Chapter 979 Sorrow
Chapter 979 Sorrow
"Bo Qing'ang!" Xiao Su'er covered her nose and yelled worriedly, hoping that Bo Qing'ang could give her an answer, but no matter how piercingly she screamed, there was no response. She could only feel that the fire around her was getting stronger and stronger. big.

"Bo Qingang, you can't really have an accident, right?" Xiao Su'er was crying, a little at a loss, and finally held her breath tightly, and ran back as if determined, even if she died, she would die with Bo Qingang Together, she doesn't want to live alone in the world, bearing the endless shame for the rest of her life, she will be so sad that she would rather die than live.


Another explosion sounded, and the huge force made Xiao Su'er feel a strong oppressive force. The whole person was thrown to the ground by this force, and his head hit the wall next to him, and he fainted instantly.

In an unfamiliar environment, Xiao Su'er woke up. This time it was somewhat similar to five years ago, but also a little different. This time, there were colors around her. She could feel the colors around her, but the colors around her seemed so strange, even a little distorted. .

She has never been here before, she can be sure, but she doesn't know why she came here, she walked forward blindly, and saw that familiar figure.

The man who was nearly 1.9 meters tall stood there, still so tall and stalwart, wearing her familiar gray windbreaker and standing not far away, his eyes were still very affectionate, when he looked at her like this, there was a clear spring in his eyes.

Xiao Su'er immediately ran to his side, looked him up and down, "Bo Qingang, you are fine, fortunately you are fine!"

She threw herself directly into Bo Qing'ang's arms, feeling at ease in her heart. Seeing that he was fine, she was relieved, like a boulder in her heart had successfully landed.

"Su'er, are you willing to forgive me? Can you forget what happened five years ago?" Bo Qingang hugged the person in her arms.

"Five years ago..." Xiao Su'er raised her head and looked into his affectionate eyes. In the explosion five years ago, Bo Qingang saved Xiao Mengqiu without hesitation, but today he killed Xiao Mengqiu with his own hands. Even if he sacrificed his life, he would save himself to escape. God, can you forgive me?
"Are you still unwilling to forgive me? I have done so much, but you still don't forgive me?" Bo Qingang suddenly became angry, and roared at Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er trembled all over, put her head in her hands and stepped back, muttering in her mouth language.

"I don't know, I don't know!" She really didn't know whether to forgive Bo Qingang, if Bo Qingang really died to save her, she would definitely blame herself in pain, but there always seemed to be a root in her heart The string was so tight that she couldn't relax, nor could she say the word forgive immediately.

"You just don't want to forgive me, do you still hate me in your heart even if I pay the price of my life for you, Xiao Su'er! You never loved me at all, did you?!"

"No! It's not like this!" Xiao Su'er yelled and woke up, opened her eyes and looked at the surrounding white environment, she was in a trance for a moment, what's going on?

Were you dreaming just now?She turned her head and saw familiar people, Xiao Shuo, Xiao Yuhan and even Mr. Ang who was far away overseas came back to see him, Ouyang Luo and Xia Xiaonan also rushed over, the room was full of people who knew and cared about her.

The medicine hanging on the top of her head was being slowly delivered into her body. She opened her mouth, but it felt as if it was going to split open, but she asked anxiously, "Where is Bo Qingang? Where is he?" ? Is he all right now?"

"Su'er, are you hungry? Otherwise, let's eat something first. Xiao Wang is still at home. The child is too young to tell him about your injury. It's good that you are fine now. Otherwise, I will go Let him take it for you!"

Everyone was silent, only Xia Xiaonan answered her, but the words she answered did not convey the meaning of the question, and she even talked about him, as if she couldn't hear the word Bo Qing'ang.

Xiao Su'er grabbed her hand, "Xiaonan, I'm asking you about Bo Qingang? How is he doing? Is he okay? You answer my question!"

"He..." Xia Xiaonan kept repeating the word, but couldn't tell where Bo Qingang was.

Xiao Su'er simply gave up, and turned to look at Ouyang Luo, "Ouyang Luo, tell me! Where is Bo Qingang? He is your good brother, you won't lie to me, tell me!"

When it came to the end, Xiao Su'er even seemed to be yelling. The abnormal behavior of these people made her have an ominous premonition. If Bo Qing'ang was still fine, they would not be like this. The more they behaved like this, the more worried she was. It's over!

Sure enough, after she finished yelling like this, Ouyang Luo frowned more and more tightly, and finally sighed deeply, "Su'er, there are some things that you have to accept whether you can bear it or not."

"What do you want me to accept? Why do you guys hesitate here? You just don't want to tell me what happened. Tell me! I can accept it. Did he suffer serious injuries?"

"It's okay, I can accompany him, I can take care of him, he was injured because of me, I will not let him go, no matter how serious his injury is, I will be responsible."

Xiao Su'er sat on the bed and yelled at the people around her. After she finished her yelling, the expressions of the people around her became worse and worse. Everyone seemed embarrassed. In the end, it was the oldest Mr. Ang who spoke. , "Su'er, my granddaughter, grandpa is here with you, no matter what happens, do you have to be strong and know?"

"Grandpa, tell me what happened to Bo Qing'ang! You won't lie to me, I know I will be strong, so tell me." Xiao Su'er still had the infusion needle inserted in her hand, but she held it recklessly. Mr. Ang's hand, speaking in a pleading tone.

"Su'er, you have to be sorry. The explosion was too serious. When we arrived, you fell by the door. Fortunately, we rescued you in time, otherwise you would be burned by the fire. After we finished you, we wanted to save Bo Qing." Ang, but it's too late, he's already..."

Old Man Ang couldn't continue his words, but the two words of condolences he said at the beginning already showed Bo Qing'ang's current situation, which meant that Bo Qing'ang must have returned to the nine heavens now.

Xiao Su'er couldn't accept it, she shook her head and looked at Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan beside her, "Father, brother, do you look like this? You tell me it's not like this, right? Did Grandpa remember it wrong? He's still fine now Is that right? He must be injured, I know it won't be completely fine in that case, but it's impossible to die, he'll be fine, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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