Chapter 972 Rule out the possibility
Chapter 972 Rule out the possibility
Sitting in the hotel room, Chi Siang still had a painful look on his face. When Xiao Su'er came back to change his dressing, she watched him take off his clothes.

She opened the bandage and potion she bought, her whole hand was shaking, the moment Chi Siang took off her clothes, Xiao Su'er's heart sank to the bottom, because she saw the wound, it was exactly the same as what she saw in her dream , It's just the picture she drew in the office that day, and it's stuck on Chi Siang's shoulder, it's impossible to get it wrong.

"You..." Xiao Su'er opened her mouth to say something but found that she couldn't say anything. She couldn't say that she saw Chi Siang die in order to save her in her dream.

This is really nonsense, not to mention that Chi Siang doesn't believe it, even she, a person who dreams herself, thinks it's just nonsense.

She took a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to help Chi Siang clean up the wound, thinking about what to say about the things in the dream. She couldn't monitor Chi Siang 24 hours a day, but she was really worried that the things in the dream would come true. How good was that time.

"Hiss..." Chi Siang felt the pain in his shoulder, took a breath, and turned to look at Xiao Su'er, she looked absent-minded, although she was holding a cotton swab, she was not really helping him seriously at all. Clean up, the cotton swab is almost going to be inserted into the wound.

Chi Siang said helplessly: "Su'er, are you trying to murder me? Although I proposed to you on the premise that you don't like me, you don't have to be so cruel."

When Xiao Su'er heard what he said, she looked down at his wound belatedly. The cotton swab in her hand had been inserted directly into Chi Siang's wound, and the whole piece of cotton was flushed red. She immediately threw the cotton swab into his wound. He took out the trash can, straightened his mind and stopped thinking about it, but seriously helped him deal with the wound.

Chi Siang looked at him absent-mindedly, and asked a little strangely, "What's wrong? What were you thinking just now?"

"No, I didn't think about anything." Xiao Su'er didn't know how to tell Chi Siang about it, "Are you free tomorrow? If you are free, come find me in the clinic, I have something to tell you. "

Xiao Su'er has already decided that she can't sit still like this. If what happened in the dream is true and she doesn't do anything, then I'm afraid she will really regret holding Chi Siang's body, and she has to do something.

"If I go to look for you, no matter what I want to do, I will definitely make time for it. Tell me, when I need me to look for you tomorrow." Chi Siang thought it was really rare to hear Xiao Su'er asking him to take the initiative to look for him, full of mouth So I agreed.

"Tomorrow at noon, come over during my rest time, I have something for you." Xiao Su'er treated the wound while talking, and wrapped Chi Siang in a bandage after finishing it quickly.

After finishing all this, Xiao Su'er was ready to leave without delay, "Let's go, the two of us don't stay here, the wound has been healed, you go back and rest early, but don't stay up late."

Chi Siang watched Xiao Su'er put her bag back on her back and turn her head to leave, but he didn't move at all, still sitting on the sofa in the hotel room and watching her.

It wasn't until Xiao Su'er had reached the door that she felt that no one was following behind her, and she didn't hear footsteps, so she turned her head and found that he was still sitting on the sofa, and asked strangely, "What are you going to do, why don't you go quickly! I followed You told me to go back and rest early."

"But I don't want to go back to rest, I just want to watch you, Su'er, come here! Can we have a good chat? It's a rare opportunity for us to be together."

"You..." Xiao Su'er wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she agreed to sit down next to Chi Si'ang and asked, "How are those two little bastards you mentioned now? Did you take revenge after being stabbed by them?" They? Have you handled your affairs well? Will they come to trouble you in the future?"

Xiao Su'er's dream only told her that she would be rescued when the explosion occurred, but she didn't dream about the cause and effect. She didn't know how the explosion happened, and she didn't know where the real location was. It's in a house, but the renovated houses are everywhere in this city, so I don't know where it should be.

But just now Chi Siang said that his shoulder was injured because of fighting and hugging injustice. Could it be that those two punks came to trouble him again later? Could the explosion be caused by those two punks?

It should be possible to use a powerful bomb to cause such a large-scale explosion, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get that kind of bomb. It may not be possible to get those bombs.

As long as the possibility is ruled out and all threats are killed in the cradle, there will be no possibility of that explosion, and no one will die because of saving her.

"That's the two street gangsters, they've already been dealt with, it's impossible for them to come back to trouble me, besides, even if they come back, I'm not afraid of them at all." Chi Siang waved his hands indifferently, hearing what he said Xiao Suer ruled out this possibility.

She changed her mind, if it wasn't for Chi Siang's problem, then it meant that the explosion was aimed at her in the first place?The dream was indeed to save her. Could it be that the person who wanted to kill was her from the very beginning, and it wasn't because they wanted to kill the two that they locked them together?

If this is the case, she has to think about who she has offended!

Xiao Su'er has been holding this doubt all the time and returned home. At home, she was also in a state of uneasiness. When she saw that there was no wound on Bo Qingang's shoulder, she was relieved, but she saw that there was a wound on Chi Siang's shoulder. When he got the wound, for some reason he actually hoped that the wound was on Bo Qingang's shoulder.

Chi Siang's offensive against her was too fierce during this time, and today he actually proposed directly, and he doesn't know what he will do in the future.

The emotional entanglement with Bo Qingang has tormented her for five full years, and she doesn't want to have another emotional entanglement. If the person who saved her in the dream was Bo Qingang, she would simply lock Bo Qingang at home with the cheek in.

Just watch him for 24 hours, and you can use Xiao Wang as an excuse to give them two father and son time to reunite, and it is enough to avoid this disaster perfectly.

But now this person is Chi Siang, she can't use this method to trap him to avoid the explosion, so what should she do?
Xiao Su'er fell into depression and sat on the sofa with her head in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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