The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 222 The thief shouts to catch the thief

Chapter 222 The thief shouts to catch the thief
Nan Xinya sat up from the bed with a whoosh, Emei frowned slightly, jumped off the bed, turned around and walked to the bed post, looked at the letter fixed on the bed post, stood there for a while, and then stepped forward to take the letter down.

Nan Xinya picked up the letter and took a look through the moonlight coming in from the window, and saw that there were eight large characters written on it: The revenge of the day, I will report today, Nan Xinya read it, and suddenly she couldn't stand upright, and shook violently After a while, she hurriedly supported the leg of the table next to her, so as not to fall.

She rubbed the letter under her hands, and ran to the window sill where Nan Ruo was just now, only to see an unusually familiar white figure flashing outside the window.

Nan Xinya trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice: "Who? Who is it?"

For a while, the surroundings were silent. Nan Xinya leaned sideways and listened carefully, but she still didn't hear any sound.

Nan Xinya hesitated for a moment, then suddenly ran to the door, opened it with a creak, and walked quickly to the yard, standing in the middle of the yard, her eyes cautiously watching everything around her, and whenever there was a slight disturbance, she would immediately Turning around immediately, the atmosphere became extremely tense for a while.

But there was no one.

Just when she was suspicious and wanted to go back to the room.

Suddenly there was a sound behind her, she swished her head back, and saw a white shadow flashing not far away, that figure was very similar to that of He Ziling back then, Nan Xinya's heart immediately jumped up and her whole body was shaking. There was a shudder.

She raised her foot and was about to chase after the white shadow, but just after taking two steps, suddenly there were two puffs, the awl that shot the letter just now came down, Nan Xinya was so frightened that her legs went limp, and she fell to the ground with a trembling sound. Said: "You, who are you?"

But the white shadow turned into the bushes and disappeared in an instant.

Nan Xinya sat on the ground for a while, and suddenly her whole body was shaken. She immediately got up from the ground, opened the door and shouted: "Come on, there are assassins, there are assassins."

After a while, several soldiers from the General's Mansion ran over, and the leader said: "Miss, where is the assassin?"

Nan Xinya calmed down now, and said: "The assassin is a man in white clothes, he was still in this yard just now."

The leader turned around and waved to his subordinates, saying, "Did you all hear clearly? It's an assassin in white clothes. Search immediately."

Several people immediately nodded and said yes, as if they were going to search.

At this moment, there were soft footsteps at the door, and Nan Ruo walked in wearing a dark red cloak. Her eyes scanned the faces of everyone present, and said, "You are looking for someone in white." An assassin? I just saw him go that way."

She said, pointing outside.

After all, Nan Ruo is Miss Di, so when the leader saw her, he immediately stepped forward to salute, and said, "This subordinate has met Second Miss."

Nan Ruo waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be polite, go after him quickly, lest he run away."

In fact, at this time, Hong'er had already put on the black cloak that Nan Ruo brought, and slipped out from the back door of Yazhuxuan. At this moment, she might have arrived at Cuiyuxuan, changed her clothes and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Hearing what Nan Ruo said, the leader immediately directed his subordinates to turn around and chase outside.

Nan Ruo just glanced at Nan Xinya lightly, turned around and walked towards the door without saying a word.

Nan Xinya looked at Nan Ruo's back, her hands were tightly held together, her long nails pierced the skin of her palms, and there was a sharp pain.

Nan Xinya took two quick steps and said, "Nan Ruo! It's you?! You're a thief calling for a thief, saying, where did you hide He Ziling?"

(End of this chapter)

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