten didn't have classes, so she didn't wake him up, but came to the clinic by herself to see a few patients who had made appointments for reexamination today.

Before leaving, Xiao Wang was still lying on the bed at home and sleeping soundly. Why do you say that he is gone now? This kid usually can’t run out by himself. He never makes people so worried. What the hell is going on? What's going on?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she couldn't care less about the patient in front of her. She rushed to the second floor in a hurry to ask Dr. Song to take care of the patient, and then hurried out of the clinic and ran home.

While running, I called Xiao Shuo, and the other end quickly picked up, and described to her in a hurry, "I woke up Mengbao this morning, and after I made him breakfast, he said he was going to wait in the yard. Play in the yard, I think the sun is good today, let him play ball in the yard by himself."

"It turned out that it was only a few minutes, I didn't look forward to it, and when I turned my head again, I found that he was not there, and the door was opened, and I didn't know what was going on. The patient can go back tomorrow, come back quickly!"

As soon as the phone was connected, before Xiao Su'er could ask, Xiao Shuo told the whole story by himself. Xiao Su'er always felt weird when he heard it, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Xiao Wang never ran out by himself. The last time I went to see Bo Qing'ang was never before, and he also promised himself that he would never run around again, why did he open the gate of the manor?

At this moment, Xiao Su'er regretted that she didn't invite a few gardeners and nannies to take care of them, what kind of freedom did she want!Children's safety is the most important!
"Dad! I see, I'll be right back." After hanging up the phone, Xiao Su'er ran to the side of the road even faster to get a taxi, and suddenly became more upset, why it happened that she didn't drive here today, if she knew it, she wouldn't be lazy.

Just when she was in a state of confusion, a black stretched Lincoln stopped in front of her, and she didn't care to see whose car it was, anyway, it wasn't the taxi she wanted to take.

When Bo Qingang got out of the car, she saw that Xiao Su'er was trembling, her face was sweating slightly, and she realized that something must have happened, so she immediately walked up to her and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you, Su'er ?”

Xiao Su'er was so frightened that her face turned blue and her mouth turned pale, and she didn't care to avoid Bo Qing'ang anymore, all she could think about was Xiao Su'er now.

Bo Qingang is the young master of Huaxia Mainland, who doesn't give him some face, she immediately grabbed Bo Qingang's hand, "The cute baby is gone, no matter how hard my dad looks for him, I can't find him, I have to go back and see now What's going on, can you help me find it together?"

"What? Xiao Wang disappeared? Don't worry! He'll be fine. I'll immediately ask everyone to go out and look for the whole city." Hearing her crying voice, Bo Qingang knew the seriousness of the matter in an instant, comforted Patting her on the back, he turned to Zhang Song who had just arrived in the car behind him and ordered, "Send someone out to look for it immediately."

"Yes!" Zhang Song also heard the conversation between the two while sitting in the car, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dispatched many bodyguards to search in the city.

Xiao Su'er still couldn't feel at ease. Although Bo's bodyguards were many, she would never feel at ease until she saw Xiao Wangxin with her own eyes. Bo Qingang took her hand, "You get in the car with me, we will send you home."

"Okay." Xiao Suer couldn't care less about refusing now. No matter where Xiao Wang went, the starting point must be at home. When he got home, he would definitely find clues. The child didn't know where he went. The more Xiao Suer thought about it, the more he thought about it. Anxious, his already pale face turned paler.

The car was driving smoothly on the road, Xiao Su'er couldn't feel at ease at all, her feet kept shaking because of the panic, but her mind was full of the fact that the cute baby had disappeared.

Bo Qingang looked at her, stretched out his hand to hold her hand to give her strength, and said comforting words beside her, "Don't worry, I'm here!"

"But you..."


Before Xiao Su'er finished speaking, the phone rang. She took out the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Now she didn't want to bother with these wrong harassing calls. Just when she was about to hang up, Bo Qing Ang picked it up, trying to divert her attention.

But the moment they picked it up, the two of them froze at the same time, and a calm male voice came through the phone, sounding cold without any emotional ups and downs.

"It's Xiao Wangxiao's parent, right? He's in my hands now. Do you want him to be safe? If so, just listen to me!"

When Xiao Su'er heard this sentence, she froze instantly, as if her blood had stopped flowing, and she forgot to reply. Instead, Bo Qingang gently squeezed her hand and shook her head , and finally pointed to the mobile phone to signal her that the kidnapper had no idea that Bo Qingang was by his side when he called, and she needed to answer it herself.

Xiao Su'er took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and said to the other end of the phone, "Yes! I am Xiao Wang's mother."

(End of this chapter)

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