Chapter 978 Dreams come true
Chapter 978 Dreams come true
Although she didn't know what went wrong, whether it was her dream predicting the future that was wrong, or the fire was wrong, but the person in front of her now is Bo Qingang, not Chi Si. Ang, no matter who she is, she doesn't want them to die for her.

Although Bo Qingang rushed in firmly to save her now, and Xiao Mengqiu ended up with a shot, which was completely different from his choice five years ago, but she didn't want to die full of guilt, and didn't want to owe her life to others.

"Don't talk nonsense! Why are you hurting me? I must rescue you." Seeing that she couldn't move, Bo Qingang picked her up and rushed towards the door, but the villa was already completely burned. Xiao Su'er just now When I came in, I was a little surprised why this villa was built differently from others.

The big room outside was empty, but it was used as a living room inside. I thought it was because the big living room hadn't been connected, but now I understand, it's just to prevent her from escaping.

Bo Qingang hugged her, firmly and forcefully encircling her in his arms, which made Xiao Su'er feel full of security. She leaned weakly on Bo Qingang's shoulder, and whispered thank you.

"Thank you, do we need to say thank you? I will definitely rescue you!" Bo Qingang rushed out of a door with her in his arms, but he was still in this villa. The one who really went out The door was so close to them, but it seemed to be thousands of miles away. The fire blocked the sight of the two of them, and they didn't know which direction to rush.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When Xiao Su'er felt dizzy and was about to faint, there were huge explosions around her, one after another like a thunderbolt hitting her head.

Her consciousness became clearer, and she tried to open her eyes, "She actually planted bombs around, it really can't do it! Bo Qingang, don't hug me. Although the fire here is big, I believe you can rush through it alone." Go out, rush in one direction!"

While talking, she began to struggle and wanted to leave his embrace, but Bo Qing'ang hugged her even harder, "Don't move around, the more you move, the more time you will delay us."

Bo Qingang identified the direction in the huge fire, and he could vaguely see the position of the door. He rushed in that direction, but he was smashed down by the broken pillars in the house after only two steps, and his clothes were smashed. The pillar shattered, exposing half of his shoulders.

Xiao Su'er leaned in his arms, he tried his best to protect her, and didn't hurt Xiao Su'er at all, but the wound on the shoulder was so obvious that Xiao Su'er could see it at a glance.

She immediately tried to support herself to look at the wound on Bo Qingang's shoulder, which completely overlapped with the one in the dream, and she shouted in surprise, "What's the matter with your wound? It wasn't there when you came to our clinic last time, you When was the injury? Why didn't I know?"

"Don't worry about it now, it's just a small wound, don't worry about it!" Bo Qingang didn't understand why Xiao Su'er cared so much about his wound at such a dangerous time, although he was very happy that she finally started to care about him, But now the time is wrong, the place is wrong.

Xiao Su'er was so shocked that the wound was exactly the same as what she saw in the dream, which meant that there was nothing wrong with it. Her dream still had the ability to predict the future, and the fire in the dream was what she was experiencing now, so why did the wound Will it be on Bo Qingang's body?
Now the facts are in front of her, proving that she made a mistake, it wasn't Chi Siang at all, the person who saved her in the dream was Bo Qingang!
Xiao Su'er was a little shocked and also a little angry, she was angry because she was so stupid, she never thought about other possibilities, if everything in the dream was true, Bo Qing'ang would die here to save her.

She immediately struggled and jumped out of Bo Qing'ang's arms, pushing Bo Qing'ang to go out, "You go! You go! Now you still have a chance to escape, go!"

"Boom! Boom!"

While she was talking, there were two explosions around her, and the wall collapsed. Seeing that the whole house was about to collapse, Bo Qingang didn't understand why she was so emotional all of a sudden, but he still held her hand tightly. "If you don't leave, I won't leave either. I will take you out together."

"Hurry up! I can't hurt you, you will die here, hurry up! Ahem..." Xiao Su'er was emotional when she spoke, and finally coughed violently, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Bo Qing'ang hugged him immediately, giving her the strongest arm in the house that was about to collapse.

"Why do you say that, if I escape and watch you die in front of me, it would be better for me to die. How can I live without you? I have been without you for the past five years. I feel that I don’t know what to eat, and the dormitory is unsafe, and I will never let you leave me again when you come back!"

Under such circumstances, she uttered the deepest words in her heart and gave Xiao Su'er the warmest confession. Xiao Su'er's eyes filled with tears. At such a critical moment of life and death, she no longer questioned what Bo Qingang said, but felt uncomfortable in her heart .

These days, she has been sneering at Bo Qingang and saying things that irritate him everywhere, thinking that he is a hypocrite, but now Bo Qingang is going to pay the price with her life to save her.

Xiao Su'er's tears fell from her eyes, she shook her head towards Bo Qingang's tearful eyes, "Hurry up, you really think about it..."


Another violent explosion came, Xiao Su'er felt that the wall closest to them was blown apart, a gust of cold wind did not reduce the intensity of the fire at all, but instead blew the fire onto Bao Qingang's body, burning it instantly, Bo Qingang quickly extinguished the fire.

"Boom!" There was the sound of the wall collapsing, the huge vibration made Xiao Su'er feel the whole ground shaking, and countless stones flew towards her and hit her body, causing pain like needles.

"Stop talking, let's go!" Bao Qing'ang pulled her to go out, but the wall behind him suddenly turned upside down, and it was about to hit the two of them, so Bao Qing'ang could only reach out and push Xiao Su'er out.

Xiao Su'er was forced to run two steps forward, and when she turned around, there was a flame in front of her, and she couldn't see Bo Qingang's figure at all, she yelled in fright, "Bo Qingang, you can hear me Do you? Answer me!"

There was no sound, only the crackling of the surrounding flames and the vibration of objects collapsing one after another. Xiao Su'er felt her lungs hurt more and more, and her breathing became weaker and weaker...

(End of this chapter)

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