Chapter 967 Cooperation reached
Chapter 967 Cooperation reached
"What's your young master's last name? Is it my former friend?" Xiao Mengqiu asked Lin Fan who was beside him with some fear, wanting to make sure it was really not Bo Qingang.

"Don't worry, Miss Xiao! Our young master's surname is neither Bo nor from the Bo family. It's really a cooperation to come to you today. If you agree, I will give you a generous reward."

Lin Fan said these words to her very gently. Although he called her Miss Xiao in his mouth, when he spoke, he looked straight ahead and didn't even look at her. He wanted to call out Miss Xiao to her current face. Words also require a certain amount of psychological endurance.

Xiao Mengqiu tried to calm down when she heard his words, but she could no longer be as calm as before, no matter what the situation was, until these people dragged her to the villa and threw her in front of the young master they called. It was completely quiet.

But what followed was surprise and disbelief. She covered her mouth and looked at the person in front of her, "You are... I know you..."

"Hush!" The man in black put his index finger to his mouth and made a silent movement, Xiao Mengqiu immediately covered his mouth and dared not make any more sound.

"It seems that you recognize me, so I don't need to bother to introduce myself anymore. Guess what I came to see you for today."

"It's for Xiao Su'er! I know you know her, you used to be..."

"Don't talk about the past, I came to you for something very important. Here is a contract, which has clearly stated what you need to do and what I will give you in return."

The man in black pushed a contract in front of Xiao Mengqiu. Xiao Mengqiu picked up the contract with some hesitation, and after seeing everything said clearly, he agreed without thinking, "I promise you!"

After saying this, she regretted it for a moment. After all, this is not something she can control. The man in front of him is not easy to look at. His bodyguards and villa look no different from the Bo family. If this contract is fake Or if there is something tricky, she will be dead by then.

She was dying now, if something happened again, she would probably have to die.

"Are you sure I only need to do the things mentioned in this contract? I don't need to do other things? I don't need to see Bo Qingang." Xiao Mengqiu held the contract, and her hands trembled a little when she asked.

"Of course not. I keep my word. I'm not the kind of person Bo Qingang is. If you sign this contract, our cooperation will take effect immediately. Don't worry, I'll give you what you want. See you now It's such a miserable life, if you want to change houses or ask for money, I can do it right away! How about giving you this number?"

The man in black put a check in front of Xiao Mengqiu. She swallowed her saliva looking at the number on the check. She is living such a sad life now. If she has such a sum of money, her life can indeed be improved. Picking up a pen and signing his name on the contract, the cooperation between the two officially began!
Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the hospital of Ouyang Luo’s family, Bo Qing’ang was still lying on the bed, and Ouyang Luo was treating his wound. When the needles were being stitched, Bo Qing’ang didn’t give anesthesia, but carried it abruptly. He didn’t like that kind of The feeling of being paralyzed, even if it is only a local anesthesia, is not necessary. Instead, one must stay awake anytime, anywhere.

Especially now that his son is by his side, he can't allow himself to be so negligent. When he was stitching, Xiao Wang kept watching, and asked distressedly, "Dad, why don't you give me an injection and anesthesia?" ?”

"Good boy, daddy is fine, it will be stitched up soon, how many stitches do you have left?"

"Okay." Ouyang Luo put away the needle and looked at the centipede-like wound on Bo Yuan's shoulder, "After two days, you will be fine after the stitches are removed. I will give you some medicine. Don't worry, wait for you to remove it." The thread will recover quickly afterward, and there will be no traces of stitches."

"Okay, that's okay, I'm going to send Xiao Wang home, if he doesn't go back, Su'er should be worried."

When Bo Qingang heard that the sewing was finished, he immediately sat up and put on his clothes without delay, which startled Ouyang Luo and reached out his hand to hold him.

"What are you doing? You're all injured, lie here and have a good rest. I'll call and ask Xiao Su'er to come over and take care of the child, and I can also let her accompany you."

Ouyang Luo took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, but Bo Qingang snatched it over, "Don't! Don't tell her I'm hurt, I'm fine, I'll send the child back now and come back to rest."

"What are you doing? Are you not going to let Xiao Su'er know that you have suffered such a serious injury?" Ouyang Luo looked helpless at his stubborn look.

"No, let her know what to do? You don't need to worry her! The matter of Xiao Wang being followed is so serious, I've settled it now, if Su'er finds out, it will make her feel uneasy, there's no need .”

Bo Qingang is always thinking about Xiao Su'er, he wants to help Xiao Su'er take care of everything, as long as he can do, he wants to do for her, even now that he is injured, he doesn't want Xiao Su'er to know.

Ouyang Luo put down his hand, looked at him and sighed helplessly, "Oh... Young Master Bo, you really fell on Xiao Suer's body completely, this infatuation has not changed at all for so many years, forget it, you don't want to let Xiao Suer She knows that's it, or I will go with you to send Xiao Wang back."

"No, if you go with me, she will really doubt it. I'll send her back and I'll be back to rest right away. Don't worry." Bo Qingang took Xiao Wang into the car.

Xiao Su'er was already running around in a hurry at home. The child hadn't come back for several hours. It's been almost a whole day. Could something happen? Just when she was about to drive out to look for it, the doorbell rang, and Xiao Su'er immediately He ran to the gate of the manor and opened it, and saw a pale Bao Qingang and Xiao Wang holding his hand.

"What's going on? Why are you two together?" Xiao Su'er squinted at Xiao Wang, knowing that he was lying to him when he went out in the morning.

Xiao Wang could only lower his head and make up a random reason, "I'm sorry, Mom, I'm going out to see Dad, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry with you, it's fine, since I'm back, I'll be fine, thank you for sending him back." Xiao Su'er took Xiao Wang's hand and immediately closed the door of the manor, not even thinking of inviting Bo Qingang in to sit down Thoughts, and also ignored the reason for his pale face.

Looking at the gate of the manor that was closed tightly again, Bo Qing'ang grinned self-deprecatingly, turned and returned to the car, the wound on his shoulder was still reminding him how dangerous this time was.

(End of this chapter)

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