Chapter 960 Like Her More
Chapter 960 Like Her More
Inside Imperial University.

Bai Qingyue stood at the door of the lecture theater and saw Xiao Yuhan who was giving a lecture through the gap in the door. She hadn't seen him for the past two days. After she calmed down, she decided to come to Xiao Yuhan to explain clearly , I can't let him continue to be misunderstood, it's really uncomfortable to be misunderstood by someone I like.

She couldn't bear it, so she decided to come to Xiao Yuhan to clarify.

After Xiao Yuhan finished his lecture and left the lecture theater, he saw Bai Qingyue standing outside the door. After glancing at her, he didn't even say a word, and continued walking forward.

Bai Qingyue was already talking about greetings, but seeing him like this, she could only swallow back and quickly followed Xiao Yuhan, "Professor Xiao, you don't even know what to say when you see me. Is it? It’s too much, you turn a blind eye like this, but you don’t look like a teacher at all.”

"I've already told the professors in your department that your demerit will be notified to the whole school soon. Why are you looking for me? Want to revoke that punishment? I can't agree to it, so let's go!"

Xiao Yuhan acted as if he didn't know her, when he spoke, his extremely cold tone pierced Bai Qingyue's heart.

"What are you talking about? I don't care about the punishment at all, indeed! I accidentally hurt Rong Ling'er that day, so you can make a demerit if you want, but I still want to make it clear to you, Rong Linger's hand She really picked it up by herself that day..."

"Have you said enough?" Xiao Yuhan turned his head to look at her and asked coldly. His tone was so blunt that Bai Qingyue immediately stopped talking and looked at him in horror.

"You, why haven't you repented at all until now? You still come to me to talk nonsense, do you think someone will hurt themselves? I thought you were pretty good before and got along well with you, but now it seems You are a completely spoiled princess! The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change, it is really suitable for you."

Xiao Yuhan's words became more and more excessive. The goodwill he had built up on Bai Qingyue a few days ago was completely shattered after what happened last time.

When Bai Qingyue heard his comments, her eye circles immediately turned red. She was usually so strong and proud, but after hearing Xiao Yuhan's words, she was especially restless, and she would never be as proud as she was when facing others.

"What do you mean? You're completely on Rong Ling'er's side, right? Do you like her?" Bai Qingyue asked her something she had been curious about all along, and now it's not just Bai Qingyue who is expecting his answer Yes, and there was Rong Ling'er who rushed over after seeing the two walking together not far away.

She couldn't give Bai Qingyue a chance to get close to Xiao Yuhan, but halfway through the rush, she heard Bai Qingyue's question, and immediately stopped and hid at the corner of the teaching building, pricking up her ears to listen to the two Personal conversation, wanting to know what Xiao Yuhan would say about her in front of outsiders.

Xiao Yuhan stopped after hearing Bai Qingyue's question, and turned to look at her.

"Aside from whether you like it or not, can you girls pretend to have other things in your mind all day long? I just can't understand you bullying your classmates. If it were any other classmate, you wouldn't stand idly by if you bullied me like that." , I also hope that you will wake up yourself and remember not to bully others casually in the future."

When Bai Qingyue heard him say this, although she was still blaming her, she was still a little happy in her heart, "Then you mean that you don't like Rong Ling'er?"

"Compared with you, I really like her a little more." After Xiao Yuhan left these words, he turned and left the teaching building. Bai Qingyue's little joy just now was instantly beaten by him. Rong Ling'er, who was hiding at the corner, cheered happily after hearing his words.

She finally beat Bai Qingyue once. Although she was inferior to Bai Qingyue in everything, she was better than Bai Qingyue when it came to Xiao Yuhan.

Bai Qingyue stood there in a daze for a long, long time, until Xiao Su'er's back had completely disappeared from her world, and her eyes were blurred, then she finally turned around and wiped away the tears from her eyes.

Forget it, since it's all said and done, why would she explain it?It's ridiculous to fall in love with someone who doesn't like her again, maybe it's doomed that she is not suitable for dating in this life, every time she likes someone is weird.

Bai Qingyue laughed at herself, turned around and was about to leave, when she bumped into Rong Ling'er who came out from the corner, she looked at Bai Qingyue as if she was reading a joke.

"Tut tsk tsk, Miss Bai, what are you doing? If I read correctly just now, are you asking Professor Xiao if he likes you? It's really ridiculous! You were rejected, you What will your suitors think if this gets to the ears of your suitors?"

Bai Qingyue got annoyed when she saw her, didn't want to talk to her at all, and turned to go in another direction, but Rong Linger stepped forward and blocked her again.

"What are you doing? You don't want to talk to me? There's nothing I can do! I just want to talk to you! It's rare to see you like this, crying out of anger. You said that if you go to Professor Xiao with tears, Will he look at you more?

"Probably not! He doesn't like a savage and willful lady like you. He said he likes a gentle and graceful girl like me. Would you like to learn from me? I can teach you as much as I can."

When Rong Ling'er spoke, her whole face was full of complacency, she just laughed out loud, looked at Bai Qingyue with a proud expression, and even shamelessly said that she would teach her to be gentle.

Bai Qingyue felt that what she said was a great shame to herself, even if she didn't want to talk to Rong Linger again, but this word could not be ignored.

She pointed at Rong Linger and said angrily: "Do you think you can stay with this mask forever? After Xiao Yuhan sees your real appearance, he will definitely not like you. You'd better do it yourself and don't provoke me all day long." Me, be careful, I will force you to drop out of school."

"Dropping out? I'm so scared!" Rong Ling'er patted her chest pretendingly, "Don't forget, Professor Xiao has already forcibly recorded it for you. If you dare to let me drop out, you probably won't be able to Stay in this school for a while!"

"Besides, whoever said that I am wearing a mask now, I will always be gentle in front of Professor Xiao, even if you tell him what I am telling you now, he will not believe you!" Rong Ling'er made up her mind to show off in front of Bai Qingyue today.

(End of this chapter)

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