The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 213 Then How Did You Answer The Answer?

Chapter 213 Then how did you answer?
At the end to the right, there is a small courtyard that Nan Ruo specially asked Liu Laosan to prepare for her. It is clean and undisturbed.

Every time Nan Ruo came, except to go to the front hall to see whether Liu Laosan and his work were done up to standard, he was in this room.

And every time Feng Tianying comes, he is basically in this room, so after these days, he is almost familiar with the road.

The two entered the courtyard, and after closing the courtyard door, Feng Tianying asked indifferently: "What did the prince ask you? How did you answer?"

Nan Ruo couldn't help sneering, he must have held back this sentence for a long time, right?

Seeing her sneer, Feng Tianying couldn't help but turn cold, and his eyes were sharply slashed down.

Nan Ruo stuck out his tongue and said truthfully: "He asked me why I came back alone and where He Ziling went."

Feng Tianying gave a grunt, and it didn't seem strange at all. Seeing that Nan Ruo stopped talking, she asked lightly, "Then how did you answer?"

Nan Ruo said, "Run away."

"Run away?" Feng Tianying also had the same surprised expression as Bai Lihong.

As soon as Nan Ruo saw his expression, he felt that there was some drama. Feng Tianying must know what the relationship between them was.

So she walked up in a doggy manner, tugged at his sleeve, and said, "Why do you all have the same expression when you hear that he ran away, hey, tell me, what's the matter with that man?"

Feng Tianying glanced at her, suddenly flipped his palm, and with a flash of silver light, Nan Ruo felt something cold pressing against his chest.

When she looked down, she broke out in a cold sweat, and what was pressed against her chest was the laser gun she brought from modern times.

In the past, Nan Ruo would not have cared about it at all, because this gun is controlled by fingerprints, and she is the only one in the world who can use this laser gun, but now it is different, Feng Tianying can also use it.

Nan Ruo didn't think that he would want to kill herself, but he didn't understand this thing. If he accidentally pressed the wrong button and lost the fire, then she would die unjustly.

Nan Ruo hurriedly said: "You, you put it down quickly, this gun is not fun, it is easy to go off."

Feng Tianying smiled coldly and said, "Tell me, who are you?"

Nan Ruo looked at the sky speechlessly, closed his eyes, and said, "I am Nan Ruo, the Nan Ruo who is just like a fake."

She is indeed Nan Ruo, this is her real name, and she is not lying.

Feng Tianying narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she didn't believe her words.

Nan Ruo was extremely afraid that he would accidentally walk away from the fire of the laser gun, so he hurriedly added: "Who stipulates that in this world, only she is allowed to be called Nan Ruo, and I am not allowed to be called Nan Ruo."

After hearing her words, Feng Tianying finally licked the corners of her lips in satisfaction, but the gun was still pressed against her chest.

As if he was teasing her, he slowly moved the gun up to her fair and delicate neck, and gently rubbed the skin on her neck, his movements were ambiguous and dangerous.

Nan Ruo was really angry, and said: "Stop playing, people will really die."

Feng Tianying said: "Do you think that with just one sentence, you can pass the test?"

Nan Ruo looked at him in astonishment, and murmured, "What else do you want me to say?"

Feng Tianying said: "You are not Nan Ruo from the General's Mansion, then who are you? Where do you come from? Why do you have this peerless weapon? What was your purpose when you approached me?" Feng Tianying asked in one breath After asking a few questions, he suddenly breathed out, this Nan Ruo had too many secrets, and he wanted to ask more than just these few questions.

(End of this chapter)

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