The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 16 How dare he forget?

Chapter 16 How dare he forget?
Ping An turned a corner with the tray, handed the tray to a maid, and then walked along the street to the central hall. Feng Tianying was reading a book, and Ping An walked over, pursing her lips and thinking He patted him on the shoulder, but he grabbed him, and he said impatiently: "Stop playing, have you done what I asked you to do?"

Ping An withdrew her hand from Feng Tianying's, pouted her mouth, and said coquettishly, "Brother, you hurt me." She peeked at his sharp eyes, put away her grievance, and said, "Okay, okay, let me I have done everything I have done, and she is sleeping soundly now." Then she told him the information she got from Nan Ruo.

After hearing this, Feng Tianying waved her hands and said, "Ping An, you go down first, and call Yang Yi for me."

Biting his lip, Ping An stood for a while, and said, "Brother, are you really determined to help her?"

Feng Tianying glanced at her coldly, Ping An felt a thrill in his heart, bowed his head and said, "Yes, I'll go out to find Yang Yi right now." She backed out of the door, and suddenly stuck out her tongue, this brother really made her love him so much She was afraid, and wanted to get close to him, but when she saw his cold eyes, she couldn't say anything, and could only obediently follow his orders.

After half a stick of incense, Yang Yi came to Feng Tianying's room, he went up and cupped his fists and said, "Young Master."

Feng Tianying put down the book in his hand and said, "Is there any news from Liu Xu?"

Yang Yi took out a thumb-thick bamboo tube from his pocket, handed it to Feng Tianying, and said, "I just received it."

Feng Tianying pinched off the mud seal and took out a piece of paper inside. He opened it and glanced at it, then rubbed the paper in his palm with his right hand, his pupils shrank slightly, and his face became serious.

Seeing his solemn expression, Yang Yi was surprised. He didn't know what was written in the note, but it was difficult for him to ask for the note because he held it in his hand, so he leaned forward slightly and asked with concern: " Young master, what is written on it?"

Feng Tianying's face had regained his composure, he let go of his hand, handed the note to him, and said, "Look at it."

Yang Yi took the note, opened it hastily, his eyes quickly scanned the note, there was only a simple sentence on it: Nan Ruo, the daughter of Dazheng Township General Nan Jiye.

But the meaning contained in it is disturbing.

Yang Yi frowned and said, "Young master, is that woman actually Nan Jiye's daughter? Although Nan Jiye is a military commander and their White Eagle tribe is rough, they will not let their own daughter live in the rivers and lakes. . "

Yang Yiyue said that the more puzzled he felt, he stopped talking and looked at Feng Tianying.

Feng Tianying glanced at him, and said: "Yang Yi, you don't know, the women of the White Eagle Clan are no different from the women of our Tianying Dynasty. .not to mention."

When the words "Tianying Dynasty" were mentioned, a look of pain flashed in Feng Tianying's eyes, but it disappeared after only a moment, and continued: "What's more, a year ago, the daughter of Nan Jiye's mansion went missing, which shocked everyone. Up and down the ruling and opposition parties, Nan Jiye led the imperial guards of the capital and almost turned Luo City upside down."

Yang Yi nodded secretly, and said: "In this way, this Nan Ruo is the daughter of Nan Jiye." He paused, and suddenly said: "Does the young master want to send her back? In this case, Nan Jiye Ye must be grateful to the young master for his kindness in finding his beloved daughter back, and may be able to help us at that time."

Feng Tianying squinted her eyes, and said lightly, "There's no rush."

His four fingers were slightly bent, and he tapped the table lightly, making a slight sound, with a distant expression on his face, and he had already planned in his heart.

Back then, it was Nan Jiye who led the White Eagle Kingdom's iron cavalry to break through the great mountains and rivers of his Tianying Dynasty, occupy Luo City, and force the late emperor to death.

Although the two countries are fighting each other, how can he dare to forget the hatred of subjugation?It is not so easy for him to send Nan Ruo back!

What's more, he is now very close to King Xiang, just finding a daughter for him is not enough to make him change his position.

(End of this chapter)

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