The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 223 I have my own arrangements

Chapter 223 I have my own arrangements

Nan Ruo paused slightly, turned her head and smiled at her, that smile was full of threats.

Nan Xinya couldn't help feeling all over her body.

Nan Ruo didn't say anything, turned around and continued to walk forward.

However, in Nan Xinya's heart, she thought that Nan Ruo came to protest her, and she asked He Ziling to show up to remind her that she really had her evidence in her hands, and she had to go to the appointment tomorrow.

After Nan Ruo left, Nan Xinya didn't go back to her room to sleep. She just took out an object that was worn on her chest, squeezed it tightly, and then went back to the room to find a black cloak. Then he went out.

In fact, Nan Ruo didn't go far, but hid near Ya Zhuxuan to see what Nan Xinya would do.

Sure enough, she saw Nan Xinya come out of the courtyard in a hurry and headed west.

Nan Ruo followed her quietly, because Nan Xinya didn't know martial arts, so it was easy for Nan Ruo to follow all the way, and she didn't notice her.

Nan Xinya came to a dense forest in the west of the city, and saw that she took out the object from her chest, put it in her mouth and started blowing.

Nan Ruo saw a black horn piccolo in her hand through the moonlight.

The sound from the piccolo was extremely sharp and piercing, and it could be heard within a radius of ten miles.

Nan Ruo knew that she must be recruiting someone, so she hid herself in the nearby bushes to hide herself better.

After a while, there was a whoosh sound from the dense forest, and a black shadow fell beside Nan Xinya instantly as if falling from the sky.

When Nan Xinya saw the person coming, she immediately greeted him in surprise, and said, "My lord."

The black shadow hummed coldly, and said: "You use the sheep flute to send a message, what's the important thing?"

Nan Xinya originally wanted to reach out and grab the black shadow's hand, but seeing how cold he was, she dared not put it down.

Nan Xinya said: "Young master, He Ziling is really not dead. He came back and said he wants to take revenge on me."

As Nan Xinya said, she handed the letter to the shadow with both hands.

Hei Ying reached out to take it, glanced at it quickly, and then crushed the letter into powder.

Nan Xinya trembled slightly, she seemed a little scared, she took a step back a little.

Seeing that the black shadow didn't speak, Nan Xinya said, "My lord, what should I do? Do you want to go to the appointment tomorrow?"

The black shadow glanced at her and said, "Okay, you go."

Nan Xinya said: "But, then He Ziling's martial arts are amazing, I, I'm afraid he will..."

The black figure moved suddenly, only to hear a crackling sound in the night sky, only to hear the black figure coldly say: "Incompetent!"

Nan Xinya immediately knelt down covering her face.

The black figure stood there for a while, then suddenly stretched out a hand to Nan Xinya.

A flash of surprise flashed in Nan Xinya's eyes, and she stretched out her jaded hand to catch that black shadow's hand.

The black shadow pulled her up and said, "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

While speaking, his eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

At this moment, a light sound suddenly came from the woods, and the direction of the sound was exactly where Nan Ruo was hiding.

The black figure turned around and walked towards Nan Ruo step by step.

Nan Ruo saw his long and narrow eyes shining brightly, even if she didn't know martial arts, she could still feel the murderous aura coming towards her face, Nan Ruo's heart suddenly jumped wildly.

She covered her mouth tightly, not even daring to breathe too hard, for fear of being discovered by the black shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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