Chapter 977
Chapter 977
When Xiao Mengqiu spoke, there were triumphant smiles in her eyes, seeing Xiao Su'er's increasingly inexplicable expression, she directly raised her head to the sky and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Xiao Su'er, I will finally be able to see your expression like this one day. I couldn't figure it out before. Today is finally your turn."

"I'll die with you. When Bo Qingang thinks of you, he will think of me. After all, I am the one who killed you. Since I can't make him love you, let him hate you. Anyway It's enough for me to have a place with him."

She was completely insane. In order to let Bo Qingang remember that she had come up with such a terrible trick, after hearing what she said, Xiao Su'er felt that she was crazy, and didn't want to talk to her anymore, so she turned around and started I tried my best to open the door, kicked and pulled, but it was still useless, the door was tightly closed without moving.

She felt that the fire around her was getting bigger and bigger, and the heat waves came one after another. Looking at the raging flames, some pictures appeared in her head instantly, which were almost exactly the same as the scenes in her dream, and the dream became reality. up.

Although the distance was so long this time, the dream of predicting the future still came true. Does that mean that Chi Siang will really come to save her, and will die because of saving her in the end?

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er was a little anxious. She couldn't let anyone die because of her. She took out the medicine she had prepared and swallowed it, and then took out her mobile phone to call the Ang family, but she didn't expect that there was no signal on the phone. I can't receive them, let alone make a phone call, or even send a text message.

When she was doing all this, Xiao Mengqiu looked at her coldly and didn't stop her, as if she had already expected everything she had prepared, and looked at her like this and said proudly: "Okay, all the tricks you thought of are available to me. Use! Did you just take the anti-smog pill? Do you think it works?"

After hearing her words, Xiao Su'er immediately realized that something was wrong, and looked over with her spiritual eyes, the surrounding flames were not normal, but turned into purple-black flames, which were poisonous!

She also felt that some smoke had entered her nostrils. This kind of strong poison would become more and more powerful with the burning of the flames. She immediately covered her mouth and nose, but it didn't have any effect at all, and Xiao Mengqiu seemed to have broken the pot. , On the contrary, he spread his arms in a look of enjoyment.

"Don't struggle anymore, is this world worth your nostalgia? Go die with me! You will be free after death, and you won't have so many troubles."

Xiao Mengqiu closed her eyes, as if she was waiting for the moment of death, the poisonous smoke also entered her lungs, a pained expression appeared on her face, but she was still waiting for death peacefully.

Xiao Su'er covered her mouth and nose, but she still couldn't stop the poisonous smoke from invading her lungs. She leaned against the wall unbearably, and finally slid down to the ground. Simultaneously with the suffocation, she felt that she was already on the verge of death, and half of her foot was on the road to hell.

She was leaning on the cold ground, and the only thing she was lucky about was that now she and Xiao Mengqiu were the only two going to Huangquan together, so there was no need to worry about Chi Siang being implicated by her, because he died saving her.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and everything in the house was involved in the flames. Xiao Su'er felt that she was about to die. When she was dying, she felt that the door was knocked open by a huge force from outside, and she was like a savior. Appearing in front of her eyes, she walked in wearing Xiaguang.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the person at the door against the light, but her eyes widened immediately. The person who came in at the door was not Chi Siang's, but Bo Qingang!why?Was she mistaken?Or has the future changed?Or is it that the fire in the dream is not this one at all, will she experience another more exaggerated fire in the future?
Xiao Su'er fell into confusion, but the feeling of lack of oxygen in her head made it too late for her to think about it.

"Su'er, don't worry, I'm here!" Bo Qingang raised his gun and shot at Xiao Mengqiu who was already lying on the ground, and then rushed to Xiao Su'er, "Su'er, are you okay? I Take you away!"

Xiao Mengqiu covered his stomach that was shot, looked at the two people and snorted coldly, "Haha, do you think you can escape if you kill me? Don't be delusional, I'll wait for you on Huangquan Road, poof..."

In the middle of the sentence, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her entire facial features were wrinkled together, but she still did not forget to add insult to injury, "You two are doomed not to be together for the rest of your life, because of me five years ago, five years ago After all, God doesn’t want you to stay together again!”

"Shut up!" Bo Qingang kicked her far away, Xiao Mengqiu slid on the floor of the villa, and finally hit the wall before stopping. His stomach, which had already been shot, felt like it was cracking Open the same.

She clutched the wound, feeling the piercing pain, Bo Qingang seemed to have never felt sorry for her before, every time she was more ruthless, she asked with the last bit of strength, "Aang, have you ever been like that?" Like me a little bit? I thought you were willing to let me go because you still couldn't bear to face me, but now it seems that you don't have it at all, does it?"

"Never! Xiao Mengqiu, you hurt Su'er again and again, I wish I could tear you into pieces, today is your death day, I shouldn't let you go!
Seeing you grow up like this makes you live in this world lingeringly. I thought it would make you suffer more, but I didn't expect you to be wicked. I shouldn't have felt compassion in the first place. "

When Xiao Su'er was talking, Bo Qing'ang walked up to Xiao Mengqiu holding the gun, looked down at her, raised the gun to the top of her head against her forehead, and was about to fire another shot to end her life, Xiao Mengqiu shot She hugged his hand, "It turns out that you are only willing to look at me when you are sending me to the west, and only at this time can I get your attention?"

"go to hell!"


With a gunshot, a blood hole appeared on Xiao Mengqiu's forehead. Before she died, she couldn't close her eyes. The last image left in her pupils was the person she loved the most.

She watched Bo Qingang fall into a pool of blood with the eyes most similar to Xiao Su'er, ending her life.

Bo Qingang rushed back to Xiao Su'er's side to help her up and was about to leave, but Xiao Su'er inhaled the poisonous smoke, her whole body was so limp that she couldn't walk at all.

"Bo Qing'ang, take me with you, you can't leave by yourself, you can leave, don't let me implicate you." Xiao Su'er shook her head at him, she had already given up.

(End of this chapter)

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