Chapter 968 Happy Birthday
Chapter 968 Happy Birthday
"Zhang Song, go and investigate several big families in the Chinese mainland immediately, and also investigate the identity of the person who was killed today to see which family's bodyguard or killer he is. I want to see who is so courageous as this To a certain extent, it can still support the dead."

"Yes, Mr. Bo! I've already started investigating. The man today is a killer and is well-known in the killer circle, but he has quit a few years ago. He probably hired him privately in some family. This afternoon I have already investigated several families, the Bai family can almost be ruled out, and the Sun family is also unlikely, as for other families, I am still investigating."

Zhang Song turned his head to look at Bo Qingang, and found that he was leaning against the car window, not daring to move the left side of his body at all. This time the injury was definitely serious.

No matter how domineering his own boss is on the outside, as long as he is in front of Xiao Su'er, he will be as weak as a rabbit, even if he is injured, he still has to consider not letting her know.

Zhang Song shook his head helplessly and sighed. He really asked what love is in the world. It is only called life and death. Even a person like his own boss will become like this in front of emotions. It is not easy!

Sitting in the living room, Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Su'er's normal expression, and asked tentatively, "Mom, I went to see Dad quietly, you won't be angry, right?"

Xiao Su'er turned her head to look at Xiao Wang's cautious appearance, feeling a little distressed, she smiled and shook her head.

"No, if you want to see Dad, you can tell me directly next time, and I will send you to see him. I said that although there is no possibility for me and him anymore, your blood relationship cannot be changed. In the future You can't lie anymore, you know? I told you that children should be honest."

"I see." Xiao Wang sat next to Xiao Su'er, thinking whether to tell him about Bo Qing'ang's injury, but worried that Xiao Su'er would get to the bottom of it, and it would be bad to ask about it being followed. He didn't say anything, but concealed it, including the fact that Bo Qingang's injury was on his shoulder.

three days later.

In the past three days, the old man named Xiao Wu came to Xiao Su'er's place almost every day, the two of them got along more and more harmoniously, everyone in the clinic knew her well, and when they saw her coming, they called out to Dr. Xiao.

Xiao Su'er took care of her body very well. In three days, all the wounds on her body were healed, without even leaving a scar. Even the old man's wrinkles were much less, and he looked ten years younger in an instant.

Xiao Su'er sat beside the consultation table and looked at her with a smile, "Grandma, have you noticed that you have become much younger recently, you must have been a great beauty when you were young."

Not only was Xiao Wu not happy when he heard her words, but he touched his face in a panic, and touched the wrinkles around her eyes as if to make sure that these wrinkles were still there, and asked worriedly, "Really? Now that I'm younger, can you recognize me when I'm young?"

"You're joking, how can I recognize you when you were young? You have come to me every day these two days. You should be in a good mood. People look a lot more energetic. You can see that your eyes are big. You must have been beautiful when you were young. .”

Xiao Su'er looked into her eyes, the feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger, a little nurse beside her passed by and glanced at them, and the two of them also laughed, "Doctor Xiao, don't say that this grandma is really similar to you, especially It's the eyes."

"Really? You also think our eyes are a bit similar. When I look at grandma's eyes, I always have a familiar feeling. It should be because of the similarity! It's like looking at my own eyes."

Xiao Su'er didn't care, but responded casually, but after hearing what the nurse said, Xiao Wu immediately shook his head and denied, "No way, I'm so much older than you, and I'm an old man half buried in the ground, how can I be with you? There are similarities between the young and vigorous Doctor Xiao, so stop talking nonsense."

"It's really a bit similar. Both of you have very bright eyes, as if there are stars in them. Maybe Dr. Xiao will be like grandma when you get old."

"It would be nice to be like grandma, even if she is old, she is still a beauty." Xiao Su'er joked, but she found that the more she said that, Xiao Wu's complexion became worse, she asked a little strangely, "Grandma, what's wrong with you? Why does it feel like you are unhappy when I say I look like you?"

"No, that's not what I mean. I think Dr. Xiao is such a good person, but he must not be like me. I have a bad life."

While talking, Xiao Wu took the hat next to him and put it on, "Doctor Xiao, I won't stay here any longer today. Coming here every day really affects your work, so I'm leaving first."

As she said that, she turned around and was about to leave, Xiao Su'er hurried forward to support her, "I'll take you to the car."

"No, no, I'll just go by myself." She rarely rejected Xiao Su'er's kindness, and walked towards the door by herself, her walking pace was much faster than usual.

"This old man is really strange." Xiao Su'er looked at her at the door of the clinic, afraid that she would fall if she walked so fast, but found that the old man walked away like flying today.

These days, the old man came to work every day on time, just like clocking in. Xiao Suer saw that it was almost time to get off work. When Xiao Suer looked at her watch and was about to pack up for get off work, another person she didn't want to see came to the door.

Bo Qingang also came here with red roses in his arms. There were 26 red roses, full of bright red and full of color, hugging her in her arms.

Xiao Su'er has a headache, and she is already overwhelmed with dealing with Chi Siang's roses every day. During this period of time, Chi Siang finally calmed down, and Bo Qingang came again. Do these men think giving roses is more romantic?

"Su'er, today is your birthday, happy birthday, 26 roses, 26-year-old you, I hope you can be like these roses every day." Bo Qingang walked in front of Xiao Su'er, wanting to hand the roses to her hands.

Xiao Su'er immediately shook her head and refused, Young Master Bo, thank you for coming to wish me a happy birthday today, but I don't want to accept your roses, I have received your birthday wishes.

Thank you, I'm off work now and don't have time to chat with you. "

After Xiao Su'er finished speaking, she turned and went upstairs to get her bag in the office, but she didn't expect to see a very headache scene at the entrance of the clinic on the first floor when she left the office.

How is this going?What day is it, is it so popular?One was sent away, and two people came down. She was standing at the stairs on the second floor, and suddenly she didn't want to go downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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