Chapter 940 One Billion Cash
Chapter 940 One Billion Cash
"Listen well, he's in my hands now, don't worry, he's fine now, I'm just trying to get rich and never kill, I want a billion in cash."

The kidnapper opened his mouth to say an astronomical figure. Xiao Su'er has returned to her senses now. After realizing it, she was about to question whether the person on the phone was telling the truth or not. Will someone take advantage of this moment to ask her for money?In fact, Xiao Wang was not in his hands at all.

But before Xiao Su'er could turn to the phone to ask questions, she heard a heart-piercing scream from the phone receiver, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Mom, save me."

It was Xiao Wang's voice, she could never hear it wrong, Xiao Su'er panicked for a moment and didn't care about anything else, and didn't care about thinking about what was going on, so she could only agree to the phone one after another, "Okay, okay Don't touch him, I'll give you whatever you want, and you can give it to you how I want, don't touch my son."

"Don't worry, I know that one billion cash is not a problem for your family at all. Even if you can't get it out, Xiao Wang's father probably won't just sit idly by! You two remember, it can only be done by the two of you personally. Come save this little guy, if I see anyone else, just wait for him to die at a young age."

"Take the designated money to the place I designated. I will instruct you to hand over the money to me step by step. Don't play tricks."

The person on the other end of the phone looked very understanding. He knew that Xiao Wang's father was Bo Qingang, and he knew that even if it was one billion in cash, it would not be a big problem for the two of them.

Since Xiao Su'er heard Xiao Wang's scream, she has completely lost the ability to think, and she can only reply mechanically to everything she said, "Okay! Okay! I listen to you."

"Very well, then you go prepare the money first, remember! I want cash, I know that it will be very laborious to transport one billion in cash, I will give you time to prepare, and you will receive a call after two hours Phone, I know Bo Shao is very capable, so I will find a way to find out the source of my call."

"But it's best not to do this. Since I want to kidnap your son, I must have thought of all my countermeasures. If you dare to force the hacker to locate me, then I will kill your son immediately."

"I know, I won't! Don't touch my son, don't move." Xiao Suer's hands trembled when she spoke, and immediately grabbed Bo Qing'ang's hand after hanging up the phone, "Quick! Hurry up! I go to the bank, I want to withdraw money, I ask my dad to transfer the money to me immediately.”

One billion in cash is nothing to the Ang family, but it is still a huge sum of money to Xiao Su'er. This time, she has to ask her grandpa overseas for help, and she simply doesn't know how to speak.

Bo Qingang patted her hand to comfort her. "Don't worry, I will pay the money, and I will go with you to find Xiao Wang, who is also my son."

Bo Qingang was actually very worried, but he always felt that this phone call was a bit strange. Why did the two of them have to go to redeem someone together?Is it okay not to be alone?It's not easy to expose the target and it won't distract them. If something happens, it can be quickly transferred with the hostage.

But no one can fully imagine the purpose of the kidnappers, so Bo Qingang had no choice but to put aside his doubts for the time being, and took Xiao Su'er to the nearest bank.

For businesses involving one billion in cash, the bank would not withdraw so much at one time, but Bo Qingang and the others had to do it immediately if they didn't want to. The two of them had already withdrawn a full billion in cash in less than two hours. Loaded a car.

Xiao Su'er waited less than two hours to take the initiative to call the kidnapper, and there was an unexpected and joyful voice, "Hey, your hands and feet are quite nimble, yes, it seems that this child is quite valuable."


"Ah! Mother!"

Immediately after the applause and Xiao Wang's crying voice, Xiao Su'er panicked and shouted towards the phone, "Don't touch my son, don't beat him! If he loses a hair, I will Your life, you will not get the money you want."

She had lost her mind because of Xiao Wang's beating, and she just wanted to climb over there along the receiver of the phone to fight the kidnapper, but the kidnapper started to tsk tsk after hearing her words, "Tsk tsk, don't threaten me, you Now that my son is in my hands, do you think I'm still afraid of threats from you?"

"Okay, follow Xiao Wang's father to the address I sent you immediately, the sooner the better! I will instruct you to put the money step by step. After I transfer all the money, your son will naturally will come back to you."

"Warning! Let the people of the Bo family not act rashly, and don't think of a way to call the police, because it's useless, the big deal is that they all die together. I don't lose anything by letting this rich second-generation child die with me."

The kidnapper had considered everything, and threatened Bo Qing'ang with Xiao Wang's life very professionally, and could not do anything to threaten him, Xiao Su'er only nodded in agreement.

The transaction address was quickly sent to the mobile phone. Xiao Su'er looked at the address. It was a small hotel on the outskirts of the city. The kidnapper was really brave enough to trade in the hotel.

But she no longer cared about whether the transaction address was reasonable or not. She just sat in the car and urged the driver to speed up to the hotel. The driver almost rushed all the way to the hotel through red lights.

Xiao Su'er originally thought that they would see a hotel with a lot of people, and they would not be able to tell who was the kidnapper, but she didn't expect that the situation was quite different from what she imagined. Not only did this hotel not have many people, but there was no one at all. It looks dilapidated and dilapidated.

At this time, the next step instructions came on the mobile phone: go and sit in the room that can be opened in the hotel!
Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang looked at each other, still followed the instructions from the mobile phone, walked to the door of the hotel room and tried to open it, but found that most of the doors could not be opened, except for one room. Individuals have no choice but to walk in together.

"Crack!" Almost the moment the two of them entered the door, the door was closed, Xiao Su'er frowned and tried to open the door again but found it was completely useless.

Bo Qing'ang watched her anxiously pull the doorknob at the door, walked up to her and shook his head lightly, Xiao Su'er watched him bit his lip and backed away.

He held the doorknob to study for a while, then turned his head and said: "It's useless, it seems that the kidnapper has already made a careful plan, this dilapidated hotel has installed the most advanced anti-theft system, we are not going out at all." don't go."

(End of this chapter)

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