Chapter 941 Power Outage
Chapter 941 Power Outage
"What? The most advanced anti-theft system? That means the kidnappers are premeditated and organized. They have already thought about everything and even changed the door in advance. What do they want to do? We all brought the money , which locks us up here.

quick!Break the door out, you can break the door, right? "

Xiao Su'er was very flustered, this place had been arranged in advance, which meant that the kidnapper had already set his sights on Xiao Wangwang a long time ago.

What really happened?Could it be that they were stared at in the kindergarten?But he was studying in an international kindergarten, and every family in it was very rich, why did he only focus on Xiao Wang?Could it be because of Bo Qingang?But no one dared to disclose the relationship between Xiao Wang and Bo Qing'ang, the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out, but she didn't have the heart to think so much.

She just wanted to see Xiao Wang soon, Bo Qingang glanced at her, and asked seriously, "Are you sure you want me to break the door?"

"Yes, is it possible that the two of us have been locked here forever?"

"They said they won't let go until they transfer the money. If we break the door and go out now, it may not be good for Xiao Wang." Bo Qingang seemed much more rational.

"Then what should we do now? Just let us stay here? How could I be able to stay!" Xiao Su'er was running around anxiously, like ants on a hot pot.

At this moment, the mobile phone in her hand rang again, and she immediately picked it up and shouted to the inside: "We have come here, and the money has been brought, but this door is locked, what do you want to do?"

"I know! That door was arranged by me, your money is in the lobby of the hotel! Don't worry, I will let you out after I have completely transferred the money, but you have to stay in that room for one night , after I escape smoothly, your son will return to you, don't play tricks and try to escape, it will only harm your child."

Hanging up the phone again, Xiao Su'er wanted to call but was held down by Bo Qingang, "Forget it, don't call again, you still say the same thing when you call him."

Xiao Su'er lowered her hand weakly, and she didn't care to pick up the phone when it fell on the ground. She went straight to the window and looked at the deserted suburbs. She really couldn't imagine where the person who kidnapped Xiao Wang would hide him. What is he doing now? What?

Xiao Wang's screams on the phone still echoed in her ears, and she couldn't help but shed tears, and she murmured to the window, "Mengbao, where are you? Mom came to save you, but Mom looked for you." I can't reach you!"

She was sweating profusely because of the fright, running back and forth in such weather, the sweat had already soaked her long hair and clothes draped around her body, she was extremely sad but didn't care about herself.

Now I just want to know where her son is, but Bo Qingang already knows it in her heart, she shakes her head helplessly and walks in front of her.

"Calm down, they want one billion in cash. If something happens to Xiao Wang, how can the two of us give them the money? And they know the status of the Ang family and the Bo family in mainland China. They don't benefit at all, they will definitely let Xiao Wang come back after they take the money, don't worry, go take a shower, you're sweating all over."

Xiao Su'er put her hands on the edge of the window and didn't look back, she just shook her head to herself, "I don't want to take a bath, the child is not safe now, why should I take a bath?"

"Do you think that Xiao Wang would be covered in sweat when he came back to hug you? You should take a good bath and rest, I promise that Xiao Wang will return to you after tonight, and nothing will happen."

When Xiao Su'er heard this, she finally turned her head and looked at him, "How do you know? How can you guarantee? They are kidnappers. If they could really keep their word, they would not do such illegal things Now, they are not even afraid of calling the police, not even you Bo Shao, how do I know what they will do?"

After he said this, the whole person fell into a panic, and many images appeared in his mind, all of which were bloody and terrifying. He was worried that all the people in these images would become Xiao Wang, and his whole body began to tremble. Waking up, she was so flustered for the first time, so flustered that she lost the ability to think.

"I can assure you, and I can swear that they will never do anything they shouldn't do to Mengbao. Don't worry, take a bath and calm down, and then we will discuss what to do next when you come out, otherwise you are panicking now You can't calm down like this at all, you can't think of anything, and it's not conducive to thinking, what do you think?"

Bo Qing'ang used his most gentle tone and began to coax Xiao Su'er. Under his words, Xiao Su'er slowly calmed down, and nodded at him in a daze, "Yes, you are right! I am really not calm. Come down, then I'll take a shower, you sit here."

Xiao Su'er went to the bathroom, the rooms in this hotel are the same as other hotels, transparent bathrooms!Bo Qingang outside could see what she was doing in the bathroom.

I took out the bathroom towel to cover the transparent glass and started to take a shower, but I didn't think about it at all, I just stood under the shower and washed my body and didn't care.

Bo Qingang sat on the sofa outside and began to observe carefully, paying attention to the room of the two of them, every corner of the room, the ceiling, the bedside table, the teacup, and the kettle. thing.

Just when he was puzzled and thought that maybe he was thinking wrong, the light in the room suddenly went out, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

"Ah..." Xiao Su'er in the bathroom let out a small scream, which immediately made Bo Qingang even more nervous, and rushed into the bathroom without even thinking about it. In the darkness, both of them couldn't see each other, but they could feel each other. Beside, Xiao Su'er immediately covered her body with a towel and looked at him, "Why did you come in?"

"The power went out suddenly, and I heard you calling again, thinking you slipped and fell, are you okay?" Bo Qingang stretched out his hand while talking.

"It was indeed a power outage that was caught off guard just now, and I almost slipped and fell, but I stood firm, I'm fine, you go out first, I haven't washed it yet, it's just that the power was cut off and the water didn't stop."

Xiao Su'er reached out to push Bo Qingang out of the bathroom, but just as she stretched out her hand, Bo Qingang grabbed her hand. There were still wet drops of water on her hand, and her skin was white and tender to the touch. Bo Qingang suddenly felt her throat tighten , he didn't want to let go of Xiao Su'er at all, he still held her hand without moving.

"Let go, what are you doing? Ah..." Xiao Su'er wanted to shake off his hand, but the bathroom was full of water and the floor was wet and slippery, she almost fell down when she tried hard.

(End of this chapter)

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