Chapter 942 Self-directed and self-acted
Chapter 942 Self-directed and self-acted
Bo Qing'ang felt her strength to pull back again, and immediately took a step forward anxiously to embrace Xiao Su'er into her arms. Xiao Su'er, who was only wearing a thin towel, threw herself into her arms with moisture, instantly getting wet He took off his shirt, which made him feel the long-lost warmth, he hugged Xiao Su'er unwilling to let go.

Xiao Su'er in the dark fell into his embrace, her face flushed instantly, she actually forgot to move for a moment, and forgot to push him away.

The two of them just hugged Xiao Su'er in the dark, steamy bathroom. After a few minutes, Xiao Su'er realized that she tried to push Bao Qingang away, "What are you doing? Let go!"

"If I let go, will you fall down again? Let me hold you, don't be afraid! I won't do anything to you." Bo Qingang closed her eyes, and sniffed Xiao Su'er obsessively The smell, the faint herbal fragrance is a natural body fragrance that cannot be completely covered even with shower gel.

The fragrance has appeared in his mind countless times, and he always fantasizes about smelling it again one day. Now that his wish has finally come true, how could he be willing to let it go.

"No need, you'd better go out first, I'll just wipe it off." Xiao Su'er felt her own body temperature rising rapidly, if she couldn't see herself in the dark now, she must have seen her now As red as a cooked lobster.

"I'll stay here with you, don't worry, the power is out now, of course I can't see you when you are so black, I just want to stay here with you, if you are not standing still, I can help you in time." hold on."

Bo Qingang looked down at the person in his arms, even though he couldn't see anything, it seemed that the eyes of the two people could still meet in the dark, and they met in the dark space.

"I said no need, you go out first." Xiao Su'er seemed to be able to see his eyes in the dark at a glance, she felt that she was getting hotter, her whole body was as hot as forty degrees, immediately She stretched out her hand and pushed Bao Qingang out of the bathroom.


The moon hangs high in the sky in the outskirts, the moonlight is much brighter than the city center where high-rise buildings stand everywhere, the bright moonlight pours through the windows on the floor of the hotel room, Bao Qingang lies on the sofa without saying a word, Xiao Suer sleeps in the On the bed, he sighed deeply from time to time.

"Alas..." He sighed again and turned over on the bed, but still couldn't fall asleep!

Bo Qingang took out her phone and took a look, it was already three o'clock in the night, Xiao Su'er lay on the bed tossing and turning for several hours but couldn't sleep, even if she wanted to!The child's whereabouts are unknown now, and she doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. How can she sleep?
Bo Qingang sat up from the sofa and came to her bedside, "Don't worry, you go to sleep first, it will be fine tomorrow morning, and Xiao Wang will return to your side tomorrow morning."

Hearing his words, Xiao Su'er didn't know why she suddenly felt a little angry, she sat up from the bed and looked at Bao Qing'ang scolding him angrily.

"Xiao Wang is also your child. He is not someone else's. He is your own. The two of you are related by blood. Why are you not in a hurry? Is it because you have not lived by your side since childhood that you treat him Have no feelings?"

She really couldn't figure out why Bo Qingang was so calm from the beginning. If it was to calm her down, he kept his sense, but now letting her sleep peacefully, this is simply a dream. Can you sleep peacefully when your whereabouts are unknown?
"It's not that I don't have feelings for him, it's because..." Bo Qing'ang wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. In the end, he could only sigh deeply like Xiao Su'er, "Oh..."

Then he raised his head and said to the empty air in the darkness, "Okay, don't bother your mother anymore, do you want your mother to stay up all night? Come out!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who are you talking to?" Xiao Su'er thought he was insane, and said nonsense to the room.

"I'm not talking nonsense, it's just that I've noticed something is wrong since I first entered the hotel. Didn't you notice that even though we were asked to pay the ransom, they wanted to bring the two of us together everywhere? The same The rooms also use the most advanced anti-theft system locks, but the decoration of the same hotel is different from the standard room of the hotel, with only one bed.”

"And the electricity was turned off while you were taking a shower. Do you think there is such a coincidence? One thing is a coincidence. It's a coincidence that all things come together, but someone did it on purpose."

Bo Qingang began to analyze the loopholes in this matter for her. Since he entered this room, he had already noticed that something was wrong, but seeing Xiao Suer's flustered appearance, he never told her. Of course, he also wanted to take this opportunity He and Xiao Su'er had more time to spend alone, but seeing Xiao Su'er being tossed like this made him feel distressed again.

"Someone did it on purpose, what do you mean? Kidnapping must be done intentionally! Could it be that someone kidnapped unintentionally?" Xiao Su'er didn't understand what he said, and her anxious IQ had already flown out of her head.

"What I mean is that the intentional person is our son. He wanted to match the two of us, so he deliberately directed and acted out this kidnapping scene."

When Bo Qingang said this, he turned his head and questioned loudly into the darkness, "Am I right? Mengbao, come out quickly. It doesn't make any sense. I've already seen through it."

Xiao Su'er was stunned when she heard what he said. Was it really her son who did it?Xiao Wang is indeed very smart, and indeed able to achieve this level, but would he really go too far and make himself so worried?
She was still comforting herself in her heart, maybe Bo Qingang guessed wrong, but unexpectedly there was a click at the door, the lock was opened from the outside, and a small figure walked into the room.

Xiao Wang lowered his head, pinching the corners of his clothes with both hands, and said a little guilty and pitifully, "Mom, I'm sorry, I really did this thing myself, I just want you and Dad to have a chance to explain everything clearly, I that is……"

In the middle of his speech, he couldn't continue, because he saw Xiao Su'er, whom he had never seen since he was four years old, and she had an extremely angry expression on her face.

Xiao Su'er breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him walk into the room, she felt that her son was finally safe, and she could feel completely at ease.

But what followed was anger. She was so worried, but she didn't expect her worries to be superfluous. Xiao Wang was fine at all. From the very beginning, he was secretly watching them from other places, so she was caught by her son. played.

(End of this chapter)

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