Chapter 15
He looked down at her, reached out to hold her pair of catkins, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will take you to a safe place."

Feng Tianying took her to a room and said: "You rest here first, I will go out and make arrangements, and I will pick you up in the evening."

Nan Ruo reluctantly watched him disappear from her sight, her heart suddenly felt empty, but she was no longer alone at last, thinking of this, she immediately felt extremely happy.

"Gulu~" There was a voice of protest from the stomach, Nan Ruo frowned slightly, pressed her stomach, feeling very depressed, why did she remind herself so sadly?In this ancient time, people are hungry all day long.She just ate two eggs and two bowls of beef noodles the night before, and she has already been hungry N times.

At this moment, a smell of meat wafted from the door, Nan Ruo's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran out, only to see a girl in green clothes walking over with a tray, Nan Ruo greeted her with a smile on her face, and said, "Sister , is this for me?"

The green-clothed girl smiled slightly and said, "My son asked me to send it over."

Nan Ruo was overjoyed, and followed the girl in green into the room, and brought the food to the table with her. Nan Ruo couldn't wait to serve herself a bowl of rice, and ate it with relish. After eating for a while, she found that The girl in green just watched her eat, but she didn't move her chopsticks. She asked puzzledly, "Why don't you eat?"

The girl in green said: "I've already eaten, you can eat."

Hearing what she said, Nan Ruo stopped caring about her and started eating on his own.

The girl looked at her for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Are you familiar with my young master?"

Nan Ruo ate a piece of lean meat and said, "Of course, he is my boyfriend."

The girl asked suspiciously, "Boyfriend?"

Seeing her puzzled expression, Nan Ruo knew that she didn't understand the meaning of "boyfriend". She put down the empty bowl, looked around, but couldn't find a tissue to wipe her mouth. Noticing her intention, she handed over a handkerchief and said, "Here you are."

Nan Ruo took it and wiped her mouth, smiled and said: "A boyfriend is the future husband. In your current words, he is a husband."

"Ah!" She opened her mouth wide in surprise, a trace of hostility flashed in her eyes, but her brows softened in an instant.

Realizing her gaffe, she stretched out her hand to gently cover her mouth, calmed down after a while, and said, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Nan Ruo, what about you?" Suddenly seeing a girl who was about the same age as her, Nan Ruo thought she was cute, so she wanted to make friends with her.

The girl in green said, "My name is Ping An."

Nan Ruo clapped his hands and laughed, "Wow, what a name, safe, everything is safe."

The two girls hit it off as if they hit it off, and they chatted very speculatively. Unknowingly, Nan Ruo's general information was asked by Ping An. When Nan Ruo couldn't help asking about her background, Ping An only said one sentence: "I His life was miserable, but later he was rescued by the young master, so he stayed by his side to serve him."

Nan Ruo sympathized with her very much, so he stopped asking each other. Ping An cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, got up and said goodbye: "Miss Nan, take a rest first, the young master will come to pick you up when he is done."

Nan Ruo thanked her and sent her to the door. Seeing that the sun was high outside, she just wanted to go out for a walk, but a burst of drowsiness hit her. Nan Ruo yawned and returned to the bed, fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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