Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 969 An Invitation from Two People

Chapter 969 An Invitation From Two People

Chapter 969 An Invitation From Two People

At the door of the clinic, Chi Siang also arrived, holding a huge bouquet of roses in his hand, and a bag of a certain brand in the other hand. It seemed that he had specially brought a birthday present for him. Bo Qingang and him The two stood facing each other at the door of the clinic.

"Young Master Bo, I don't know what you want to do here today?" Bo Qingang took the lead to ask, with a sense of gunpowder in his words, as if he knew what he was asking.

"What do you think I'm here for? Anyone with eyes knows what I'm here for!" Bo Qing'ang replied lightly, her eyes didn't bother to look at him at all.

After hearing his answer, Chi Siang evoked a mocking smile, "If I remember correctly, Su'er has already drawn a clear line with you, saying that it will never be possible with you again, when did Young Master Bo learn to do that? What about stalking? If you want to annoy Su'er in front of her, I advise you to leave quickly."

His words successfully aroused Bo Qingang's dissatisfaction, he turned his head to look at Chi Siang, "Just say it's best to take back what you just said!"

"I've never taken back what I said. Do you need me to repeat it to Young Master Bo? You don't want to come here to make Su'er unhappy, do you understand?" Chi Siang said every word as if deliberately provoking Suddenly said it again.

Of course, Bo Qingang understood his deliberately provocative behavior, and stared at him sharply, while Chi Siang looked back at him not to be outdone.

The two stood facing each other at the door of the clinic, and there seemed to be a faint aura floating around them. The two handsome guys who were so superb stood here, and instantly made the nurses in the clinic who were about to get off work give up the idea of ​​getting off work, but hid In a corner of the clinic, quietly watching this side.

Bo Qingang's knuckles were pinched, and it seemed that he couldn't help but want to hit someone, and Chi Siang was not afraid, and his hands were moving his joints quietly.

The nurses in the clinic discussed this scene excitedly.

"Is this two people who came to find Dr. Xiao at the same time and bumped into each other? Is this a duel between rivals in love?"

"This kind of picture can only be seen in TV dramas. In real life, it is still rare to see such a handsome guy. Let's see two of them together."

"It's not simply seeing two handsome guys, it's basically seeing two handsome guys holding roses, about to fight for the woman they love, it's like a fairy tale! I wish they would fight for real."

Standing at the stairs, Xiao Su'er also heard the nurses' discussion, took another look at the two of them, couldn't bear it anymore, and ran downstairs.

Bo Qing'ang didn't want to be patient at all, she had already raised her hand, and Bo Qing'ang was ready to fight, the two of them were about to fight together, Xiao Su'er immediately stopped them, pushing one left and one right Two people.

"What are you doing? Are you going to fight in front of our clinic? Do you think our clinic is not lively enough?"

"Su'er, today is your birthday, happy birthday." Chi Siang smiled instantly when he saw Xiao Su'er, and handed the rose in Xiao Su'er's hand.

Bo Qingang bought 26 roses corresponding to Xiao Su'er's age, and he pursued romance as always, and brought a total of 99 roses. If everyone knew that the person in front of him was Bo Qingang, in his huge bouquet In front of you, you really think that you can't afford flowers.

But because he is Bo Qingang, even if his rose looks so small in front of Chi Siang's rose, it will not make people feel shabby, but it will only make people feel how delicate and small, it is so beautiful .

Xiao Su'er looked at the flowers Chi Siang handed over and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then she thought about it, if she accepted Chi Siang's flowers, it would be equivalent to showing her attitude in front of Bo Qingang, thinking about her like this Reaching out to take Chi Siang's flowers, she smiled and thanked her.

This reaction instantly made Bo Qingang even more annoyed, almost gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean?"

"Young Master Bo, you are also a smart person, why do you still refuse you directly with Su'er? What do you mean? It's obvious! She accepts my words but not yours, that is to say, she can see my intentions, but she doesn't want to talk to me at all. you."

Chi Siang answered Xiao Su'er's question in place of Xiao Su'er, and Xiao Su'er remained silent, which was equivalent to acquiescing.

When Bo Qingang heard his words, his anger almost shot up to the sky, and he wanted to burn him to ashes from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, but he still forcibly endured it, and turned his head to look at Xiao Su'er.

"Is he right? Is that what you mean?"

When Bo Qingang spoke, he could clearly feel his anger, and even the surrounding air became a little colder with Bo Qingang's voice, even if the sun was still hanging high in the sky, it felt like winter The twelfth lunar month is generally cold.

Chi Siang seemed to be trying to make him angry on purpose, and moved closer to Xiao Su'er, and at the same time fixed his eyes on Bo Qingang, his eyes were ridiculed or disdainful, as if he was saying that you are Bo Shao and Anyway, your woman still doesn't want to see you.

This look in his eyes made Bo Qingang unbearable, and he punched him in the face. Bo Qing is a person who has received professional military training, and most people can't avoid his attack, but Chi Siang is an exception. With a delicate dodge, he successfully dodged the punch.

"Young Master Bo, don't think that you are truly invincible. If I can avoid your hand, at least I can beat you. Do you want to show Su'er in front of her who is stronger between the two of us? "Chi Siang also held his wrist and began to move his fist.

The atmosphere of the Shura field rose instantly around the two of them, Bo Qingang threw the rose aside, since it was something Xiao Su'er was unwilling to accept, it was no different from a piece of trash in his eyes.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Xiao Su'er couldn't help but yelled, "What are you two doing? You are so big, do you still want to fight like children? Can you be more mature?"

"Okay, Su'er, let me be more mature, of course I want to listen to you." Chi Siang immediately put away his hands, and invited Xiao Su'er with a smile, "Su'er, let's go to dinner together, today is yours Birthday, we must eat something delicious, what do you want to eat? Japanese food, French food or our authentic Chinese food?"

"Su'er, take Mengbao and the three of us out to celebrate your birthday. He probably wants to celebrate your birthday with you." Bo Qingang also immediately sent out an invitation.

Facing the two people's invitation, Xiao Su'er frowned almost into a frown. She glanced left and right, neither of them wanted to agree, and she bit her lips tightly to escape quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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