Chapter 959 Find a chance to kill him

Chapter 959 Find a chance to kill him

However, he was also a little curious, did this person exist?If it really exists, it is true that Xiao Su'er said that she can foresee the future, then she is really a magical person!

The man handed the mobile phone to his subordinates, and ordered: "Look at this picture, and find me someone with this wound on his shoulder, the sooner the better."

"Yes! Young master, I will send someone to look for it immediately." The subordinate agreed swiftly.

"Xiao Wang, are you still following him?"

"I have been sending people to follow that child. He goes home after kindergarten every day. There is nothing special about two o'clock and one line. He used to play the piano, but now it seems that Xiao Su'er bought a piano at home, and he is not allowed to go outside. Class begins."

The subordinates immediately told Xiao Wang's whereabouts these days, they have been following him, and they can tell exactly where he is every day, accurate to every minute and every second.

"Very well, keep following him. That bastard finds a way to kill him. Be quiet and don't let Xiao Su'er notice."

"Okay, I got it, young master." The subordinate immediately agreed again, as long as it was all the things the young master ordered, even if it was murder and arson, he would not blink his eyes. In order to protect his young master for the rest of his life.

the other side.

Xiao Su'er has looked at the shoulders of all the boys around her in the past two days, but there are not many of them. Bo Qing'ang, Xiao Yuhan, and even his father Xiao Shuo pulled off his clothes and looked at the shoulders. There are no other men around her. up.

After get off work, Xiao Su'er drove to pick up Xiao Wang as usual, but she found that Xiao Wang was a little worried, sitting in the co-pilot no longer holding a handheld computer, but frowning his small brows as if thinking about something, Xiao Su'er glanced at him and continued to drive, "Mengbao, what are you thinking? Why do you look depressed."

"No, I'm not thinking about anything. I'm just a little hungry. Mom, hurry up and drive. Let's go home early. I want to eat." Xiao Wang immediately smiled again after hearing Xiao Su'er's question, like something Smile at her as if nothing happened.

Seeing his cute appearance, Xiao Su'er didn't ask any more questions, but stepped on the gas pedal a little harder, her son was hungry, of course he wanted to go home quickly.

Xiao Wangxin had something in his heart, and he had already discovered that someone was quietly following him. Every day when Xiao Suer sent him to the kindergarten, there was always a car following them. On the first day, he thought it was his own illusion, but in the continuous A few days later he realized something was wrong.

If that car was on the same route as them, and it was also the parent who sent the child to the kindergarten, then he should have parked at the gate of the kindergarten, but the car did not, but would speed up every time it passed the kindergarten gate. drive away.

The kindergarten here occupies a large area, basically there are no other buildings, let alone a company, so it can't be an office worker, is it a resident living here?There is indeed a school district room here, and many children go to the noble kindergarten nearby.

But the car kept up with them not long after they drove out of Ang's Manor, which meant that it wasn't someone who lived here, so who was it?

And at this moment, Xiao Wang didn't play with the computer just to observe. Through the rearview mirror of the car, he saw the black car following them not far away.

That black car has been following them for several days, every day when he left the kindergarten, Xiao Suer drove away from the kindergarten, they followed behind, always separated by two cars, not far or close, But today he paid special attention to the fact that they were not here to pick up the children at all. The car parked near the kindergarten was not here to pick up the children, which was really suspicious.

But now he still dare not tell Xiao Su'er, for fear that she will be worried, and he is also afraid of scaring the snake, whether these people came for himself or for his mother, he has not figured it out, he has to use the ability of his team First, help him find out who the owner of this car is.

Xiao Su'er parked the car in the garage of Ang's Manor, and still saw her son looking like a thinker, his eyes rolling around thinking about something, he rubbed her hair, "What are you thinking? Tell Mom Come on! Has your kindergarten started teaching lessons that even you can't understand?"

"It's not the course, I'm so smart, how can I be affected by the course, I'm just starving, mom, let's go."

Xiao Wang jumped out of the child seat and got out of the car, took Xiao Su'er's hand and walked into the living room, Xiao Shuo was in contact with overseas, he seemed very worried.

When Xiao Su'er walked into the living room, she saw him speaking fluent English and anxiously arguing with the person on the other side of the phone.

"Dad, what happened?" As soon as Xiao Shuo hung up the phone, Xiao Su'er couldn't wait to ask.

"Nothing special happened. It was said that two more people with panda blood type disappeared. Just like a few years ago, there are more and more people like this. It seems that someone really started doing it again. Experiment, and more insane than ever."

Xiao Shuo put the phone on the coffee table and sat on the sofa covering his head. He felt that this time the matter was more difficult than he imagined. The number of missing people was getting bigger and bigger, which had reached the point beyond his control.

In the past, Katharina, no matter what, did such things secretly, and asked Qin Haishan to help her contact people to do business quietly behind the scenes, but now his accomplices have actually started kidnapping others in the open , And before that, they used poison to make people feign death to transport so many corpses.

Who is more arrogant than Katharina?Could it be that there are people who crossed over from Ghost Doctor Valley that he didn't even know about?
After hearing what he said, Xiao Su'er also knew that the matter this time was too complicated. She comforted Xiao Shuo, "Don't worry, Dad. The two of us will investigate this matter together, and we will definitely be able to find out."

"These things can only be put aside for now. Your things are more important. Have you been dreaming in the past two days?"

"No, since I finished that dream last time, I have been sleeping peacefully for the past two days." Xiao Su'er also collapsed a bit, if only this ability to predict the future could be controlled by herself, she must take a look at that person What she looks like, but she can't control it at all, let alone know what dreams she has every night, and she doesn't even know if she will have dreams tonight.

"That's good." Xiao Shuo looked at her and smiled reassuringly.

(End of this chapter)

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