Chapter 948 Low-level mistakes
Chapter 948 Low-level mistakes
Rong Ling'er deliberately pulled her nose to make her nose red, then walked into the office and asked in a low voice in front of Bai Qingyue, "Did something happen to Qingyue? You seem to be in a bad mood."

"How can you be in a good mood? Look at what you made a mistake. I told you that our charity association is to help others. We must be careful. Do you know how serious a mistake you made this time? I told you how urgent the batch of medicine is, you said it, you are the most careful girl in the club, let me hand this ticket to you, there will be absolutely no problem."

"The result? You misremembered the address for me, and it's still the opposite. It was obviously going to be sent to the west, but you sent it to the east for me. Did you do it on purpose?"

Bai Qingyue deliberately dug up the chat records between her and Rong Linger, which clearly stated that she told Rong Linger to send the medicine to the west, and she was worried that Rong Linger would make a mistake and remind her again and again. Rong Ling'er repeatedly assured that she would not make mistakes, but she still made mistakes.

Rong Ling'er glanced at Bai Qingyue, pretended to be confused, took the chat records of the two of them, checked carefully, and found the delivery note recorded before, and covered her face in surprise when she found that something was really wrong. Mouth, murmuring in disbelief.

"This, what? How could it be? I'm sorry, I don't know if I remember wrongly, did I cause any serious harm, or else, I just took a few small advertisements, and I took the money I earned Make up the medicinal materials this time, and send some medicine to the children in the west."

When she spoke, her already red nose became even redder, tears appeared in her eyes, and she was about to shed tears, Bai Qingyue yelled at her annoyed.

"What's the use of you looking like this here? Do you know? It's because you were late in sending them, and many children in the west died of illness due to lack of medicine. If I had known that you couldn't even do this well, I would definitely have I came here in person, I have prepared all the medicines, and I just asked you to send them, why do you even make mistakes like this? How low-level this mistake is!"

Bai Qingyue was upset, although Rong Ling'er looked really pitiful, and she also said that she would use the money to donate medicine to children in the west, but she just couldn't figure out, why would someone make such a low-level mistake , which is obviously something that can be avoided.

"I know this mistake is low-level, but I, I just made a mistake, so I won't defend myself anymore. I was wrong, so don't be angry again, okay? Next time I promise that such a problem will never happen, you Tell me to send the medicine wherever I will, and there will be absolutely no mistakes."

Tears fell on Rong Ling'er's face, watching Bai Qingyue keep apologizing, but Bai Qingyue couldn't listen to the four words "I'm sorry" at all now. If these four words are useful, those who are hurt because of their mistakes Will the dead child come back to life?If not, these three words have no meaning.

"Okay, you have to make such low-level mistakes. You don't need to come to the club again. You can just study hard in the future. I will find someone to do the things in our charity club again."

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Bai Qingyue felt annoyed. She went to the window and opened it to get some air. It was rare for Rong Linger to see such a wronged look. Admitting your mistake, but it is useless to admit your mistake now, those children have already passed away.

She was worried that if Rong Linger made the same mistake again next time, the consequences would be immeasurable. Only by firing her can she feel at ease. It seems that all the medicinal materials sent out in the future must be checked by herself, and she must not make the same mistake again. .

Rong Ling'er cautiously walked to her side, reaching out to hold Bai Qingyue's hand, "Qingyue, I was wrong, you shouldn't fire me, I promise that the same thing will never happen again next time, you Calm down, please tell me what you want, as long as I don't get fired."

Bai Qingyue felt her hand stretched out, she threw it away annoyed, she didn't like this Rong Ling'er at all, it's fine for her to talk nonsense in front of the professor, this time she made such a big mistake , he should not have been recruited into the club in the first place, and Xiao Yuhan should not have been given this face.



Suddenly there was the sound of broken glass and screams, Bai Qingyue was a little strange, she turned her head and saw an incredible scene, Rong Linger's hand hit the glass, the whole piece of glass shattered, and her hand Also hurt.

Bai Qingyue was a little strange, she didn't use so much strength to shake off her hand just now, how could she be so exaggerated, she immediately walked over to want to see clearly, but she didn't expect that a person suddenly walked in from outside the office at this time, Xiao Yu Han frowned and took Rong Ling'er's hand, and when he saw her bloody hand, he scolded Bai Qingyue.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you and her reconcile before? I thought you two could get along well, why are you bullying her behind your back?"

Just now he received a text message from Rong Ling'er, saying that he was asked to come to the office for important matters, but he didn't expect to see him being bullied by Bai Qingyue as soon as he came.

Xiao Yuhan's impression of Bai Qingyue had already changed a bit, thinking that she was not such a willful girl, but he didn't expect that before he bumped into her bullying people behind the scenes again, his favorability dropped a little in an instant.

"I'm not bullying her, I didn't mean it just now..."

Bai Qingyue tried to explain, but Xiao Yuhan didn't listen at all, "Okay, you don't need to say any more."

He took Rong Ling'er's hand and put it under Bai Qingyue's eyes and asked loudly, "Didn't you see how her hand was hurt? You told me it wasn't intentional, did she hurt herself on purpose? How could you be so seriously injured by accident, you are too much!
This is still the office of your charity club. You bully your classmates in this office. I'm afraid it's because you have the purpose of running this club for you. While helping other people, you bully your classmates at school? "

Xiao Yuhan hated iron for being weak, and felt that he was getting more and more angry when he saw something wrong, so he scolded Bai Qingyue for being merciless for months.

Bai Qingyue was wronged by his scolding, her eyes felt hot, as if liquid was about to roll down, but her pride did not allow her to cry in front of Rong Linger, she could only try to explain, "I Just now, I just gently shook off her hand, I don't know how much strength was used, you don't have to go too far! Do you understand what happened? You just say that."

(End of this chapter)

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