Chapter 973 Risk Avoidance
Chapter 973 Risk Avoidance
"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel unhappy?" Xiao Wang ran over and hugged her to comfort her.

Xiao Su'er raised her head and looked at Xiao Wang's sensible look, her heart became much quieter, "Meng Bao, tell mom how to avoid risks? If I know that there will be an explosion in the future, but I don't know when it should happen, So what should I do?"

Xiao Su'er didn't know why, facing her son subconsciously wanted to confide in her heart, since her son is a child prodigy, then use his clever head.

"Hmm..." Listening to her question, Xiao Wang thought about it carefully and said, "Then prepare for first aid! Or just stay at home without going out, and you also need to know what level the explosion was What kind of harm will it cause, we must avoid all risks as much as possible, and minimize all harm..."

Xiao Wang talked endlessly, and he was still telling Xiao Su'er what to do, but Xiao Su'er felt that everything he said next was nonsense, because she had no way of knowing those things at all, but the first sentence he said The words are still useful, and it is true to prepare some protective measures.

"Okay, don't talk about Mengbao anymore, mom knows." Xiao Su'er hugged her son and kissed her son hard, and then ran into the room. When she arrived in the room, she didn't even bother to change her clothes, she just lay on the bed and entered Medicine spirit jade space.

There are all kinds of herbs planted in the space. She directly pulled out several herbs and began to refine medicine in the space. After she was going to refine a few and eat them, she would be able to see the medicine ahead even at the scene of the explosion full of smoke. But also can prevent smoke from entering the respiratory tract, completely smoke-proof.

At that time, if there is really no way, you still have to go through the explosion, at least you can increase the chance of escaping, and there are pills that can quickly restore the wound. If you are injured, you can prevent the wound from affecting your escape.

Although these pills are powerful, the process of making them is actually not very difficult. It didn't take long for her to refine the medicine she wanted, and she woke up from the medicine spirit jade space.

Xiao Su'er took all the medicines and called her grandfather who was overseas. The Ang family also had their own bodyguard company in mainland China. This time, they had to send several bodyguards to protect her. Although she didn't like being treated like this, People feel that they follow at any time, but in order not to cause more serious consequences, they still have to compromise.

When Mr. Ang heard on the phone that she wanted bodyguards to protect her, he was very excited, "Su'er, has something happened to you? Is someone going to hurt you? Is it Bo Qingang? Grandpa came back to accompany her." You! He simply doesn't want to live anymore, and he still wants to hurt you after so long, is it endless?"

"No, Grandpa, you misunderstood me. I want those bodyguards to protect Mengbao. I heard that it's not peaceful here recently, and many children have been lost. I'm worried that something will happen to Mengbao someday. I'm fine, Bo Qing Ang didn't come to harass me anymore, I'm doing well now, you don't have to worry."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Su'er started talking to herself, "I'm just looking for a reason to reassure Grandpa, and I'm not cursing my own child."

the next day.

Chi Siang really arrived at the clinic on time at noon, and he had his standard equipment in his hand: flowers.

He specially brought a large bouquet of flowers to the clinic, as if to celebrate Xiao Suer's initiative to let him come to the clinic today.

The front desk had already stretched out his hand, ready to ask him to bring flowers to him, and the empty vase was about to be filled with flowers, but he didn't expect that this time Chi Siang would directly enter Xiao Su'er's office with flowers in his arms. And Xiao Su'er did not refuse.

The nurses in the entire clinic were a little surprised and started discussing.

"Look, Doctor Xiao didn't drive him away this time, did he agree with his pursuit?"

"I think so! They look alike, and the two are actually a good match."

"I don't think they deserve it. Dr. Xiao and Young Master Bo are more worthy! What's more, both of them already have children, and the original parents must be together to give the child the greatest love. This Chi Si'ang looks pretty good. Unreliable, like a playboy."

"What nonsense are you talking about? People say they are playboys because they are handsome. Bo Shao is even more handsome than him. In fact, I think the two look alike. Do you think so?"

"You don't think it if you don't say it. Once you say it, I really think Bo Shao looks a lot like him."

Xiao Su'er has already arrived at the office, and she didn't hear the discussion of the nurses in the lobby on the first floor. Naturally, she didn't know that everyone thought that the two of them looked alike. As for herself, she never compared Chi Siang and Bo Qing to each other. Ang put them together and compared them. After all, the two of them are really far apart in age and personality.

"Today is a lily, not as gaudy as a rose, and it won't remind you of what happened yesterday, so you should accept it! Every time I send you flowers, they are placed at your front desk, but none of them can make you think of what happened yesterday. You put it in your office before, give me face this time."

Chi Si'ang handed the flowers he brought to Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er really didn't refuse this time, but she took it and put it aside casually, then took out a box from her bag and handed it to Chi Siang, "A gift from me."

Chi Siang looked at the box and was very surprised. He hadn't received a gift from Xiao Su'er for so long. This time, not only did he come to her on his own initiative, but also gave him a gift. It was a surprise after another.

"Su'er, do you have any strange impression of today's weather? Or is the sun rising from the west? You actually gave me a gift, let me see what you gave." After opening it, Chi Siang found that it was a piece of brand name His watch, inlaid with small diamonds, looks noble and luxurious, and it is the latest model, which fits his temperament very well.

"It's a nice watch, so I'll just wear it." Chi Siang immediately took off the watch from his hand, and replaced it with the one that Xiao Su'er gave him now.

Xiao Su'er looked at his movements, turned her eyes and continued: "Can you promise me that you will never take it off, and you will wear it 24 hours a day. This watch is waterproof, even if you take it in the shower It's okay too."

"You're really weird today, you actually asked me to wear this watch 24 hours a day, but since it's your request, I can only agree, don't worry." Chi Siang looked at the watch on his wrist and agreed He got down and looked down at the watch on his wrist, his eyes were full of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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