The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 17 How could he do this?

Chapter 17 How could he do this?

Yang Yi suddenly remembered something, frowned and said: "If she is really Nan Jiye's daughter, then could it be that the incomparably powerful weapon in her hand is the latest made by the General's Mansion? If so, then we..." Yue Yue said Later, his brows furrowed tighter.

Feng Tianying frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: "Probably not, if he really had such a powerful weapon, he would have wiped them out in one fell swoop when Tuli invaded last year, how could he have fought fiercely for more than two years, and now he has to Negotiate peace with Tuli." He paused for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and said, "Lao San Lu of the Nangong family is also thinking about that artifact."

Yang Yi nodded, his frowning brows stretched out, even the Nangong family, the king of a hundred soldiers, was thinking about that artifact, how could Nan Jiye have such a great ability to create something that even the Nangong family was jealous of? Weapons come.

Yang Yi said: "What the young master said is very true. I think that Nanruo should have obtained that artifact by accident, otherwise that old man Lu from Nangong's family would not be able to get his idea." He paused and continued. : "Since Nan Ruo is from the General's Mansion, it's never appropriate for her to control that artifact."

Thinking of that Nan Ruo, I just felt that her whole body was full of weirdness.

He still remembered that Nan Ruo once said that the artifact was made by his father in the martial arts arena last time, and when she mentioned her father, she burst into tears. Could it be that her father is really not Nan Jiye?It's a character even more powerful than old man Nangong.

Feng Tianying nodded and said: "Well, I will figure out a way for this, you go and help me prepare a carriage, and I will send her to the Goddess Peak in the evening." Seeing that Yang Yi's brows were tightly frowned and his face was extremely strange, he asked : "Yang Yi, what did you think of?"

Yang Yi came back to his senses and said: "I remember last time, Nan Ruo once said that the artifact was made by his father, but the young master's words are not unreasonable, so I have been unable to figure out the key point."

Feng Tianying said: "This woman's temperament is indeed very weird, making people unpredictable. Maybe during the year she disappeared, she had some experiences that ordinary people can't imagine."

Thinking of Nan Ruo's undisguised intimacy with her, Feng Tianying became even more puzzled. Logically, even if she had lost her memory, why would she recognize herself? Could it be... .The Yinggege she was talking about was someone else, but it happened that he looked very similar to her, so she mistook it.

Thinking of this, Feng Tianying couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, and an inexplicable anger rose from the bottom of her heart.

Nan Ruo woke up again, it was already evening, when she opened her eyes, she saw the pink top of the tent, she was curious, the mosquito net when she was sleeping just now was white, how did it turn into pink, she sat up and felt the breeze Nan Ruo was startled as the scent of makeup and powder blew in from the window, did he return to Mingfenglou again?
She jumped out of the bed with bare feet, walked to the door with a few steps, and gently opened a crack in the door, only to see the pavilions and courtyards outside, with fragrant clothes and temples, but it was not Mingfeng Tower.

Nan Ruo hurriedly closed the door and leaned back against the door panel, feeling sad for a while, Brother Ying actually handed himself over to King Su, he...How can he do this?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Nan Ruo was startled, she didn't dare to make a sound, but pressed against the door with all her strength, took a deep breath, nodded subconsciously, and was ready to fight to the death.

Since no one can protect me, I can only protect myself!

(End of this chapter)

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