Chapter 943 Hacker K’s Identity

Chapter 943 Hacker K’s Identity

"Mom, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Seeing Xiao Su'er's angry expression, Xiao Wang couldn't help feeling guilty, he walked to the bed and wanted to reach out to hold Xiao Su'er's hand.

Xiao Su'er shook him off, climbed out of bed and pointed at him, "You really went too far this time, have I taught you not to lie casually, not to do things that make adults worry, not to mention that you did it on purpose this time." , do you know how much it scared me this time?"

She knew that Xiao Wang was very smart. Every time she reasoned with him, Xiao Wang would listen very carefully. He had never done anything to make him worry. This time not only made her worry, but also scared her almost. Insanity, kidnapping!What a serious matter.

This is the first time that Xiao Su'er strongly hopes that the little guy can return to a normal child's IQ. She doesn't want a son with an extraordinary IQ. If such incidents happen again, she will probably be scared out of her wits and die on the spot.

"Mom, I'm just..." Xiao Wang also knew that he was wrong, and looked at Xiao Su'er pitifully, not knowing how to explain it.

Looking at Xiao Wang from the side, Bo Qingang sighed deeply, "Oh... that's all right, call out all your accomplices, who pressed it for you? Who installed this lock for you to monitor? Everything Find it out for me, I want to see who bewitched you."

He always thought that it was impossible for Xiao Wang to complete all these things by himself. He was only a child over four years old. So bold, he dared to talk nonsense in front of his son Bo Qing'ang and give him such a bad idea.

When Xiao Wang heard what he said, he felt inexplicable, and shook his head towards him, "There is no one else, but my accomplice who came here alone. I really don't know how to change this lock by myself. I just paid for two people to come over. Locked, they can't be regarded as accomplices."

Bo Qingang was shocked when he heard what he said, and grabbed Xiao Wang and asked seriously, "Are you sure you planned all this alone, and no one will give you advice later?"

"Of course not, mom knows that I can do it all by myself!" Xiao Wang nodded seriously.

Bo Qingang felt very shocked, this little child was able to make such a seamless plan, and he still remembered to threaten Xiao Su'er with the tone of the kidnapper on the phone at any time, all the details were considered, it was incredible, this is a A gifted child, and he can use a computer to synthesize the voice of an adult man, so powerful?

Computer, synthesis, genius... Bo Qingang used these pieces of information to make associations, and suddenly thought of a very unbelievable thing. Looking at Xiao Wang, he asked tentatively, "Are you a hacker?"

Of course he knows that it is unbelievable to say that a child over four years old is a top hacker, but this is the only explanation that is a little more reasonable. He thought hacker K was Xiao Su'er's suitor before, maybe the two of them are already together, but These days, he sent many bodyguards to follow Xiao Su'er secretly, and he never saw anyone around her.

If she really started a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with the hacker, how could someone let his girlfriend not come to see each other in China for so long?
But if they have nothing to do with each other, then why did the hacker K release those remarks on the Internet, and help her clarify the rumors, and also use such a powerful program to force pop-up videos on the entire network, the two definitely have an extraordinary relationship .

But if Xiao Wang is a hacker K, then everything can be explained.

Hearing his question, Xiao Wang knew that Bo Qingang was remembering the past, so he nodded shyly, "Yes, Dad! Hacker K is me."

Looking at him, Bo Qingang smiled helplessly and dotingly, "My son is so powerful, I didn't know until today."

"Have you finished?" Xiao Su'er asked coldly from the side, without any warmth in her eyes, she walked up to Xiao Wang and grabbed him, "Come home with me immediately."

He was really angry that his own child had no sense at all, that's not how intelligence is used.

Xiao Wang also knew that he was wrong, and followed him without saying a word, and Bo Qingang also followed in their footsteps.

After returning to Ang’s Manor, Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan were anxiously pacing in the living room. When they saw Xiao Su’er bringing Xiao Wang back, they immediately stepped forward and hugged Xiao Wang to check up, down, left, and right, and found that he was not injured at all. Only then did I feel at ease.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I'd definitely kill those kidnappers, and dare to kidnap my grandson, don't die!"

"That's right! Sister, do you know who kidnapped Mengbao? Tell me quickly, I'm going to kill him."

Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan spoke with righteous indignation, but Xiao Su'er snorted coldly after finishing speaking, "Hmph, then you should kill your nephew, everything today was directed and acted by him, Ignorant! Look at how frightened your uncle and grandfather are."

After saying this, she went up to the second floor angrily, and when she returned to the room, after closing the door, she slid down the door to the ground as if she had collapsed, sitting like she was shaking all over. It's like falling apart.

Xiao Yuhan on the first floor listened to his words, and looked down at Xiao Wang in disbelief, "Mengbao, is what your mother said true? You planned this kidnapping scene yourself? Why did you want to do that?"

"I'm just..." Xiao Wang didn't know how to explain it. If he said Bo Qing'ang's name, he would definitely make his uncle angry. He knew that Xiao Yuhan hated Bo Qing'ang to a very serious degree.

"Do you want to joke with the people in the family? You think life is too boring now, then you can tell grandpa that grandpa can take you to amusement parks, museums, and planetariums. Why do you want to do this? You Do you know that you scare your mother!"

Xiao Shuo was even more angry, he grabbed Xiao Wang's hand and made him stand by the wall, "You face the wall here and think about it, think about how to apologize, and then go to apologize to your mother, this time you really Excessive!"

Xiao Yuhan glanced at him and didn't say much, but followed Xiao Shuo back to the room. After today's incident, they contacted Mr. Ang who was overseas in the afternoon and asked him to send their Ang family to stay in China Mainland There are a large group of nannies and bodyguards standing in the manor.

In the future, they don't want to live a free life anymore, it's better to watch Xiao Wang carefully.

Now Xiao Wang is standing alone in the living room, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he is very uncomfortable. He has already regretted seeing Xiao Suer trembling in the hotel room on the surveillance.

(End of this chapter)

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