The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 231 What a domineering man

Chapter 231 What a domineering man
Nan Ruo sneered, leaned over and said, "Are you caring about me?"

Feng Tianying raised her eyes to look at her, and said with a half-smile: "I don't care about you enough?"

She looked at the faint soft light in his black eyes, and the long eyelashes drooping down. Nan Ruo couldn't help admiring how a man's eyelashes could grow so long. She suddenly felt that he was the prettiest person she had ever seen. man.

After taking a closer look, she was surprised to find that there were actually subtle differences between him and Luo Yingchuan.

Especially those eyes, which are so pure black and bottomless that people can't help but indulge in them just by looking at them, unable to extricate themselves.

And Luo Yingchuan's eyes are slightly yellow, which is a common eye color among Chinese people.

"Have you seen enough?" Feng Tianying suddenly said with a bit of teasing: "Even if I'm pretty, I don't have to stare like this."

A blush instantly rose on Nan Ruo's face, and her heart thumped, as if a deer was rampaging inside, she immediately lowered her head, not daring to study him any more.

But after a while, she secretly raised her eyes again and looked at him quietly, as if she could never get enough of him.

Suddenly her face turned cold, and one hand raised her chin.

Nan Ruo had no choice but to raise her head, her eyes met his, her heart trembled violently, as if she was going to be sucked into his deep eyes, with a trembling of joy.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he commanded: "If you like to watch, then watch it in a fair way." He liked her looking at her like this, and at this moment, he saw concentration in her eyes.

Slowly, he lowered his face and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Nan Ruo felt that her heartbeat was about to stop, she was at a loss for a moment, she closed her eyes forcefully, as if she was waiting for him to continue kissing her.

However, after waiting for a long time, without waiting for him to continue, Nan Ruo couldn't help but opened his eyes in astonishment, and saw him looking at himself with a smile.

Nan Ruo's face flushed instantly, and he slapped his hands away annoyedly, and put them on the ground, about to stand up.

However, Feng Tianying flipped his palm, grabbed her hand, and fell down completely. His mouth was close to her ear, and he whispered in her ear: "Call me Brother Tianying!"

His voice was deep and hoarse, with an indescribable charm, bewitching those who heard him to do what he said.

Nan Ruo was shocked, and looked up at her with some doubts, not understanding why he made such a strange request.

Feng Tianying stared at her with a pair of dark eyes, and continued to say in a bewitching voice: "Call me Brother Tianying."

Nan Ruo only felt a soft spot of light shining in the depths of his black eyes. In that spot of light, Nan Ruo could almost see his own miniature clearly, as if at this moment, in his heart and eyes, there was only She was alone, and she was like the treasure he held in his palm.

Nan Ruo suddenly felt a slight heat all over his body, his heart jumped up, and his face became even redder.

She suddenly understood why he asked her to call him Brother Tianying. If he called him Brother Ying, he would not be able to tell whether she was calling him or Luo Yingchuan.

Wanting to understand this, Nan Ruo suddenly felt sad, this proud man, this caressing man, he could even distinguish her title so clearly.

What a domineering man!However, why is she not angry at all, instead... there is a little sweetness...

(End of this chapter)

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