Chapter 949 Self-harm
Chapter 949 Self-harm
"I saw this with my own eyes. You just threw Rong Ling'er's hand on the glass. No matter what happened between the two of you, it's wrong to use this method. What did she do wrong to require you to do this?" ? Even if she is wrong, you can sit down calmly and explain it clearly, there is no need to do anything! Now that you have done something wrong, apologize to her immediately. "

Xiao Yuhan was still blaming Bai Qingyue on Rong Linger's side, and didn't want to understand what happened at all.

Bai Qingyue saw him categorically saying that she was wrong, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she turned around and walked away, saying, "Whatever you think, anyway, I won't apologize."

She couldn't figure it out, she just shook off his hand gently, how could Rong Linger smash the glass with so much force, although she didn't want to maliciously speculate on others, seeing Rong Linger like this always I think she did it on purpose, is she trying to pretend to be pitiful here on purpose?It's like running to the professor on purpose to talk nonsense before?
Although Bai Qingyue was angry, her rationality told her that the matter of Rong Ling'er should not affect other things in the future. There are already so many children in the west who have died of illness due to lack of medicine, and more children cannot be allowed to die. Also like this, she has to prepare new medicinal materials and send them to the west immediately.

She went outside the office and took out her mobile phone to call Xiao Su'er to clarify what happened this time. Xiao Su'er immediately agreed on the phone, "Don't worry, I'll help you prepare those medicinal materials right away."

"Thank you, Sister Su'er may need you to be faster this time, or I'll come to you. Last time I saw that you took three days to prepare those medicinal materials."

"No, there are ready-made ones in there, please send them to me as soon as I pack them up, please send me the address."

"Okay, thank you!" Bai Qingyue felt that just saying a few words at Xiao Su'er's place would make her feel much better. After the medicine matter was settled, she also calmed down, thinking in her heart that it might really be her own accident. The strength in the room is too heavy, I should go and see Rong Ling'er.

the other side.

Xiao Yuhan took Rong Ling'er to the infirmary to bandage the wound, and took her back to his office. He was actually curious about what happened, because he felt that no matter how angry Bai Qingyue was, she probably wouldn't do anything.

But when Rong Linger heard him ask the reason for what happened, she said pitifully and in tears again, "Because I accidentally made a mistake in the address, Qingyue became angry, no matter how much I apologized, it was useless, she stood aside and ignored me , I wanted to pull her hand, but she shook my hand away angrily, I didn't expect her to be so strong, I guess I really got mad at her."

"But I have already apologized, and I also said that I am willing to take out my money to make up for the medicine this time, but Qingyue just said that I always make such low-level mistakes, and I can't do small things well. She said that I live in What's the use in the world, let me stay away from her as much as possible, and told me not to stay in the club in the future."

Rong Ling'er added a lot of embellishments, including what Bai Qingyue hadn't said. After hearing this, Xiao Yuhan frowned and asked in disbelief, "Did she really say such an exaggerated thing?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her if she told me not to stay in the club anymore. I swear that everything I said was true and I apologized, but Qingyue was very angry and didn't want to forgive me. I There is no way."

Rong Ling'er lowered her head, and tears fell one after another. With her appearance, Xiao Yuhan couldn't ask any more questions, and almost immediately believed her words and said helplessly to her: "Then you will Stay away from Bai Qingyue, I thought the two of you were reconciled, but I didn't expect that her personality as a young lady has not changed at all, and it is too much to say such insulting words."

"Did I really make her angry? She arranged too many things for me during that time, and I accidentally got the wrong address. I really didn't mean it! Professor Xiao, do you want me to Do you want to apologize seriously?"

Rong Ling'er's expression didn't ease at all, instead it became more and more pitiful, as if she had been wronged by the world.

"No, you just said that you have solemnly apologized, so there is no need to apologize again and again, Bai Qingyue is too much, you should stay away from her, you should have not eaten yet, I'm going to buy you something to eat, and you should stay here and rest for a while."

Xiao Yuhan explained a few words and left the office. After she left, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Rong Linger's mouth, and she stretched out her hand to gently wipe away the tears from her eyes. It seemed that the trick had succeeded, and Xiao Yuhan spoke again Qingyue has a prejudice, and for the first time this time, the two of them have already quarreled, not bad!

She looked down at the gauze-wrapped arm, gritted her teeth cruelly and tore off the gauze, revealing the wound that had stopped bleeding, but he pulled the wound open without hesitation, and the wound immediately began to bleed again.

"What are you doing?" Bai Qingyue's voice came from the door, and then ran into the office, looking at Rong Ling'er's actions of hurting herself, she couldn't understand.

She just walked around the school in anger and felt a little less angry. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is something wrong. Although Rong Ling'er got the address wrong, after all, he still has to come because he was injured. Sorry, I didn't expect to see her hurting herself when I got to the office door. Is this self-torture?

Rong Ling'er heard her voice, looked up at her, then slowly lowered her head, not caring at all, and continued to pick at the wound, the wound was bleeding more and more, but she seemed to be in no pain at all , Bai Qingyue couldn't stand it anymore, she took her hand and asked, "What are you trying to do, don't you feel pain?"

"What are you doing? Do I feel pain, do you need to care? This is my hand, and I can do whatever I want."

Rong Ling'er shook off Bai Qingyue's hand, and continued to grab her arm. She stopped and looked up at Bai Qingyue's puzzled face when the wound was bloody and bloody from her grasp, and it looked very serious. He said slowly, "Are you weird? Don't be weird! Let me tell you, I did it on purpose. Only when I make my hands so bad can Xiao Yuhan care about me more, and I can let him Take care of me for a few days."

Bai Qingyue looked at her sinister smile, and felt a chill behind her back, this person must be too ruthless, she is so ruthless to herself, too mad.

But seeing her behavior like this, Bai Qingyue suddenly realized that she was not wronging her just now, she pointed at Rong Linger and shouted, "You hurt yourself just now, did you do it on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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