The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 212 I am a grassroots person, can I refuse?

Chapter 212 I'm a grassroots person, can I refuse?

There was a little doubt in Bai Lihong's eyes, he didn't seem to hear Wei Bing's words at all, he just said: "Wei Bing, tell me, how will she prove her innocence?"

Wei Bing was taken aback, and murmured: "This woman is very cunning, and she can even quibble over the fact that she was exposed in public. I really can't think of how she will prove it."

Bai Lihong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a spring-like smile appeared on his face again.

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew by, Bai Lihong shivered slightly, lowered his head and coughed.

Wei Bing came over in a hurry, and while beating his back for his master, he said: "Anyway, if it wasn't for her, Your Highness, you wouldn't have invited yourself to fight, and you wouldn't have this disease. It's been almost a year. Well, it still doesn't get any better."

Bailihong wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and said with a wry smile, "It's my own poor health, so I can't blame her. What's more, as a upright man, even if he dies for the country, he is obliged to do so. I only blame my poor health. Before he actually went to the battlefield, he fell ill and had to be recalled to Los Angeles by his father."

Wei Bing is the son of Wei Ling, the Grand Master of Wei, and he was accompanied by Bai Lihong since he was a child. Therefore, his relationship with Bai Lihong is very close, just like brothers. In his heart, on the one hand, he regards Bai Lihong as his own. Master, from another perspective, he loves him like a brother.

That's why he didn't want to see Nan Ruo so much. Seeing what Bai Lihong said at this moment, a pity surged in his heart, and he said: "His Royal Highness is the prince of Dazheng, and there is no room for loss. What's more, It is the duty of the general to kill the enemy on the battlefield. His Highness staying in Los Angeles to assist the emperor in dealing with state affairs is also serving the Taisho. There is no essential difference between the two. It can be said that His Highness's duty in staying in Los Angeles is even more important , Your Highness, please put the big things first."

Wei Bing is worthy of being the son of Grand Master Wei, and he has a very thorough understanding of these principles, and he is also very handy in enlightening the prince.

Hearing what he said, Bai Lihong just smiled lightly.


When Nan Ruo came out of Jingyuan, her thoughts were ups and downs along the way, and she had many questions. She wanted to know the answer, but she didn't know who to ask.

Before I knew it, I came to Liu Laosan's temporarily rented home.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a man in black clothes standing at the door.

Nan Ruo's eyes lit up.

That's right, she can ask Feng Tianying, there is no one more suitable than him to solve these problems for herself.

Nan Ruo thought about it, then walked up with a smile, and said: "His Royal Highness King Yun came to see the landscape ornament again."

These days, Feng Tianying would come here every now and then to see how the work assigned to Nan Ruo was doing.

Because she didn't have any extra money at hand, Nan Ruo didn't hire anyone at all, and instead of those fellows under Liu Laosan, Nan Ruo entrusted them with the general work, and she still did the fine work by herself.

Feng Tianying glanced at her, and said with a half-smile: "Grandmother's birthday is only a few days away, so I naturally have to keep an eye on it. See, I haven't come for a while, and you don't know where to go to be lazy." .”

"You're wronged!" Nan Ruo cried out with a full face of grievance: "The crown prince summoned me, you say I'm a grassroots person, can you refuse?"

The two of them were talking, and they had already entered the gate of Liu Laosan's house.

Feng Tianying didn't seem surprised at all, but went straight to the right without asking a word.

(End of this chapter)

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